1987年-1991年, 就读于华中理工大学, 机械工程二系铸造专业,攻读学士学位
1994年-1996年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 材料学院铸造专业,攻读硕士学位
1996年-2000年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 航天学院复合材料专业,攻读博士学位
1991-1994 佳木斯联合收割机厂
1998-2001 哈尔滨工业大学 助理研究员
2001-2006 哈尔滨工业大学 副研究员
2006-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授
2008年 评为哈工大优秀教师
2010年 获国防技术发明二等奖
Fabrication and characterization of random chopped fiber reinforced reaction bonded silicon carbide composite Zhang, Yumin; Li, Shuang; Han, Jiecai; Zhou, Yufeng 期刊名称 Ceramics International 期卷 v 38, n 6,
Effects of random chopped fiber on the flexural strength and toughness of reaction bonded silicon carbide composite Li, Shuang; Zhang, Yumin; Han, Jiecai; Zhou, Yufeng 期刊名称 Ceramics International 期卷 v 38, n 2
Fabrication and characterization of SiC whisker reinforced reaction bonded SiC composite Shuang Li, YuminZhang, JiecaiHan, YufengZhou 期刊名称 Ceramics International 期卷 v39(2013)
Effect of carbon particle and carbon fiber on the microstructure and mechanical properties of short fiber reinforced reaction bo Li, S (Li, Shuang) ; Zhang, YM (Zhang, Yumin) ; Han, JC (Han, Jiecai); Zhou, YF (Zhou, Yufeng) 期刊名称 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 期卷 卷: 33 期:
Effect of curing catalyst content on the pore structure of porous carbon obtained from phenolic resin and furfuryl alcohol ZhiyongYuan, YuminZhang, YufengZhou 期刊名称 Materials Letters 期卷 110(2013)2
Effect of furfural alcoholphenol-formaldehyde resin mass ratio on the properties of porous carbon YuminZhang, ZhiyongYuan, YufengZhou 期刊名称 Materials Letters 期卷 109(2013)1
Preparation and characterization of porous carbons obtained from mixtures of furfuryl alcohol and phenol-formaldehyde resin Zhiyong Yuan, Yumin Zhang, Yufeng Zhou, Jiecai Han 期刊名称 Materials Chemistry and Physics 期卷 v 143, n
Gelcasting of silicon carbide ceramics using phenolic resin and furfuryl alcohol as the gel former Zhang, Yumin,; Yuan, Zhiyong; Zhou, Yufeng 期刊名称 Ceramics International 期卷 v 40, n 6,
Irradiation effect on optical properties and structure of sapphire single crystal Ke, Rui; Zhang, Yumin; Zhou, Yufeng; Yin, Zhongwei 期刊名称 Optik 期卷 卷: 125