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熊健,教授,博士生导师,中共党员,国家级重点实验室副主任。哈工大航天学院复合材料与结构研究所, 特种环境复合材料技术国家级重点实验室。 针对空间飞行器特殊服役环境,为了实现飞行器减轻重量、增加有效载荷的目的,发展先进轻质复合材料结构,实现结构轻量化和多功能化是迫切需要解决的科学问题。在这个研究背景下,十余年以来,一直致力于先进轻质复合材料结构的设计理论及力学机制研究。以第一作者/通讯作者在《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》、《Advanced Materials》、《Acta Materialia》、《Composites Science and Technology》《International Journal of Solids and Structures》等复合材料结构、固体力学等领域重要期刊发表学术论文80余篇,受到美、欧、英、加、日、韩、加、澳、印、中等国际国内院士和知名学者等同行以及NASA、空客和东丽等知名企业的广泛引用和正面评价。学术成果被大段编写入俄罗斯工程院/欧洲科学与艺术学院院士主编的学术书籍,产生了重要影响。所提出的轻量化结构设计方法与理论为航天院所型号研制与工程应用提供了参考依据,已授权国家发明专利10余项,出版学术专著一部,曾荣获部级技术发明一等奖(第三)、黑龙江省青年科技奖、黑龙江省自然科学技术一等奖和二等奖各一项。主持国家自然科学基金面上基金、国际(地区)合作项目、青年基金和应急项目、教育部博士点基金和产学研合作等十余项课题。参与国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目两项、国家重大基础研究计划-973计划两项等等。现任中国复合材料学会车辆工程专业委员会和中国复合材料学会职称评定工作委员会副主任、中华洪堡学者协会常务理事兼副秘书长、黑龙江省力学学会青年工作委员会副主任、《南京航空航天大学学报》(英文版)青年编委,《应用力学学报》青年编委,《哈尔滨工程大学学报》青年编委,《固体力学学报》青年编委。 Employment history (工作经历) 2017.05-至今 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 博士生导师 2015.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 教授(破格) 2019.02-2019.04 美国Rice University工程学院 访问学者 2017.12-2018.01 香港理工大学纺织与织衣系 访问研究员 2015.04-2016.08 德国Siegen University机械工业工程系 洪堡研究员 2013.12-2015.12 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 副教授(破格) 2013.09-2013.12 德国Siegen University机械工业工程系 访问学者 2012.07-2013.11 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 讲师 2011.01-2012.01 美国Northeastern University工程学院 访问学者 2011.09-2012.06 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所 助教 Education (教育经历) 2008.07-2012.11 博士 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料与结构研究所 工程力学专业 2006.09-2008.07 硕士 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料与结构研究所 工程力学专业 2003.09-2006.07 辅修专业 哈尔滨工程大学经济管理学院 工商管理专业 2002.09-2006.07 学士 哈尔滨工程大学建筑工程学院 工程力学专业 Honors and Awards (荣誉称号) 2022.03 第十五届黑龙江省青年科技奖 2022.01 国防技术发明一等奖(第三) 2019.01 何鸿燊(SHATF)奖教金获得者 2016.03 入选中国复合材料学会“青年人才库” 2016.01 入选中国科学技术协会“青年托举人才工程” (工程力学) 2016.08 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 (排名第三) 2015.12 入选校“青年拔尖人才计划”,破格 教授 2015.11 领跑者5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖论文(F5000) 2015.05 哈工大学生活动优秀指导教师 2014.07 获第十六批哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文 2014.04 入选校“基础研究杰出人才计划 III 类” 2014.03 入选德国“洪堡学者”计划 2013.12 黑龙江省自然科学学术成果二等奖 2013.11 哈尔滨市自然科学学术成果一等奖 2013.09 德国DAAD奖学金 2012.05 被评为哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业研究生 2012.03 Composite Structure“高被引论文” 2011.07 被欧洲ACE-X2011 会议授予“YoungScientist Award” 2011.07 被评为哈尔滨工业大学第十三批正在进行优秀博士论文 2011.01 国家公派留学奖学金 2010.07 获教育部博士生学术新人奖


“航天器每一个零件减少1克重量都是贡献”-钱学森先生早在1961年讲授《星际航行概论》课时指出。为了实现飞行器减轻重量、增加有效载荷的目的,发展先进轻质复合材料结构,实现结构轻量化和多功能化是迫切需要解决的科学问题。申请人在这个研究背景下,一直从事超轻复合材料结构设计、制备、力学性能表征与评价的系统性研究工作。 轻质复合材料点阵结构设计及力学性能研究 格栅结构和点阵结构等被认为是当前最富有前景的新一代先进轻质超强韧材料,并已开始应用于航空航天结构。轻质复合材料点阵结构方面,在国家重大基础研究计划(973计划)、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上/青年基金项目等资助下,近年来主要取得如下研究成果: (1) 在成功开发了多种制备工艺的基础上,制备了多种拓扑构型的全复合材料点阵夹芯结构; (2) 提出了复合材料点阵夹芯结构在平压和剪切作用下的力学分析模型,揭示了其失效机理,得到了侧压和弯曲载荷作用下的失效机制图,探讨了夹芯结构的冲击失效机理和阻尼特性; (3) 设计了有重要工程应用背景的复合材料点阵/波纹夹芯曲面壳及圆柱壳,研究了弯曲和轴压作用下的失效机制,并绘制了失效机制图,揭示了结构的振动阻尼特性。 超轻多级点阵结构设计及力学性能研究 在国家自然科学基金青年基金项目资助下,结合自然界多级思想,采用3D打印技术,设计并制备出超轻聚合物多层级点阵夹心结构,提高了芯子杆件抗屈曲的能力,使整体力学性能得到增强。与已有文献夹芯结构压缩强度进行比较发现:设计并提出的多级点阵结构具有最佳的轻量化效果。基于力学理论预报模型,绘制了平压、剪切、侧压及三点弯曲载荷下多级点阵结构的3维失效机制图,定量研究了结构几何尺寸变化对结构失效模式的影响。 复合材料褶皱夹芯结构设计及力学性能研究 针对航空航天飞行器蜂窝芯子单胞封闭的问题,在国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点基金和优秀留学归国人员基金项目资助下,提出了基于曲面折纸的新型褶皱结构,发明了碳纤维复合材料褶皱结构的高性能制备工艺,建立了力学理论预报模型,揭示了复合材料褶皱结构的失效机制。褶皱结构用于航空发动机机匣可以实现吸声降噪;具有开放单胞的褶皱结构用于替换直升机和游艇的芳纶纸蜂窝,有利于水汽的排出;复合材料褶皱结构用于军车可以实现减重以及提高其防爆性能。 轻质自然界多孔材料微观结构表征及其力学性能 头盖骨对于维持生命安全具有极其重要的作用,头盖骨受到外物挤压及撞击造成的损伤是临床医疗中常见的颅骨外伤疾病,从而需要针对破损位置进行仿生替代。目前,针对头盖骨力学机制的研究还很不完善。在德国洪堡基金、哈工大青年拔尖以及创新基金等项目资助下,我们从多孔夹芯结构角度出发,建立了头盖骨在压缩、弯曲、冲击、爆炸等载荷下合适的理论及数值模型,准确揭示头盖骨力学机制,为未来的工程应用提供必要可靠的技术储备。 集承载-热控于一体的多功能轻质夹芯结构设计及性能研究 针对可重复使用高马赫飞行器结构轻量化需求,在国家自然科学基金创新群体研究项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、总装备部预研及航天院所合作项目资助下,开展集承载-热控于一体的多功能轻质夹芯结构的力学性能、热变形、传热性能分析及参数优化。 基于拓扑强化及材料强化相结合,设计并制备出了多种具有高强度、低密度的铝点阵结构,同时揭示了铝点阵夹芯结构的失效机制。在保证轻量化的基础上,使得结构的热变形尽可能小。 