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杨晓冬,博士,教授,博士生导师,黑龙江省高层次人才。 中国机械工程学会特种加工分会常务理事,教育部公派日本东京大学高级访问学者,东京农工大学访问学者。近年来主持了国家自然科学基金项目、黑龙江省攻关国际合作项目、黑龙江省自然基金重点项目,教育部留学回国人员科研基金项目、哈尔滨科技创新人才研究专项资金等,并参与了863专项、国家重大专项以及国际合作项目。主要研究方向为特种能场先进加工理论与技术、增材制造技术、智能制造等。获得黑龙江省科技二等奖1项,黑龙江省高校科技一等奖1项、江苏省科技进步三等奖1项。发表相关论文100余篇,主编及参编特种加工教材及专著9本,授权发明专利10余项。荣获2022年中国机械工程学会特种加工分会“最美科技工作者”称号。 教育经历 1986-1991 同济大学 工程机械专业(五年制) 获学士学位 1994-1999 哈尔滨工业大学 机械制造及其自动化 (硕博连读 )获博士学位 工作经历 1991-1994 中国航空工业空气动力研究院 助工 2000-2002 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 机械制造及自动化系 讲师 2002-2009 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 机械制造及自动化系 副教授 2009-目前 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 机械制造及自动化系 教授 2010-目前 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院 机械制造及自动化系 博士生导师 2005.10-2006.10 日本东京农工大学 教育部公派访问学者 2007.11-12 日本东京农工大学 访问研究员 2016.11-12 日本东京大学 客座研究员 高级访问学者 2019.11-12 日本东京大学 客座研究员 高级访问学者 2022.11 日本东京大学 高级访问学者 2011-目前 历任哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院院长助理、机械制造及自动化系副主任


科研方向一: 先进特种加工新技术 特种加工基于物理或化学能量场对材料进行去除或添加,多为非接触加工,没有宏观作用力,具有以柔克刚的特性,被广泛应用于各制造领域,特别是航空航天、能源动力装备、汽车、微电子、生物医疗等高端制造领域。随着高性能、难加工、复合材料以及特殊结构的不断出现,将对特种加工提出更高的要求。本研究致力于满足特殊需求、具有优越加工性能的特种加工新技术及复合特种加工技术的研究。 科研方向二: 微细电火花加工技术 微细电火花加工特别适用于机械切削加工难以胜任的高硬度、高强度、高熔点、高韧性、高脆性金属材料的加工,在微细制造领域有着非常独特的技术优势,被广泛地应用于如发动机喷油嘴、喷丝板、电子元器件和光学元器件以及微小刀具等的加工制造中。 挑战微细电火花加工的微细化极限加工能力,系统研究微细电火花加工中影响其微细化能力的因素等基础问题,探索和研究实现纳米尺度上微细电火花加工的新方法和关键技术,实现对目前的微细电火花加工微细化能力的突破。 追求微细电火花加工的高效化,系统研究微细电火花加工中影响其放电稳定性和加工高效化的因素等基础问题,探索和研究实现高效微细电火花加工的新技术及其加工机理,实现微细电火花加工效率的大幅度提高,为最终实现微细零部件的微细电火花加工的批量生产提供理论基础和技术支持。 科研方向三:电火花加工的仿真与观测研究 电火花加工的放电蚀除过程发生在极短的时间内和极微小的空间内,很难通过实验的方法来明确放电加工现象。计算机模拟仿真技术的迅速发展为电火花加工机理的研究提供了有效地手段。 采用分子动力学仿真实现电火花加工微观加工过程的可视化,致力于揭示电火花加工蚀除机理和微观属性。 基于多物理场耦合模拟,揭示电火花加工放电蚀除过程及材料蚀除机制。 基于高速摄像观测技术,揭示电火花加工放电蚀除过程及材料蚀除机制。 科研方向四: 增材制造技术 基于新的热源探索新的金属增材制造方法,并通过增减材复合提高金属增材制造的加工精度和加工质量。


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Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang. Thermo-hydraulic analysis of melt pool dynamics and material removal on anode in electrical discharge machining. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 203, April 2023, 123816, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123816 XiaomingDuan, QiLi, WeiranXie, XiaodongYang. Wire arc metal additive manufacturing using pulsed arc plasma (PAP-WAAM) for effective heat management. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 311, January 2023, 117806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2022.117806 Duan, XM; Zhuang, J and Yang, XD;Effects of pulse interval on forming process in wire arc metal additive manufacturing using pulsed arc plasma (PAP-WAAM);3D PRINTING AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Xiaoming Duan , Xiaodong Yang;Achieving enhanced strength and ductility in 316L stainless steel via wire arc additive manufacturing using pulsed arc plasma;Materials Science & Engineering A Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang. Modelling and simulation of surface formation in electrical discharge machining based on thermo-hydraulic coupling . Precision Engineering, Volume 85, January 2024, pp 126-135, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precisioneng.2023.09.013 Chen Liu, Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang. Analysis of arc plasma characteristics and energy distribution in EDM based on