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工作经历 2006.7~2010.9 哈尔滨工业大学物理系,讲师 2010.9~2013.12 哈尔滨工业大学物理系,副教授 2011.1~2012.7 新加坡国立大学,博士后(Prof. Qiu Cheng-Wei) 2014.1~2019.3 哈尔滨工业大学物理系,教授、博士生导师 2015.1~2019.3 哈工大物理系先进光子学研究所所长 2019.3~至今 哈尔滨工业大学物理学院,教授、博士生导师、先进光子学研究所所长 2022.10~至今 哈尔滨工业大学物理学院,光电信息科学与工程系系主任 2023.07~至今 哈尔滨工业大学物理学院,副院长 科研项目 拓扑特性对光场动量及光力和光操控的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人),2022 拓扑光子结构中的光场动量调控机理研究,黑龙江省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(项目负责人),2022 光子晶体光计算,哈尔滨工业大学原创前沿探索项目(项目负责人),2021 周期背景中的增强光力与光操控研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人),2019 基于非对称表面等离激元结构的动态可调彩色显示研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(第3参与人),2018 无梯度光场中的光学牵引力研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人),2015 光学微齿轮的光致旋转与传动研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(第2参与人),2015 基于石墨烯的超薄光子功能器件原理研究,哈尔滨市青年后备人才计划(项目负责人),2014 微光子结构中的光力学研究,哈工大青年拔尖人才选聘计划(项目负责人),2014 光场牵引力的特性与应用研究,哈工大理学创新研究发展培育计划(项目负责人),2014 基于异向介质的高密度光子互联结构研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(项目负责人),2011 微纳光子系统中高效信息传输原理,哈工大青年学者基础科研能力建设(项目负责人),2010 微纳光束的控制、变换与耦合,国家自然科学基金面上项目(第2参与人),2009 获奖&荣誉 微纳光学理论基础及加工方法,黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然),二等奖,2014,排名3/5 微纳光学材料组装与微纳结构中光的传输、辐射特性研究,黑龙江省科学技术奖,二等奖,2011,排名5/5 全国光学学会优秀博士学位论文提名优秀奖(导师) 哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文(导师) 哈尔滨工业大学立德树人先进导师 哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士毕业生金奖和银奖(导师) 哈尔滨工业大学百优毕业设计论文(导师) 哈尔滨工业大学立德树人先进个人


微纳驱动世界,光电照亮未来 面向世界科技前沿和国家重大需求,做最有价值有意义的研究!运动是自然界最基本的特征,深刻理解运动的基本规律并对其进行控制和运用是科学研究的核心。近年来,我们聚焦微纳尺度下物质和信息两类基本客体的运动规律及其应用研究,并冠以“微纳操控”与“光子芯片”之名。微纳操控方向主要研究微纳尺度物体在光场及其它物理场作用下的运动及其控制规律,理解相互作用过程中的基本物理规律,从而实现微纳尺度下灵活、高效、可控的驱动方式,实现高性能的微纳机器人。光子芯片研究如何利用微纳光子结构实现对光场传输特性的调控,使光的信息属性得到充分开发和利用,满足后摩尔时代人们对信息及时的实际需求,支撑未来人工智能和大数据及时的发展。 1. 微纳操控 精密操控微纳尺度的物体具有不可替代的重要作用,是实现微纳智能机器人的关键核心。微纳操控的原理很多,包括光学、声学、热学、磁学、化学等方法,其中光力研究分享得了2018年诺贝尔物理学奖。我们当前主要关注利用光场合声场对物体实现微纳操控: (1)光力与光场动量本性。研究介质中光场的动量本性以及特殊的光力效率,光学牵引力,横向力,反向力矩等效应。研究其产生机理、变化规律、以及应用。(2)量子腔光力学及其应用。光力作用下光子结构能发生微纳形变,从而实现光子与声子之间的耦合,并产生奇特的量子效应,在量子态操控、量子传感和量子计算等方面有重要应用。(3)基于光力的微纳传感、疾病诊断和治疗。基于病变细胞特性与正常细胞的细微差异,采用光力收到及其进行诊断,实现重大疾病的早期诊断这一难题。(4)光操控具有众多优势的同时,也有一个不足,即光力的幅值很小。利用声波能够很大程度弥补这一点。 2. 光子芯片 微电子芯片的发展已逼近物理极限,但人工智能大数据时代对数据处理的需求则在与日俱增。怎么解决这一矛盾?充分利用光子的并行、高速、低功耗等特性,使光子与电子协同工作是最佳的解决方案,实现电子芯片和光子芯片的协同工作是我们微纳光电子研究的目标。 (1)微纳光学结构中的新物理:在微纳光子结构中,实现基于超构单元的微纳光子功能器件。从而有望将光子系统的集成度提高到集成电路的水平,是光子芯片的物理基础。(2)光子芯片架构与实现:超高速集成光子互联与信号处理,采用立体多层构架实现任意可控的低损耗光子互联,并同时实现信息处理能力。(3)光学神经网络:利用光的衍射效应以及集成光子结构单元,实现光学神经网络,从而克服目前神经网络中的低速和大功耗缺点,掌握未来科技发展核心,占领科技制高点。(4)有源和无源硅基光子器件。


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Ultra-compact mode converter based on longitudinal refractive index modulation Stable Acoustic Pulling in Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystal Waveguides Based on Mode Manipulation Vector vortex beams sorting of 120 modes in visible spectrum Universal translation operator for Laguerre–Gaussian mode sorting Inverse Optical Torques on Dielectric Nanoparticles in Elliptically Polarized Light Waves Compensating the distorted OAM beams with near zero time delay Superhybrid Mode-Enhanced Optical Torques on Mie-Resonant Particles Multi-particle resonant optical sorting using topological photonic structure A Modular Design of Continuously Tunable Full Color Plasmonic Pixels with Broken Rotational Symmetry Multi-rotation coherent imaging by a phase mask Engineering distributed atomic NOON states via single-photon detection Efficient particle collection using concentric optical ring array Chirality-assisted lateral momentum transfer for bidirectional enantioselective separation Extraordinary Multipole Modes and Ultra-Enhanced Optical Lateral Force by