Dr Rodenburg was awarded a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship entitled "Applications of MEMS electrostatic manipulation in SEM and materials science" which she took up in 2006 and after a brief spell as University teacher she is now a Lecturer in Materials Science & Engineering.
Current research interests:
My research is centred on the use of electrons and ions for the characterisation and modification of micro-and nanostructured materials. This includes the development and application of novel characterisation techniques, alongside the study of damage and charging phenomena for targeted materials properties modification and transport. Recent key projects include:
Nano- morphology of polymer blends for organic photovoltaics (collaboration University of Southampton and UoS Department of Physics)
Polymer modification by plasmas and targeted radiation damage (collaboration with UoS Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Additive Manufacturing Group))
Secondary electron spectroscopy in the scanning electron microscope (collaboration with FEI company)
Two- and three- dimensional quantitative dopant mapping (in collaboration with University of Cambridge, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, Harvard University, FEI company, and Carl Zeiss)
Electrostatic manipulation of micro-and nano objects by electrostatic fields in a scanning electron microscope
Previous research interests:
The role of the substrate/coating interface of ceramic hard coatings for dry high speed cutting applications
Influence of carbide distributions on properties and wear of high speed steels
A.J. Pearson, S.A. Boden, D.M. Bagnall, D. G. Lidzey, C. Rodenburg, Imaging the Bulk Nanoscale Morphology of Organic Solar Cell Blends Using Helium Ion Microscopy, NANO LETTERS 11 (10) (2011) 4275-4281
C. Rodenburg, X. Liu, M. A.E. Jepson, S. A. Boden, G. Brambilla, Surface morphology of silica nanowires at the nanometer scale, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (15)(2011) 3042-3045.
C. Rodenburg, M.A.E, Jepson, E. Bosch and M. Dapor ‘Energy selective scanning electron microscopy to reduce the effect of contamination layers on Scanning Electron Microscope Dopant Mapping’, Ultramicroscopy 110 (2010) 1185-1191.
C. Rodenburg, X. Liu, M.A.E, Jepson , Z.Zhou, W.M. Rainforth, J.M. Rodenburg ‘The role of helium ion microscopy in the characterisation of complex three-dimensional nanostructures’, Ultramicroscopy 110 (2010) 1178-1184.
M. A. E. Jepson, B. J. Inkson, Xiong Liu, L. Scipioni and C. Rodenburg: 'Quantitative dopant contrast in the helium ion microscope', EPL, 86 (2009) 26005.
P. Kazemian, S.A.M. Mentik, C. Rodenburg, C. J Humphreys, 'High resolution quantitative two-dimensional dopant mapping using energy filtered secondary electron imaging'. Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 054901.
C. Rodenburg and M. Rainforth, 'The influence of beam energy and oxidation on quantitative carbide analysis in the scanning electron microscope'. Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 114902.
P. Kazemiam, A.C. Twitchett, C. J Humphreys, C. Rodenburg. 'Site-specific dopant profiling in a scanning electron microscope using focused ion beam prepared specimens'. Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 212110.
B. Kaestner, C. Schönjahn, C.J. Humphreys. 'Mapping the potential within a nanoscale undoped GaAs region using a scanning electron microscope'. Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 2109-2111.
C. Schönjahn, R.F. Broom, C.J. Humphreys, A. Howie, S. A. M. Mentink. 'Optimizing and quantifying dopant mapping using a scanning electron microscope with a through-the-lens detector'. Applied Physics Letters. 83(2) (2003) 293-295.
C. Schönjahn, C.J. Humphreys, M. Glick. 'Energy-filtered imaging in a field-emission scanning electron microscope for dopant mapping in semiconductors'. Journal of Applied Physics. 92 (2002) 7667-71.