two-temperature model. Precision Engineering, Volume 83, September 2023, 204-215, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precisioneng.2023.06.008 Xiaoming Duan, Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda. Achieving high replicability for electrochemical machining via the stamp flushing method in stationary electrolyte. Precision Engineering, Volume 85, January 2024, Pages 10-23, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precisioneng.2023.09.002. Xiaoming Duan, Ruirui Cui, Haiou Yang, Xiaodong Yang. Hybrid additive and subtractive manufacturing method using pulsed arc plasma[J]. Materials, 2023, 16, 4561. DOI: 10.3390/ma16134561. Xiaoming Duan, Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda. Influences of the tool stroke motion on ECM in stationary electrolyte using stamp flushing method[C]. 2023 Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE) Spring Meeting, Tokyo, 2023, 3. 庄津、段晓明、杨海欧、杨晓冬. 基于转移脉冲火花放电通道的金属悬垂结构无支撑熔丝增材成形研究[J]. 电加工与模具, 2023, 8. Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda. High-speed Observation of Cathode Phenomena in Electrical Discharge Machining. International Conference of the Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. 2023.11 香港 刘晨、杨晓冬, 基于双温度模型的电火花加工放电通道多物理场模拟, 第19届全国特种加工学术会议,2023.3 杭州 张桐、解为然、史秋明、杨晓冬, 基于小波变换的微细电火花加工放电状态识别方法研究, 第19届全国特种加工学术会议,2023.3 杭州 赵一锦、杨晓冬, 基于电容耦合给电的CFRPs高质量电火花小孔加工研究, 第19届全国特种加工学术会议,2023.3 杭州 刘晨、杨晓冬,电极材料对电火花加工放电通道特性的影响 ,2023年全国电火花成形加工技术研讨会,2023.8, 哈尔滨 李其、杨晓冬, 基于单脉冲放电的不同工具电极加工钢件材料蚀除过程及放电通道观测 ,2023年全国电火花成形加工技术研讨会,2023.8, 哈尔滨 赵一锦、杨晓冬, 利用高低频复合脉冲电源的高效高质量碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料电火花孔加工,2023年全国电火花成形加工技术研讨会,2023.8, 哈尔滨 崔瑞瑞、杨晓冬, 4H-SiC电火花加工蚀除过程的分子动力学模拟,2023年全国电火花成形加工技术研讨会,2023.8, 哈尔滨 Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda. Simulation of discharge crater formation in EDM coupled with analysis of fluid flow in gap. JSPE2022年度精密工学会春季大会. Xiaodong YANG,Dongbo WEI, Chen LIU, Jicheng BAI, Yongfeng GUO. Reformand Exploration of Deliberative Practical Teaching Model of Non-traditional Machining. ICTC&EEIT 2022 MAY 6-8. Online. Weiran Xie, Tong Zhang, Xiaodong Yang. Study on discharge state detection of micro-EDM,based on wavelet transform method, online, Zurich, Switzerland, ISEM 2022, Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 70–74 Qi Li,Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda. Observation of EDM gap phenomena of single pulse discharge under different environments, online, Zurich, Switzerland, ISEM 2022, Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 87–92 Yijin Zhao, Songyuan Lu, Xiaodong Yang, Jiabao Geng, Dongbo Wei. Study on characteristics of EDM using pulse power supply with active high-frequency oscillation, online, Zurich, Switzerland, ISEM 2022, Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 256–261 Xiaoming Duan, Xiaodong Yang, Imaizumi Hirotaka, Masanori Kunieda. Study on influences of the axial flow of electrolyte on ECM in stationary electrolyte using stamp flushing method. JSPE2022年度日本精密工学会秋季大会,2022. 9 Xiaoming Duan, Xiaodong Yang, Imaizumi Hirotaka, Masanori Kunieda. Study on the machining characteristics of precision ECM in stationary electrolyte using stamp flushing method. JSEME2022日本電気加工学会全国大会, 2022. 11 Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang. Simulation of surface topography in EDM based on thermo-hydraulic coupling model. The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering. Nara, Japan. 