Chirality Momentum-Topology-Induced Optical Pulling Force Subwavelength optical trapping and transporting using Bloch mode Optical Pulling Forces and Their Applications One-step engineering many-atom NOON state Strong optical force and its confinement applications based on heterogeneous phosphorene pairs Computational coherent imaging by rotating a cylindrical lens Nearly perfect polarization rotation in optical range based on all-dielectric metamaterials Measurement-induced multipartite entanglement for distant four-level atoms in Markovian and non-Markovian environments Self-Induced Backaction Optical Pulling Force Extremely high contrast asymmetric transmission with linear tunability in chiral metamaterials Plasmonic Spherical Heterodimers: Reversal of Optical Binding Force Based on the Forced Breaking of Symmetry Giant and tunable optical torque for micro-motors by increased force arm and resonantly enhanced force Driving many distant atoms into high-fidelity steady state entanglement via Lyapunov control Substrate and Fano Resonance Effects on the Reversal of Optical Binding Force between Plasmonic Cube Dimers Optical trapping of nanoparticles with tunable inter-distance using a multimode slot cavity Spherical Plasmonic Heterodimers: Reversal of Optical Binding Force as the Effect of Symmetry Breaking Mode conversion enables optical pulling force in photonic crystal waveguides Nonreciprocal Giant Magneto-Optic Effects in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides without Magnetic Field Polarization conversion based on all-dielectric metasurface for optical fiber applications Simple and polarization independent Dammann grating based on all-dielectric nanorod array Generation of long-living entanglement between two distant three-level atoms in non-Markovian environments References and links Substrate Effect on Plasmonic Cube Dimers: Reversal of Optical Binding Force Induced by Strong Fano Resonance Pulling cylindrical particles using a soft-nonparaxial tractor beam Magneto-optical manifestation of bilayer silicene Consistency of time averaged optical force laws for embedded chiral and achiral objects Optical Manipulation from the Microscale to the Nanoscale: Fundamentals, Advances, and Prospects Three-dimensional super-resolution longitudinal magnetization spot arrays Lorentz Force and the Optical Pulling of Multiple Rayleigh Particles outside the Dielectric Cylindrical Waveguides Supplement Information of “Lorentz Force and the Optical Pulling of Multiple Rayleigh Particles outside the Dielectric Cylindrical Waveguides” Optical pulling using evanescent mode in sub- wavelength channels Flexible optical manipulation of ring resonator by frequency detuning and double-port excitation Spin-controlled orbital motion in tightly focused high-order Laguerre-Gaussian beams Fano resonant Ge2Sb2Te5 nanoparticles realize switchable lateral optical force A unified theory correcting Einstein-Laub electrodynamics solves dilemmas in the photon momenta and electromagnetic stress tensors Achievement and steering of light-induced sub- wavelength longitudinal magnetization chain Wide-angle and polarization independent perfect absorber based on one-dimensional fabrication- tolerant stacked array Photon momentum transfer in inhomogeneous dielectric mixtures and induced tractor beams Spherical and sub-wavelength longitudinal magnetization generated by 4π tightly focusing radially polarized vortex beams Third-Order Self-Imaging with Thermal Light Omnidirectional and polarization insensitive nearly perfect absorber in one dimensional meta-structure Parallel LC circuit model for multi-band absorption and preliminary design of radiative cooling Three-dimensional