碳纤维复合材料蜂窝结构折叠工艺及力学性能研究 传统的蜂窝芯子多为芳纶纸或铝合金,我们创新性提出了基于剪纸思想的折叠技术,采用先进碳纤维复合材料,设计并制备了轻质高强的全碳纤维复合材料蜂窝结构,为复合材料蜂窝芯子提供了多种可设计的构型,揭示了裁剪折叠工艺制备的夹心结构的吸能及失效机制;由裁剪折叠工艺所制备的全碳纤维复合材料蜂窝结构可用于航天结构上的轻质减重、防护结构上抗爆吸能以及航空航天异型复杂结构设计等方面。 轻质复合材料三维负泊松比结构设计及力学性能研究 基于二维负泊松比构型提出了多种三维负泊松比结构,有效的丰富了三维负泊松比材料库。 对三维负泊松比结构进行力学性能表征,为其应用奠定了理论基础;三维负泊松比结构具有优越的防爆、抗爆力学性能,可用于军舰外壳以及军车底盘防爆设计;三维负泊松比结构可用于医疗植入结构物设计,使用寿命较传统材料更长;采用三位负泊松比结构设计的汽车轮胎具有更好的减震效果。 复合材料风机叶片双轴向布结构优化设计及力学性能分析 针对复合材料风机叶片结构中使用的双轴向布模型进行优化,在保证结构达到轻量化目标的同时提高结构在五种加载方式下的结构强度。复合材料双轴向布优化模型用于风力发电机中可以提高风力发电机对风能的利用率,同时,独特的复合材料编织结构在其它叶片结构中也能发挥一定的力学优势。相关设计方案已经提供给科技企业,从而提升复合材料风机叶片的服役效率。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Selected Key Publications Qianqian Wu, Ashkan Vaziri, Mohamad Eydani Asl, Ranajay Ghosh, Ying Gao, Xingyu Wei, Li Ma, Jian Xiong*, Linzhi Wu.Lattice Materials with Pyramidal Hierarchy: Systematic Analysis and Three Dimensional Failure Mechanism Maps.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids(JMPS),2019, 125: 112-144. Highlights: The concept of an ideal ultralight-weight sandwich materials was proposed and the pyramidal-pyramidal topological configuration was introduced for hierarchical sandwich structures. Three-dimensional failure mechanism maps for the pyramidal-pyramidal hierarchical lattice material are developed. The pyramidal-pyramidal hierarchical configuration can improve the load bearing capacity and core buckling resistance of the sandwich structures at low density. Qianqian Wu, Ying Gao, Xingyu Wei, Davood Mousanezhad, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Jian Xiong*. Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of sandwich panels with ultra-lightweight three-dimensional hierarchical lattice cores. International Journal of Solids and Structures(IJSS), 2018, 132-133, 171-187. Highlights: The mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of sandwich panels with “corrugated-pyramidal” hierarchical lattice cores were investigated through analytical modeling and detailed numerical simulations. Yuntong Du, Changping Song, Jian Xiong*, Linzhi Wu. Fabrication and mechanical behaviors of carbon fiber reinforced composite foldcore based on curved-crease origami. Composites Science and Technology (CSTE), 2019, 174, 94-105. Highlights: The analytical models based on differential and integral method for predicting the compressive stiffness and strength of curved-crease origami foldcores were developed first and a three dimensional failure mechanism map was constructed. Xiaodong Li, Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu*, Xiangqiao Yan. Effect of vacuum thermalcycling on the compression and shear performance of composite sandwich structures containng pyramidal truss cores. Composites Science and Technology(CSTE),2018, 158, 67-78. Highlights: The effect of vacuum thermal cycling on the compression and shear performance of the composite sandwich panels with pyramidal-truss cores was studied using theoretical and experimental methods. Hui Li, Wenyu Wang, Xintong Wang, Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu, Zhaoye Qin, Jian Xiong*, Zhongwei Guan. A nonlinear analytical model of composite plate structure with an MRE function layer considering internal magnetic and temperature fields.Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 200, 108445. Xiong, J.*, Ma,L., Pan, S.D., Wu, L.Z.*, Papadopoulos, J., Vaziri, A. (2012): Shear andbending performance of carbon fiber composite sandwich panels with pyramidaltruss cores, Acta Materialia,60, 1455-1466. Highlights: This paper investigatedthe shear and bending performance of lattice truss sandwich panels through experimentaland theoretical methods. Failure maps were constructed to predict theresponse of panels under three-point bending. Xiong, J.