2022.11.28-12.2 楊暁冬. 放電加工の放電痕形成と材料除去メカニズムの熱流体解析. 電気加工学会誌,Vol. 56, No. 141, pp.10-17 Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang. The role of discharge plasma on molten pool dynamics in EDM. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,Volume 293 (SCI收录) 张桐,陈晓菲,杨晓冬. 低电压下微能RC脉冲电源放电波形研究. 电加工与模具,2021年第1期, pp:11-14. 赵一锦,耿家宝,杨晓冬. CFRPs电火花加工热影响区抑制方法. 航空学报,25660-1 楊暁冬,段暁明. ワイヤを用いた金属放電積層造形法の開発. 日本電気加工学会第233回電気加工研究会, online, 2021/7,電気加工技術(第45卷 第141号),pp:11-14. Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunied. Observation of melt pool dynamics and material removal in EDM with graphite tool electrode. JSPE2021年度日本精密工学会秋季大会,2021. 9.21-27. Qi LI, Xiaodong YANG, Masanori KUNIED. Observation of melt pool dynamics and material removal with different dielectrics in electrical discharge machining. International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), 2021. 11.14-18 Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunied. Observation of gap phenomena under effect of liquid in single pulse discharge of EDM. 日本電気加工学会全国大会, 2021. 11.25-26. 杜宗雨,杨晓冬. 电火花加工热应力诱导微弯曲方法研究. 电加工与模具,2021年第4期 Xiaoming Yue, Ji Fan, Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang*, Zuoke Xu, Zhiyuan Chen. Influence of discharge gap on material removal and melt pool movement in EDM discharge process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021 (SCI收录) Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang. Molecular dynamics simulation of material removal process and mechanism of EDM using a two-temperature model . Applied Surface Science, Volume 528, 30 October 2020, 147009 (SCI收录) Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang.Study on arc plasma movement and its effect on crater morphology during single-pulse discharge in EDM. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020, 106: 5033-5047. (SCI收录) Xiaohui Li,Dongbo Wei,Qi Li,Xiaodong Yan. Study on effects of electrode material and dielectric medium on arc plasma in electrical discharge machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020, 107: 4403-4413. (SCI收录) 李世争, 杨晓冬, 解为然. 微束电弧选区熔化金属增材制造方法研究. 电加工与模具,,2020年第3 期, pp:59-63. 杨晓冬,田静. 单脉冲放电过程中熔池及材料蚀除的高速摄像观测研究. 电加工与模具,,2020年第1期, pp:7-11. Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang,Modeling and Simulation of Melt Flow during Discharge Crater Formation in EDM,日本电气加工学会全国大会 Xie Weiran, Li Shizheng,Xiaodong Yang. Development of additive manufacturing method by selective melting using micro arc plasma. Procedia CIRP, v 95, p 66-71, 2020, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, ISEM 2020 (EI收录) Qi Li, Xiaodong Yang. Influence of tool electrode material on material removal and surface integrity in electrical discharge machining. Procedia CIRP, v 95, p 383-388, 2020, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, ISEM 2020 (EI收录) Xiaodong Yang,Songyuan Lu, Xiaohui Li, Qi Li. Discharge crater formation simulation coupled by thermo-fluid analysis of arc plasma in EDM. Procedia CIRP, v 95, p 232-237, 2020, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, ISEM 2020 (EI收录) Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang Qi Li, Xiaohui Li,Novel methods for high-speed observation of material removal and molten pool movement in EDM,PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, Volume66, P295-305 (SCI检) 姜珊, 李其, 杨晓冬. SiCp/Al混粉电火花加工温度场仿真研究. 