visible-light capsule enclosing perfect supersized darkness via antiresolution Equilibrium orientations of oblate spheroidal particles in single tightly focused Gaussian beams Engineering light-matter interaction for emerging optical manipulation applications Fano Resonance by Symmetry Breaking Stub in a Metal-Dielectric-Metal Waveguide Polarization Rotators in Add-Drop Filter Systems With Double-Ring Resonators Dual-band infrared perfect absorber based on asymmetric T-shaped plasmonic array Experimental demonstration of light capsule embracing super-sized darkness inside via super-anti-resolution Linear momentum increase and negative optical forces at dielectric interface Ultra-short Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) polarization rotator between a slot and a strip waveguide based on a nonlinear raised cosine flat-tip taper Ultrashort slot polarization rotator with double paralleled nonlinear geometry slot crossings Optical collection of multiple spheres in single tightly focused beams All-Dielectric Tapered Waveguide Bender with Homogeneous Loading, Arbitrary Bending and Simplified Geometry Asymmetrically coupled bus with tunable ring resonators for multiple functionalities: Fano resonance, asymmetrical transmission, and wavelength shifting Efficient transmission of crossing dielectric slot waveguides Analysis on volume grating induced by femtosecond laser pulses Compact and low crosstalk waveguide crossing using impedance matched metamaterial Arbitrary waveguide bends using isotropic and homogeneous metamaterial Self-Assembled Volume Grating in Silica Glass Induced by Tightly Focused Femtosecond Laser Pulse Emissions of Photonic Crystal Waveguides with Discretely Modulated Surfaces High efficiency filtering using two-dimensional photonic crystal coupled cavity structures Parametric amplification and compression of high order band edge modes in compounding period photonic crystals Optical diode behavior of photonic crystal structure with asymmetric Kerr defect High efficiency second harmonic generation in one-dimensional photonic crystal coupled cavity structures Photonic Crystal Waveguide Intersection Based on Self-Imaging of Multi-Mode Interference Efficient beaming from photonic crystal waveguides via self-collimation effect Broadband Frequency Down-Conversion Using Coupled Cavity Structures in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Low crosstalk intersections of CCWs composed by mono-mode cavities Enhancement of Available Conversion Efficiency of Optical Parametric Amplifier in a Cascaded Photonic Crystal Structure Supermodes of photonic crystal CCWs and multimode bistable switchings with uniform thresholds Localization properties and the effects on multi-mode switching in discrete mode CCWs Broadband optical bistable switching in a one-dimensional nonlinear coupled cavity structure Finite size effects on one dimensional coupled cavity optical waveguides Large Bandwidth Optical Limiting by Kerr Medium Doped One-Dimensional Coupled Cavity Optical Waveguides An optical parametric amplifier in photonic crystals of nondispersive medium with perfect Bloch phase matching


中国物理学会终身会员 中国光学学会终身会员 黑龙江省光学学会常务理事 PhotoniX期刊编委成员(IF~19) Light: Science & Applications, Nature Communications, Optica, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Advanced Mat., Nano Letters, Nanoscale, Scientific Reports,New Journal of Physics,Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express,Optics Letters,Journal of Physics D, JQSRT,物理学报、光学学报等国内外30余期刊审稿人 国家自然科学基金通讯评议人 香港研究资助局(Research Grants Council)项目通讯评议人 国家博士后基金通信评议人 美国光学协会优秀审稿人 美国光学协会(Optical Society of America, OSA),会员 International Journal of Optics, guest editor
