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Tom completed his PhD at Sidney Sussex college, the University of Cambridge, in 2007, under the supervision of the late Professor Tony Bland. He subsequently worked in post-doctoral positions both in Cambridge and at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, before being awarded an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship entitled “Magnetism you can rely on: understanding stochastic behaviour in nanomagnetic devices” in July 2011.


Tom’s research is focused on studying the properties of ferromagnetic nanostructures both to gain a better understanding of their fundamental behaviour and to develop new technological applications. His work combines contemporary nano-fabrication techniques such as electron-beam lithography and thin-film deposition with high-sensitivity experimental techniques such as focused Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) magnetometry, Vector Network Analyser Ferromagnetic Resonance measurements (VNA-FMR) and Magnetoresistance (MR) measurements. He also has a strong interest in the simulation of magnetisation dynamics using numerical micromagnetic simulations. Tom’s previous work has included studies of the properties of magnetic nanowire and nano-ring devices, both exciting candidates for future magnetic memory technologies. He has also developed methods of magnetically tagging probe biomolecules in high throughput biological assays, and ferromagnetic nanostructures capable of trapping and manipulating ultra-cold atoms. His current research is focused on gaining a comprehensive, quantitative understanding of thermally activated “stochastic” behaviour in ferromagnetic nanostructures, a fundamental problem holding back the realisation of new forms of nanomagnetic technology.


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A.D. West, K.J. Weatherill, T.J. Hayward, P.W. Fry, T. Schrefl, M.R.J. Gibbs, C.S. Adams, D.A. Allwood, I.G. Hughes, Manipulating ultracold atoms with a reconfigurable nanomagnetic system of domain walls,arXiv:1112.0485v2 T.J. Hayward, A.D. West, P.J. Curran, P.W. Fry, K.J. Weatherill, P.M. Fundi, M.R.J. Gibbs, T. Schrelf, C.S. Adams, I.G. Hughes, S.J. Bending and D.A. Allwood, Design and Characterisation of a Nanomagnetic Atom Mirror,Journal of Applied Physics 108, 043906 (2010). T.J. Hayward, B. Hong, K. N. Vyas, J.J. Palfreyman, J.F.K. Cooper, Z. Jiang, J.R. Jeong, J. Llandro, T. Mitrelias, J.A.C. Bland and C.H.W. Barnes, Magnetic Micro-Barcodes for Molecular Tagging Applications, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 175001 (2010). T. J. Hayward, M. T. Bryan, P. W. Fry, P. M. Fundi, M. R. J. Gibbs, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer and D. A. Allwood, Pinning induced by inter-domain wall interactions in planar magnetic nanowires, Applied Physics Letters 96, 052502 (2010). T. J. Hayward, M. T. Bryan, P. W. Fry, P. M. Fundi, M. R. J. Gibbs, D. A. Allwood, M.-Y. Im and P. Fischer, Direct imaging of domain-wall interactions in Ni80Fe20 planar nanowires, Physical Review B 81, 020410(R) (2010). J. Llandro, T.J. Hayward, D. Morecroft, J.A.C. Bland, F.J. Castaño, I.A. Colin and C.A. Ross, Quantitative digital detection of magnetic beads using pseudo-spin-valve rings for multiplexed bioassays, Applied Physics Letters 91, 203904 (2007). T.J. Hayward, J. Llandro, R.B. Balsod, J.A.C. Bland, F.J. Castaño, D. Morecroft and C.A. Ross, Switching behaviour of individual pseudo-spin-valve ring structures, Physical Review B 74, 134405 (2006). T.J. Hayward, T.A. Moore, D.H.Y. Tse, J.A.C. Bland, F.J. Castaño, C.A. Ross, Exquisitely balanced thermal sensitivity of the stochastic switching process in macroscopic ferromagnetic ring elements, Physical Review B72, 184430, (2005). T.J. Hayward and J.A.C. Bland, Spin-state manipulation in nano-rings, “Epitaxial Ferromagnetic Films and Spintronic Applications” published by Research Signpost (ISBN 978-81-308-0319-7).