电加工与模具, 2019 年第4 期, pp:15-19. 李晓惠, 韦东波, 杨晓冬. 电火花加工放电通道的多物理场耦合仿真研究. 电加工与模具, 2019 年第4 期, pp:27-31. 杨晓冬,田静. 单脉冲放电过程中熔池及材料蚀除的高速摄像观测研究. 第18届全国特种加工学术会议. 新疆 乌鲁木齐,2019/8 李其,杨晓冬. 基于RCL电源的电火花加工表面形貌特性研究. 第18届全国特种加工学术会议. 新疆 乌鲁木齐,2019/8 李世争, 杨晓冬, 解为然. 微束电弧选区熔化金属增材制造方法研究. 第18届全国特种加工学术会议. 新疆 乌鲁木齐,2019/8 杨晓冬,岳晓明. 电火花加工中放电间隙对材料蚀除过程的影响. 第18届全国特种加工学术会议. 新疆 乌鲁木齐,2019/8 楊暁冬. 招待講演「放電加工の放電痕形成の熱流体解析と直接観察」. 日本電気加工学会第227回電気加工研究会, 名古屋工業大学, 2019/7  日本電気加工学会電気加工技術第43卷,第135号:31‐48 楊暁冬.「放電加工の放電痕形成の熱流体解析と直接観察」. 日本電気加工学会放電加工現象基礎研究委員会第4 回研究会, 東京大学, 2019/7 Jiajing TANG, Xiaodong YANG and Masanori KUNIEDA. Study on Influence of Tool Electrode Material on Discharge Delay Time in EDM. 精密工学会誌, 2019/11 (EI收录) Guanglei Feng, Xiaodong Yang, Guanxin Chi. Experimental and simulation study on micro hole machining in EDM with high speed tool electrode rotation[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, 101(1-4): 367-375. (SCI收录,IF=2.601 XiaomingYuea, Qi Li, XiaodongYang. Influence of thermal stress on material removal of Cf_SiC composite in EDM. Ceramics International, 2019,12 (SCI收录) 岳晓明,杨晓冬. 电火花加工过程高速摄影研究综述. 电加工与模具,,2019年第6期, pp:1-5. Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang, Jing Tian, Zhenfeng He, Yunqing Fan. Thermal, mechanical and chemical material removal mechanism of carbon fiber reinforced polymers in electrical discharge machining [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2018, 133: 4-17. (SCI检, IF=5.106) Jiajing Tang, Xiaodong Yang. Simulation investigation of thermal phase transformation and residual stress in single pulse EDM of Ti–6Al–4V. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2018, 51(13): 135308-135320. (SCI检FZ1UU) Jiajing Tang, Xiaodong Yang. A novel thermo-hydraulic coupling model to investigate the crater formation in electrical discharge machining. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2017, 50(36): 365301-365313. (SCI检 FM7ZG) Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang, and Masanori Kunieda. Influence of metal vapor jets from tool electrode on material removal of workpiece in EDM [J]. Precision Engineering, 2018, 53: 278-288. (SCI检, IF=2.582) Xiaoming Yue, and Xiaodong Yang. Molecular dynamics simulation of machining properties of polycrystalline copper in electrical discharge machining [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017: 0954405417748187. (SCI检, IF=1.366) Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang, and Masanori Kunieda. Comparison of machining speed of tool electrode with different thermo-physical properties related to easiness of boiling [C]. 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), 2018, 68: 138-143. (EI检) (Spain Bilbao) Xiaodong Yang, Zeliang Wang. Finishing on the large area of work surface by EDM using a capacity coupling method[C]. 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), 2018, 68: 303-307. (EI检) (Spain Bilbao) 何振丰,杨晓冬.碳纤维增强复合材料电火花加工温度场仿真及材料蚀除机理研究, 电加工与模具. 2018, 3: 8-11. 田静,杨晓冬. 单脉冲放电过程中等离子体通道的观测研究, 电加工与模具. 