*, Ma,L., Vaziri, A., Yang, J.S., Wu, L.Z*. (2012): Mechanical behavior of carbonfiber composite lattice core sandwich panels fabricated by laser cutting, Acta Materialia, 60, 5322-5334. Highlights: This paper developed a new method to deal with thecore-truss debonding problem in the field of sandwich panels with lattice trusscores. Laser beam cutting method was introduced to remove material fromcorrugated core sandwich panels, leading to lattice cores with much strongercore-to-face-sheet bonding. Peer Reviewed Journal Publications (杂志期刊) Zhibin Li , Wenyu Wang , Pengcheng Xue , Xingyu Wei , Jian Xiong*, Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of all-CFRP corrugated sandwich truncated cone, Composites Part B, 2023, 111090 Jian Xiong, Cheng Gong, Qianqian Wu, Li Ma, Jinshui Yang, Linzhi Wu*, Design, fabrication, and dynamic mechanical responses of fiber-reinforced composite lattice materials, International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, 2023;3:213–228 Yishu Su, Ying Li, Minghong Qi, Sebastien Guenneau, Huagen Li, and Jian Xiong*, Asymmetric Heat Transfer with Linear Conductive Metamaterials, Physical Review Applied, 20,034013 (2023) Zelin Li, Hui Li*, Chaohui Ren, Yichen Deng, Jichuan Cao, Jian Xiong, Bo Zhou, Hansong Bai, Haiyang Zhang, Shaoming Wang, Xiangping Wang, Hang Cao, Qingkai Han, Zhongwei Guan, Low-velocity impact resistance of all composite cylindrical shell panels with a foam filled honeycomb core: Theoretical and experimental investigation, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 182 (2023) 104765 Shuai Wang*, JiaYi Jin, WenQi Wu, Qi An, Rui Zhang, Lu Jun Huang*, Jian Xiong, Lin Geng, High temperature performance of TiB/(Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V-0.5Si) composites affected by the TiB architecture, Composites: Part A, 174 (2023) 107735 Hui Li, Bocheng Dong, Jichuan Cao, Jing Zhao*, Jian Xiong, Yao Yang, Dongxu Du, Wei Sun, Xiangping Wang, Haihong Wu, Vibration behaviours of foam-filled grille composite sandwichcylindrical shells, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 256 (2023) 108533 Shuai Wang*, FengBo Sun, WenQi Liu, Rui Zhang, Qi An, LuJun Huang*, Jian Xiong, Lin Geng, Dynamic compression behavior of multilayered titanium matrix composites, Materials Characterization 197 (2023) 112698. Yanfeng Zhang, Linzhi Wu, Yuguo Sun, Li Ma, Shidong Pan, Bing Wang, Jian Xiong,Zhengong Zhou* ,CCCs off-axial orientation sensitivity analysis in hole pin-bearing failure via hierarchical multiscale simulation framework, Composite Structures, 310 (2023) 116759. Hui Li, Zhengyang Xiao, Yichen Deng, Zelin Li, Guo Xumin, Libo Wang, Yousong Xiang, Haihong Wu, Jian Xiong, Hang Cao, Hansong Bai, Shaoming Wang , Xiangping Wang , and Guan Zhongwei. High-velocity penetration impact characteristics of fiber metal hybrid cylindrical shells: Theoretical and experimental investigation, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023.2256326 Xiang Li*, Weitao Peng, Wenwang Wu*,Jian Xiong*, and YangLu*, Auxetic mechanical metamaterials: from soft to stiff. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, (5) 2023. 042003 Yuntong Du , Thomas Keller, Yifeng Zhu, Pengyu Wei, Yan Wang, Jian Xiong* , Mechanical behavior and failure of carbon fiber-reinforced composite sandwich structure inspired by curved-crease origami. Composite Structures, 2023.316:117033 Zhibin Li, Ying Gao, Yan Wang, Pengcheng Xue, Cheng Gong, Wenyu Wang, Xingyu Wei, Jian Xiong* , Failure mechanisms and acoustic emission pattern recognition of all-CFRP cylindrical honeycomb sandwich shell under three-point bending. Composites Science and Technology, 2023, 237:110003 Hui Li, Yang Liu, Haiyang Zhang, Zhaoye Qin*, Zhaoyang Wang, Yichen Deng, Jian Xiong, Xiangping Wang, Sung Kyu Ha. Amplitude-dependent damping characteristics of all-composite sandwich plates with a foam-filled hexagon honeycomb core. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2023. 186(3):109845. Hui Li, Yang Liu, Xianjie Shi, Zhaoyang Wang, Xiangping Wang, Jian Xiong*, Zhongwei Guan. Nonlinear vibrations of all-composite sandwich plates with a hexagon honeycomb core: Theoretical and experimental investigations. Composite Structures, 2022. 305(3):116512. Qianqian Wu, Shaojie Hu, Xiaohan Tang, Xin Liu, Zongbing Chen, Jian Xiong*. Compressive buckling and post-buckling behaviors of J-type composite stiffened panel before and after impact load. Composite Structures, 2022, 304(4):116339. 熊健*, 龚程, 韦兴宇, 李志彬. 可组装轻质空间结构技术研究进展. 宇航学报, 2022, 43(11):1429-1443. Qianqian Wu, Ying Gao, Jian Xiong*. Quasi-static mechanical properties of composite lattice sandwich structures with enhanced face panels. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2023,97:104808. Zhihua Wang, Qingqing Chen, Zhiyong Wang*, Jian Xiong*. The investigation into the failure criteria of concrete based on the BP neural network. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 275:108835. Xingyu Wei, Yan Wang, Pengcheng Xue, Taotao Zhang, Abir Rouis, Wei Xiao, Jian Xiong*, Carbon Fiber Composite Honeycomb Structures and the Application for Satellite Antenna Reflector with High Precision. Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology, 2022. Hui Li, Zeyu Zou, Yangyang Yan, Xianjie Shi, Jian Xiong*, Haiyang Zhang, Xiangping Wang, Sung Kyu Ha. Free and forced vibrations of composite cylindrical–cylindrical shells with partial bolt loosening connections: Theoretical and experimental investigation. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 179: 109671. Zhibin Li, Ying Gao, Pengcheng Xue, Xingyu Wei, Yuntong Du, Yan Wang, Jian Xiong*. Fabrication and failure mechanisms of all-composite honeycomb sandwich cylinder under the axial compression. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022: 161, 107075. Hui Li, Zelin Li, Zhengyang Xiao, Jian Xiong*, Xiangping Wang, Qingkai Han, Jin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan, Vibro-impact response of FRP sandwich plates with a foam core reinforced by chopped fiber rods, Composites Part B: Engineering. 2022,242, 110077. Pengcheng Xue, Xingyu Wei, Zhibin Li, Jian Xiong*, Face-core interfacial debonding characterization model of an all-composite sandwich beam with a hexagonal honeycomb core, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022, 269, 108554. Qianqian Wu, Xin Liu, Jiajing Li, Jingwei Li, Xingyu Wei, Yang Zhao, Jian Xiong*, Failure of carbon fiber composite sandwich cylinders with a lattice core under axial compressive loading, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2022, 155, 106812. Zongbing Chen, Qianqian Wu, Haotian Yang, Lihong Yang, Jian Xiong*. A periodic dissipative system with self-locking capacity. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022, 166, 104233. Yishu Su, Xingwei Zhang, Yuguo Sun, Jian Xiong*, Janus Functional Thermal Metadevice with Predictable Thermal Rotation, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 120, 14. Hui Li, Haiyu Lv, Tinan Zhang, Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu, Jian Xiong*, Zhongwei Guan. Modeling and evaluation of dynamic degradation behaviours of carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy composite shells. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 104, 21-33. Xingyu Wei, Pengcheng Xue, Qianqian Wu, Yan Wang, Jian Xiong*. Debonding characteristics and strengthening mechanics of all-CFRP sandwich beams with interface-reinforced honeycomb cores. Composites Science and Technology, 2022, 218: 109157. Yu Chen, Ming-Hui Fu, Hong Hu*, Jian Xiong. Curved inserts in auxetic honeycomb for property enhancement and design flexibility. Composite Structures, 2022, 280, 114892. Xingyu Wei, Qianqian Wu, Ying Gao Jian Xiong*. Composite honeycomb sandwich columns under in-plane compression: Optimal geometrical design and three-dimensional failure mechanism maps. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 2022. 91: 104415. 熊健*, 李志彬, 刘惠彬, 冯丽娜, 赵云鹏, 孟凡壹. 航空航天轻质复合材料壳体结构研究进展. 复合材料学报, 2021, 38(06): 1629-1650. 杜昀桐, 熊健*, 张睿, 刘惠彬, 张超, 朱烨, 钟海罡, 王继辉, 李旭. 面芯增强泡沫夹芯结构复合材料工艺技术及力学性能.复合材料科学与工程,2021(07):111-120. Hui Li, Dongsheng Wang, Zhengyang Xiao, Zhaoye Qin*, Jian Xiong, Qingkai Han, XiangpingWang. Investigation of vibro-impact resistance of fiber reinforced composite plates with polyurea coating with elastic constraints. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022, 121, 107196. Hui Li , Wenyu Wang, Qingshan Wang , Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu , Zhaoye Qin , Jian Xiong*,Xiangping Wang. Static and dynamic performances of sandwich plates with magnetorheological elastomer core: Theoretical and experimental studies, 2022, 24, 3. Qianqian Wu, Zongbing Chen, Jian Xiong*, Zhenyu Wang*, Chenglin Yang. Computational Studies of Porous Head Protection Structures for Human Cranium under Impact Loading. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2021, 34(4):477-493. Qianqian Wu, Jian Xiong*. Influence of modeling approaches and structural parameters on impact resistance of the human porous cranium. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021,37(6):910-928 Qianqian Wu, Ranajay Ghosh, Xinyu Wei, Jiecai Han, Linzhi Wu, Jian Xiong*. Theoretical prediction model and failure mechanism map of human skull porous structures with quasi-static bending performance. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 200:106431. Ying Gao, Xingyu Wei, Xingkai Han, Zhengong Zhou, Jian Xiong*. Novel 3D auxetic lattice structures developed based on the rotating rigid mechanism . International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021, 233:111232. Hui L, Xintong Wang, Xiaoyue Hu, Jian Xiong*, Qingkai Han, Xiangping Wang, Zhongwei Guan. Vibration and damping study of multifunctional grille composite sandwich plates with an IMAS design approach. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 223:109078. Hui Li, Zelin Li, Babak Safaei, Wanchong Rong, Wenyu Wang, Zhaoye Qin*, Jian Xiong. Nonlinear vibration analysis of fiber metal laminated plates with multiple viscoelastic layers. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021,168:108297. Hui Li, Xuhui Ren, Changshuai Yu, Jian Xiong*, Xiangping Wang, Jing Zhao*. Investigation of vibro-acoustic characteristics of FRP plates with porous foam core. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 209:106697. Hui Li, Haiyu Lv, Jianfei Gu, Jian Xiong, Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu, Zhaoye Qin*. Nonlinear vibration characteristics of fibre reinforced composite cylindrical shells in thermal environment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021,156:107665. Yuntong Du, Thomas Keller, Changping Song, Linzhi Wu, Jian Xiong*, Jin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan. Origami-inspired Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composite Sandwich Materials – Fabrication and Mechanical Behavior. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 205:108667 Hui Li, Zelin Li, Zhengyang Xiao, Xiangping Wang, Jian Xiong*, Jin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan. Development of an integrated model for prediction of impact and vibration response of hybrid fiber metal laminates with a viscoelastic layer. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 197:106298. Hui Li, Haiyu Lv, Hai Sun, Zhaoye Qin*, Jian Xiong, Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu, Xiangping Wang. Nonlinear vibrations of fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical shells with bolt loosening boundary conditions. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 496:115935. Yuntong Du, Thomas Keller, Changping Song, Zhenqian Xiao, Linzhi Wu, Jian Xiong*. Design and foldability of Miura-based cylindrical origami structures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 159:107311. Ying Gao, Zhengong Zhou, Hong Hu, Jian Xiong*. New concept of carbon fiber reinforced composite 3D auxetic lattice structures based on stretching-dominated cells. Mechanics of Materials, 2021,152:103661. Yishu Su, Ying Li, Tianzhi Yang, Tiancheng Han, Yuguo Sun, Jian Xiong*, Linzhi Wu*, Cheng-Wei Qiu. Path-Dependent Thermal Metadevice beyond Janus Functionalities. Advanced Materials,2021, 33(4):2003084 Qianqian Wu, Chenglin Yang, Arne Ohrndorf, Hans-Jürgen Christ, Jiecai Han, Jian Xiong*. Impact behaviors of human skull sandwich cellular bones: Theoretical models and simulation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2020, 104:103669. Yunfei Deng, Yong Zhang*, Xinke Xiao, Ang Hu, Huapeng Wu, Jian Xiong. Experimental and numerical study on the ballistic impact behavior of 6061-T651 aluminum alloy thick plates against blunt-nosed projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 144: 103659. Ying Gao, Qianqian Wu, Xingyu Wei, Zhengong Zhou, Jian Xiong*. Composite tree-like re-entrant structure with high stiffness and controllable elastic anisotropy. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 206:170-182. Hui Li, Wenyu Wang, Xintong Wang, Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu, Zhaoye Qin, Jian Xiong*, Zhongwei Guan. A nonlinear analytical model of composite plate structure with an MRE function layer considering internal magnetic and temperature fields. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 200:108445. 邓云飞, 曾宪智, 周翔, 李向前, 熊健*. 复合材料褶皱夹芯结构研究进展, 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(12) :2966-2983. (Professor Xiong is the Corresponding author, in Chinese) Xingyu Wei, Jian Xiong*, Jie Wang, Wu Xu. New advances in fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb materials (Invited). Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63:1348-1370. 韦兴宇, 熊健*,王杰,徐武. 纤维增强复合材料蜂窝结构的研究进展, 中国科学:技术科学, 2020, 50(8): 1123-1124. (Professor Xiong is the Corresponding author, in Chinese) 杨雯*, 霍浩亮, 李海波, 张忠, 熊健. 航天多功能热控材料及结构研究进展, 强度与环境, 2020,47(2):3-14. (Professor Xiong is the Corresponding author, in Chinese) 熊健*, 杜昀桐, 杨雯, 吴倩倩, 徐学军, 姚东, 韦兴宇, 陈宗兵. 轻质复合材料夹芯结构设计及力学性能最新进展 , 宇航学报, 2020, 41(6):749-760. (Professor Xiong is the Corresponding author, in Chinese) Xingyu Wei, Qianqian Wu, Ying Gao, Jian Xiong*. Bending characteristics of all-composite hexagon honeycomb sandwich beams: experimental tests and a three-dimensional failure mechanism map. Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 148: 103401. Wen Yang, Jian Xiong*, Li-Jia Feng, Chong Pei, Lin-Zhi Wu. Fabrication and mechanical properties of three dimensional enhanced lattice truss sandwich structures. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2020, 22(5):1594-1611. 熊健*,吴倩倩.人头盖骨微观组织结构及能量吸收机制研究.力学与实践.2019.41(6):653-657 (Professor Xiong is the Corresponding author, in Chinese) Soroush Kamrava, Ranajay Ghosh, Jian Xiong, Samuel M. Felton, Ashkan Vaziri*. Origami-equivalent compliant mechanism. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115: 171904. Xingyu Wei, Dafu Li, Jian Xiong*. Fabrication and mechanical behaviors of an all-composite sandwich structure with a hexagon honeycomb core based on the tailor-folding approach. Composites Science and Technology (CSTE), 2019, 184: 107878. Yuntong Du, Changping Song, Jian Xiong*, Linzhi Wu. Fabrication and Mechanical Behaviors of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Foldcore Based on Curved-crease Origami. Composites Science and Technology (CSTE), 2019,174: 94-105. Qianqian Wu, Ashkan Vaziri, Mohamad Eydani Asl, Ranajay Ghosh, Ying Gao, Xingyu Wei, Li Ma, Jian Xiong*, Linzhi Wu.Lattice Materials with Pyramidal Hierarchy: Systematic Analysis and Three Dimensional Failure Mechanism Maps.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids(JMPS),2019,125:112-144. Bin Hu, Lin-Zhi Wu*, Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Wen Yang, Yang Jin. Mechanical properties of a node-interlocking pyramidal welded tube lattice sandwich structure. Mechanics of Materials, 2019,129:290-305. Wen Yang, Jian Xiong*, Linzhi Wu, Yuntong Du. Methods for enhancing the thermal properties of epoxy matrix composites using 3D network structures. Composites Communications,2019,12:14-20. Wu Xu*, ZZ Guo, Y Yu, Jian Xiong, Ying Gao. Experimental and analytical characterizations of finite interlaminar crack growth of 2D woven textile composites. Composite Structures, 2018, 206:713-721. Jian Xiong*, Yutong Du, D. Mousanezhad, M. Eydani Asl, J.Norato, A. Vaziri*. Sandwich structures with prismatic and foam cores: A Review.Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018,21(1):1800036. Chuanlei Li, Hongshuai Lei*, Yabo Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jian Xiong, Hao Zhou*, Daining Fang. Crushing behavior of multi-layer metal lattice panel fabricated by selective laser melting. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 145:389-399. Qianqian Wu, Li Ma, Qiunan Liu, Lina Feng, Zhenyu Wang, Arne Ohrndorf,Hans-Jürgen Christ,Jian Xiong*. Impact response and energy absorption of human skull cellular bones. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2018, 81:106-119. Xiaodong Li, Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu*, Xiangqiao Yan. Effect of vacuum thermal cycling on the compression and shear performance of composite sandwich structures containng pyramidal truss cores.Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 158:67-78. Qianqian Wu, Ying Gao, Xingyu Wei, Davood Mousanezhad, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Jian Xiong*. Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of sandwich panels with ultra-lightweight three-dimensional hierarchical lattice cores. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 132-133: 171-187. Lijia Feng, Jian Xiong*, Lihong Yang, Guocai Yu, Wen Yang, Linzhi Wu*. Shear and bending performance of new type enhanced lattice truss structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 134:589-598. Juan Pablo Vitale, Gaston Francucci, Jian Xiong, Ariel Stocchi*. Failure mode maps of natural and synthetic fiber reinforced composite sandwich panels. Composites Part A, 2017, 94:217-225. Qianqian Wu, Li Ma, Ying Gao, Jian Xiong*. A new fabrication method for hierarchical truss materials with millimeter-scale struts. Materials Letters, 2017, 186: 1-6. Qianqian Wu, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu, Jian Xiong*. A novel strengthening method for carbon fiber composite lattice truss structures. Composite Structures, 2016, 153: 585-592. Jinshui Yang, Li Ma, Rudiger Schmidt, Ge Qi, Kai-Uwe Schroder, Jian Xiong, Linzhi Wu. Hybrid lightweight composite pyramidal truss sandwich panels with high damping and stiffness efficiency. Composite Structures, 2016, 148: 85-96. Jian Xiong*, Ashkan Vaziri, Ranajay Ghosh, Hong Hu, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu. Compression behavior and energy absorption of carbon fiber reinforced composite sandwich panels made of three dimensional grid cores. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2016,7: 114-120. Jian Xiong*, Lina Feng, Ranajay Ghosh, Huaping Wu, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri*. Fabrication and mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite sandwich cylindrical shells with corrugated cores. Composite Structures, 2016, 156: 307-319. 熊健*, 郑伟, 冯丽娜, 孟凡壹, 陆宇阳. 波纹板-金字塔多级点阵结构力学性能及失效机制研究. 固体力学学报, 2015, 36, 124-131 (Professor Xiong is Corresponding author, in Chinese) 冯丽娜, 熊健*, 郑伟, 杨金水, 吴林志. 复合材料波纹夹层圆柱壳设计及轴压性能. 复合材料学报,2016,33(2),418-429. (Professor Xiong is Corresponding author, in Chinese) Jinshui Yang, Jian Xiong (Co-supervisor), Li Ma*, Li-Na Feng, Shu-Yang Wang, Lin-Zhi Wu. Modal response of all-composite corrugated sandwich cylindrical shells. Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 115:9-20. Jian Xiong*, Robert Mines, Ranajay Ghosh, Ashkan Vaziri, Li Ma, Arne Ohrndorf, H.J. Christ, Linzhi Wu*. Advanced Micro-lattice materials. Advanced Engeering Materials, 2015, 17(9) 1253-1264. Yuling Tang, Zhengong Zhou*, Shidong Pan, Jian Xiong, Ying Guo. Mechanical property and failure mechanism of 3D carbon-carbon braided composites bolted joints under unidirectional tensile loading. Materials and Design, 2015, 65, 243-253. Guocai Yu, Linzhi Wu, Li Ma, Jian Xiong. Low velocity impact of carbon fiber aluminum laminates. Composite Structures, 2014,119, 757-766. Jian Xiong, Ranajay Ghosh, Li Ma*,H. Ebrahimi, A.M.S.Hamouda, Ashkan Vaziri*, Linzhi Wu. Bending behavior of lightweight sandwich-walled shells with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2014,116, 793-804. Jinshui Yang, Jian Xiong(Co-supervisor), Li Ma*, Guoqi Zhang, Xintao Wang, Linzhi Wu. Study on vibration damping of composite sandwich cylindrical shell with pyramidal truss-like cores. Composite Structures, 2014,117, 362-272. Jian Xiong*, Meng Zhang, Ariel Stocchi, Hong Hu, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu*, Zhong Zhang. Mechanical behaviors of carbon fiber composite sandwich columns with three dimensional honeycomb cores under in-plane compression. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014, 60, 350-358. Jian Xiong*, Ranajay Ghosh, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Yulong Wang, Linzhi Wu*. Sandwich-walled cylindrical shells with lightweight metallic lattice truss cores and carbon fiber reinforced composite face sheets. Composite part A, 2014, 56, 226-238. Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Ariel Stocchi, Jinshui Yang, Linzhi Wu, Shidong Pan*. Bending response of carbon fiber composite sandwich beams with three dimensional honeycomb cores. Composite Structures, 2014, 108, 234-242. Jian Xiong*, Bing Wang, Li Ma*, Jim Papadopoulos, Ashkan Vaziri, Linzhi Wu. Three-dimensional Composite Lattice Structures Fabricated by Electrical Discharge Machining. Experimental Mechanics, 2014, 54, 405-412. Jia Lou, Linzhi Wu*, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Bing Wang. Effects of local damage on vibration characteristics of composite pyramidal truss core sandwich structure. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014, 62, 73-87. Jinshui Yang, Jian Xiong(Co-supervisor), Li Ma*, Bing Wang, Guoqi Zhang, Linzhi Wu. Vibration and damping characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss sandwich panels with viscoelastic layers. Composite Structures, 2013, 106, 570-580. Bing Wang*, Jian Xiong, Xiaojun Wang, Li Ma, Guoqi Zhang, Linzhi Wu, Jicai Feng. Energy absorption efficiency of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates under high velocity impact. Materials and Design, 2013, 50: 140-148. Guoqi Zhang , Bing Wang, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Linzhi Wu*. Response of sandwich structures with pyramidal truss cores under the compression and impact loading. Composite Structures, 2013, 90: 1230-1235. Guoqi Zhang, Bing Wang, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Jinshui Yang, Linzhi Wu*. The residual compressive strength of impact-damaged sandwich structures with pyramidal truss cores. Composite Structures, 2013, 105: 188-198. Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Shidong Pan, Linzhi Wu*, Jim Papadopoulos, Ashkan Vaziri. Shear and Bending Performance of Carbon Fiber Composite Sandwich Panels with Pyramidal Truss Cores. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(4): 1455-1466. Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Ashkan Vaziri, Jinshui Yang, Linzhi Wu*. Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Composite Lattice Core Sandwich Panels Fabricated by Laser Cutting. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(13-14): 5322-5334. Jian Xiong*, Ashkan Vaziri, Li Ma, Jim Papadopoulos, Linzhi Wu*. Compression and Impact Testing of Two Layer Composite Pyramidal-core Sandwich Panels. Composite Structures, 2012, 94(2): 793-801. 吴林志*,熊健,马力,王兵,张国旗,杨金水. 新型复合材料点阵结构的研究进展. 力学进展, 2012, 42(1),41-67. 吴林志*,熊健,马力,王兵,泮世东,刘海涛. 轻质夹层多功能结构一体化设计. 力学与实践, 2012, 34(4): 8-18. Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu*, Jiayi Liu, Ashkan Vaziri. Mechanical Behavior and Failure of Carbon Fiber Composite Pyramidal Truss Core Sandwich Columns. Composite Part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(4): 938-945. Jian Xiong*, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu*, Ming Li, Ashkan Vaziri. Mechanical Behavior of Sandwich Panels with Hollow Al-Si Tubes Core Construction. Materials and Design, 2011, 32(2): 592-597. Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Ming Li, Linzhi Wu. Mechanical Response and Failure Mechanism of Fiber Reinforced Composite Truss Core Sandwich Structures. 3rd International Cofenerce on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2011), Chong Ming Island, China, May 22-26, 2011 (EI收录,EI 收录号为20124015500061) 熊健,马力,杨金水,吴林志*. 碳纤维复合材料金字塔点阵结构制备工艺及力学性能研究. 固体力学学报, 2011, 32(S1): 8-13. (EI源期刊) Ming Li*, Linzhi Wu*, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Zhenxi Guan. Torsion of Carbon Fiber Composite Pyramidal Core Sandwich Plates. Composite Structures, 2011, 93(9): 2358-2367. Jiayi Liu, Zhengong Zhou*, Li Ma, Jian Xiong, Linzhi Wu. Temperature Effects on the Strength and Crushing Behavior of Carbon Fiber Composite Truss Sandwich Cores. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2011, 4(7)2: 1860-1866. Jian Xiong, Li Ma, Linzhi Wu*, Bing Wang, Ashkan Vaziri. Fabrication and Crushing Behavior of Low Density Carbon Fiber Composite Pyramidal Truss Structures. Composite Structures, 2010, 92(11): 2695-2702. 李明,吴林志,关正西,马力,熊健. 金属圆管增强夹芯柱屈曲分析. 工程力学, 2010, 27(12): 34-39. (EI收录,EI收录号为20110313592213)


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