2018 Xiaoming Yue, and Xiaodong Yang. Molecular dynamics simulation of single pulse discharge process: clarifying the function of pressure generated inside the melting area in EDM [J]. Molecular Simulation, 2017, 43(12): 935-944. (SCI检, IF=1.254) Guanglei Feng, Xiaodong Yang, Guanxin Chi. Study on machining characteristics of micro EDM with high spindle speed using non-contact electric feeding method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 卷: 92 期: 5-8 页: 1979-1989, 2017 (SCI检) Xiaoming Yue, and Xiaodong Yang. Molecular dynamics simulation of material removal process and crystal structure evolution in EDM with discharge on different crystal planes [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 92(9-12): 3155-3165. (SCI检, IF=2.209) Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang , Masanori Kunieda. Influence of tool electrode material with low melting point on the material removal process of EDM. 日本精密工学会全国大会秋季大会学術講演会, 93-94, 2017 Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang , Masanori Kunieda. Comparison of machining speed of tool electrode with different boiling points in EDM. 日本精密工学会全国大会春季大会学術講演会, 699-700, 2017 Tang, Jiajing; Yang, Xiaodong. A novel thermo-hydraulic coupling model to investigate the crater formation in electrical discharge machining. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 50 期: 36, 2017 (SCI检) 杨晓冬,田丁盛,基于电容耦合的多电极高速电火花加工伺服控制及加工速度研究,第17届全国特种加工学术会议论文集. 2017.11 (广州 ) 杨晓冬, 电火花加工放电蚀除机理及仿真研究,第17届全国特种加工学术会议邀请报告. 2017.11 (广州 ) 杨晓冬,黄潇南, 碳纤维增强复合材料的单脉冲放电凹坑特性研究,航空制造技术,2017/3, pp:16-19 王泽亮,杨晓冬,基于静电感应给电的大面积电火花成型加工充电特性研究,电加工与模具, 2017年第3期, pp:12-15 代志峰,杨晓冬,基于旋转电极的方孔电火花加工新方法,电加工与模具, 2017年第4期, pp:52-55 Xiaodong Yang, Kai Yang, Yutao Liu, and Lei Wang, Study on characteristic of multi-spark EDM method by using capacity coupling [C]. 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), 2016, 42: 685-690. (EI检) (Japan tokyo) Jiajing Tang, Xiaodong Yang, A thermo-hydraulic modeling for the formation process of the discharge crater in EDM, Pricedia CIRP, v42, pp:685-690 [C]. 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), 2016, 42: 691-696. (EI检) (Japan tokyo) Xiaoming Yue, and Xiaodong Yang. Study on the Distribution of Removal Material of EDM in Deionized Water and Gas with Molecular Dynamics Simulation [C]. 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), 2016, 42: 691-696. (EI检) (Japan tokyo) Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang, Molecular dynamics simulation of material removal process and mechanism of EDM using a two-temperature model, 日本电气加工学会全国大会,pp:39-42 冯光磊, 杨晓冬,高速回転主軸を用いた微細放電加工特性に及ぼす電極形状の影響,日本电气加工学会全国大会, pp:49-52 袁春梅,杨晓冬,陈涛,基于云制造的电加工工艺智能云平台的研究,电加工与模具,2016,2, pp:11-14 冯光磊,杨晓冬, 基于非接触给电的高主轴转速微细电火花加工特性研究,电加工与模具,2016,4,pp:7-11 Xiaoming Yue, Xiaodong Yang. Molecular dynamics simulation of the material removal process and gap phenomenon of nano EDM in deionized water. Rsc Advances, vol. 5, pp. 66502-66510, 2015.(SCI检) Xiaodong Yang, Xiao Han, Masanori Kunieda. Molecular dynamics simulation of pressure generated inside melting area in EDM. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 625, pp. 525-529.(EI检) Jiajing Tang, Xiaodong Yang. Numerical Modeling of Thermal and Flow Coupling for Single Electrical Discharge Machining. 6th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2015). 冯慧慧, 杨晓冬 .微细电火花加工放电凹坑形成及其表面变质特性的分子动力学模拟研究. 电加工与模具, 2015,3, pp:16-20. 李志斌, 杨晓冬. 基于电容耦合的微细电火花加工杂散电容测量方法的研究. 电加工与模具2015,4, pp:22-24%2B41. 冯光磊, 杨晓冬. 基于非接触给电的高主轴转速下微细电火花加工特性研究.第16届全国特种加工学术会议论文集(上), pp: 188-194 岳晓明, 杨晓冬. 去离子水中电火花加工过程的分子动力学模拟——材料蚀除过程及极间现象研究.第16届全国特种加工学术会议论文集(上), pp:19-24 刘晋春,白基成,杨晓冬,韦东波等,多功能、模块化、积木式小型数控电火花加工机床系列的开发研制.第16届全国特种加工学术会议论文集(上), pp.96-100. Xiaodong Yang, Lisi Liu, and Masanori Kunieda. Analysis on the time of material ablation in EDM by Molecular Dynamics,15th International conference on precision engineering (ICPE2014) 唐佳静,杨晓冬,基于高速旋转圆盘电极的深窄槽电火花加工方法,电加工与模具,2014,1 Xiaodong Yang, Xiao Hang,Fenglong Zhou, and Masanori Kunieda, Molecular dynamics simulation of residual stress generated in EDM, Proceedings of the 17th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, ISEM 2013.(EI检) Xiaodong Yang, Xiao Hang, and Masanori Kunieda, Molecular dynamics simulation of pressure generated inside melting area in EDM, 5th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2013).(EI检) 杨晓冬,韩笑,国枝正典.分子動力学を用いた放電加工の除去メカニズムの解明. 電気加工技術. Guanglei Feng, Xiaodong Yang, Kun Tian1 and Xuezhi Wang, Multiple discharges phenomena in EDM using electrostatic induction feeding method, 4th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2012)/Key Engineering Materials, 2012, Vols. 523-524, pp 316-321(EI检) Xiaodong Yang, Guanglei Feng, Qing Teng, Temperature Field Simulation of Wire Electrode in High-speed and Medium-speed WEDM under Moving Heat Source, Procedia CIRP -The 5th CIRP International Conference on High Performance, 2012, pp633-638(EI检) Yong Wan, Kun Tian, Guanglei Feng , Xiaodong Yang, Study on non-contact gap voltage measurement in micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2012 Yuna Yahagi, Tomohiro Koyano, Masanori Kunieda, and Xiaodong Yang, Micro Drilling EDM with High Rotation Speed of Tool Electrode Using The Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, Procedia CIRP- The 5th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting, 2012, pp162-165(EI检) Xiaodong Yang, Jianwen Guo, Xiaofei Chen, and Masanori Kunieda, Molecular dynamics simulation of the material removal mechanism in micro-EDM, Precision Engineering, 2011, Vol.35, pp:51–57 (SCI检) 周凤龙,杨晓冬,微细电火花加工放电蚀除过程的分子动力学模拟研究,电加工与模具,2011 杨晓冬,王学志,万勇,基于静电感应的微细电火花加工伺服控制研究,哈尔滨工业大学报,2011(EI检) 杨晓冬,滕庆,移动热源作用下电火花线切割加工电极丝三维温度场模拟,第14 届全国特种加工学术会议论文集,2011 矢萩優名,小谷野智広,国枝正典,杨晓冬,静電誘導給電により高速回転電極を用いた微細放電加工,精密工学会誌,2011(SCI检) Xiaodong YANG, Chunwei XU, and Masanori KUNIEDA, Miniaturization of WEDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, Precision Engineering, Vol.34/2, 2010, pp:279-285 (SCI检) Xiaodong YANG, Xiaofei CHEN, Jianwen GUO and Masanori KUNIEDA, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Removed Materials Distribution in Micro-EDM Gap, CIRP HPC, Gifu, Japan, 2010, pp:343-346 Xiaodong YANG, Jianwen GUO, Xiaofei CHEN, and Masanori KUNIEDA, Study on Influences of Material Micro-Structure in Micro-EDM by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, ISEM XVI, Shanghai, China, 2010, 717-720 Xiaodong YANG, Zhaobing WU, and Guanxin CHI, Study on Micro WEDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, ISEM XVI, Shanghai, China, 2010, 675-680 Tomohiro Koyano, Yuna Yahagi, Masanori Kunieda, and Xiaodong Yang, High Spindle Speed Micro EDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, ISEM XVI, Shanghai, China, 2010, 699-602 Xiaodong Yang, Yong Wan, and Fuqiang Hu, Study on influence of stray inductance in micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding method,ICoPE2010 & 13th ICPE, Singapore, 2010, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 447-448, pp: 263-267 Yuna Yahagi, Tomohiro Koyano, Masanori Kunieda, and Xiaodong Yang, High Spindle Speed Wire Electrical Discharge Grinding Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method,ICoPE2010 & 13th ICPE, Singapore, 2010, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 447-448, pp: 268-271 Xiaodong Yang, Jianwen Guo, and Xiaofei Chen, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Forming Process of Discharge Crater in Micro-EDM, Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2009, Kokura, Japan, 最佳论文奖 YANG Xiaodong, LIU Peng, Optimization of Triangulations Based on Serial Fault Data, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.14/S1, pp:38-42(2009) 矢萩優名, 小谷野智広, 国枝正典, 楊暁冬, 高速回転主軸への静電誘導給電による微細放電加工の加工特性向上, 日本電気加工学会全国大会講演論文集, 2009, pp:77-80 矢萩優名,小谷野智広,国枝正典,楊暁冬,静電誘導給電による高速回転主軸を用いた微細放電加工,2009度日本精密工学会全国大会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集,2009, pp:759-760 Yang, XD., Kunieda , M., and Sano, S., Study on the influence of stray capacitance in Micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding, International Journal of Electrical Machining, 2008, No.13, pp: 35-40 X.D. Yang, B.H. Liu, and Y. Wang, Triangular Surface Reconstruction of CT Images by Using Isosurface construction, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.10-12, pp:503-507 (2008) X.D. Yang, Y. Wang, and P. Yang , 3-D Modeling for Teeth Correction on the Basis of Optical Measurement, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.10-12, pp:662-666 (2008) 楊暁冬, 徐春偉, 国枝正典, 静電誘導給電法によるワイヤ放電加工の微細化, 2008度日本精密工学会全国大会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2008, pp:759-760 Kunieda, M., Hayasaka, A., Yang, X. D., Sano, S., and Araie, I., Study on Nano EDM Using Capacity Coupled Pulse Generator, Annals of the CIRP, Vol.56/1, 2007, pp: 213-216 (SCI检) Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda, and Sadao Sano, Study on the influence of stray capacitance in Micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding, Proc. of AEMS2007, Nagoya, Japan, 2007, pp: 236-241 最佳论文奖 Yang, XD., Kimori, M., Kunieda , M., Araie, I., and Sano, S., Machining Properties of Micro EDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding, Proc. of ISEM XV, Pittsburgh, USA, 2007, pp: 231-234 木森将仁,国枝正典, 楊 暁冬, 佐野定男, 静電誘導給電を用いた放電加工の微細化, 電気加工技術, Vol.31/98, 2007,pp:13-18 木森将仁,国枝正典,楊暁冬,佐野定男,静電誘導給電法による微細放電加工の単極性放電化,2007年度日本精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集,2007.3,pp:517-518 楊暁冬,木森将仁,国枝正典,新家一朗,佐野定男,静電誘導給電を用いた微細放電加工における極間電圧測定の影響,2006度日本精密工学会全国大会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集,2006,pp:677-678 早坂暁彦,楊暁冬,国枝正典,新家一朗,静電誘導給電を用いた微細放電加工の加工特性,2006度日本精密工学会全国大会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集,2006, pp:679-680 杨晓冬,赵万生,基于Web的人工神经网络电火花加工工艺预测,哈尔滨工业大学学报,Vol.37/8, 2005.8, pp: 1029-1031 Haipeng Huang, Xiaodong Yang, Yang Wang, Three-dimensional Modeling of the Concealed Teeth Correcting Equipment and the Investigation of it’s Moulding by Rapid Prototyping Technology, 2005,12 杨晓冬, 宋颖慧, 赵万生, 基于遗传算法的电火花加工电参数优化模型, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, Vol.34/4, pp: 450-454 (2002) 论著 特种加工(第7版), 机械工业出版社, 2021 副主编 特种加工(第6版), 机械工业出版社, 2014.2 副主编 “十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材、哈尔滨工业大学优秀教材 特种加工(第5版), 机械工业出版社, 2008.7 特种加工技术, 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2006.8 10000个科学难题, 科学出版社, 2018.10 制造工程手册, 机械工业出版社, 2020.9 《机械加工工艺手册》第一卷,第四章,机械加工质量及其检测 , 机械工业出版社, 2023.9 主编 《机械加工工艺手册》第三卷,第一章,特种加工技术,机械工业出版社, 2023.9 主编


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