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康鹏超,男,汉族,1967年生。副教授/博士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 材料科学系教师。 先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金面上、863 项目、973子项目以及一批省部级项目。发表学术论文80余篇。申报国家发明专利92项,获授权专利32项。 荣誉称号 2007年 被评为哈尔滨工业大学优秀专兼职学生工作者 2015年 获哈尔滨工业大学研究生教学成果二等奖 2018年 获国家部委技术发明一等奖 工作经历 1990.7-1997.10 东北重型机械学院 1997.10-2004.11 燕山大学 2004.12-今 哈尔滨工业大学 教育经历 1986年-1990年, 就读于东北重型机械学院,获学士学位 1990年-1993年, 就读于东北重型机械学院,获硕士学位 2000年-2004年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学 ,获博士学位


轻质高比强度高比刚度碳纤维增强铝复合材料 轻质耐烧蚀复合材料 SiC纳米线制备、生长机理及光电性能


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Pengchao Kang, Zhongda Yin,Celestine Okoye. Effect of milling time on phase transition and grain growth during the annealing process of MA powders. Materials Science & Engineering A . Vol 395/1-2 ,2005, 167-172 Pengchao Kang, Zhongda Yin, Yue Jiang, Mingwei Li, “Formation mechanism of Ti5Si3 powder by mechanical alloying” J. University of Sci. Tech Beijing. 11(2), 2004, 117-119 PengChao Kang, ZhongDa Yin. Formation Mechanism and Nanocrystalline Phase Transformation of Molybdenum Disilicide by Mechanical Alloying. Nanotechnology 15(7), 2004, 851-855 Pengchao Kang, Zhongda Yin “Phase formation during annealing as-milled powders of molybdenum disilicide” Mater. Lett. 57 (2003), 4412-4417 康鹏超,尹钟大,李明伟,姜越, 机械合金化反应烧结制备SiC/MoSi2复合材料 稀有金属材料与工程 Vol.34(12), 2005, 1974-1977 Pengchao Kang, Gaohui Wu, Zhongda Yin. Influence of Nowonty phase on the fracture toughness of SiC/MoSi2 composites. Key Engineering Materials, 2007 v 353-358: 1326-1329 Kang Pengchao, Wu Gaohui, Cao Zhongwen, Zhang Jihong, Wei Dejun, Lin Leiting. Reactive Hot-press Sintering of Al-B4C Composites at Relative Low Temperature. Journal of Wuhan University of Technolotgy-Mater. Sci. Ed. Jun. 2009.72-74 P.C. Kang, Z.W. Cao, G.H. Wu, J.H. Zhang, D.J. Wei, L.T. Lin. Phase identification of Al–B4C ceramic composites synthesized by reaction hot-press sintering. Int. Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 2010; 28: 297–300 Pengchao Kang, Guoqin Chen and Gaohui Wu. Synthesis Nano-SiCp/MoSi2 Composites by in-situ Reaction Sintering and Low Temperature Oxidation Behavior. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 105-106 (2010) pp 150-153 Pengchao Kang, Bin Zhang, Guoqin Chen, Gaohui Wu. Synthesis of nanostructured SiC coatings on carbon fibres by in situ reaction sintering with milled powders. Surface & Coatings Technology. 205 (2010) 294–298. Pengchao Kang, Bin Zhang, Gaohui Wu, Jun Su, Huasong Gou. Synthesis of SiO2 covered SiC nanowires with milled Si,C nanopowders. Materials Letters 65 (2011) 3461–3464 P.C. Kang, G.Q. Chen, B. Zhang, G.H. Wu, S. Mula, C.C. Koch. Oxidation protection of carbon fibers by a reaction sintered nanostructured SiC coating. Surface & Coatings Technology. 206 (2011) 305-311. Z. Wu , P. C. Kang, G. H. Wu,Q. Guo, Z. Y. Xiu. Effect of heating process on fracture behaviors of Wf/Cu82Al10Fe4Ni4 composites. J Mater Sci (2011) 46:5541–5545. Z. Wu, G.H. Wu, P.C. Kang, Q. Gou, G.Q. Chen, L.T. Jiang. High temperature fracture behavior of tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composites under dynamic compression. Materials and Design 32 (2011) 5022–5026. Zhe Wu, Pengchao Kang, Gaohui Wu, Qiang Guo, LongTao Jiang. The effect of interface modification on fracture behavior of tungsten fiber reinforced copper matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering A.2012,536(2):45-48 Suhrit Mula, H. Bahmanpour, S. Mal, P.C. Kang, M. Atwater,W. Jian, R.O. Scattergood, Carl C. Koch. Thermodynamic feasibility of solid solubility extension of Nb in Cu and their thermal stability. Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012) 330–336. Li Bing-qing, KangPeng-chao,GouHua-song,ZhangQiang,WuGao-hui. Ablation mechanisms of interpenetrating Al20Si/graphite composites. Ceramics International 39 (2013) Suhrit Mula, J. Panigrahi, P.C. kang, Carl C. Koch. Effect of microwave sintering over vacuum and conventional sintering of Cu based nanocomposites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 588 (2014) 710–715 Pengchao Kang, Bin Zhang, Gaohui Wu, Huasong Gou, Guoqin Chen, Longtao Jiang, Suhrit Mula. Synthesis of b-SiC nanowires by ball milled nanoparticles of silicon and carbon. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 604 (2014) 304–308 Bingqing Li , Pengchao Kang, Huasong Gou, Gaohui Wu, Suhrit Mula. Surface morphology evolution and ablation mechanism of SiC–Si multiphase ceramic coating on graphite under oxy-acetylene flame. Corrosion Science 88 (2014) 473–480 Bingqing Li , Pengchao Kang, Huasong Gou, Gaohui Wu. Microstructure and ablation mechanism of graphite/SiCcomposites under oxy-acetylene flame. Ceramics International 40 (2014) 5497–5505. H. T. Chi , L. T. Jiang , P. C. Kang , B. R. Ma , Z. G. Xu and G. H. Wu. Microstructure and wear properties of pressure infiltration B4Cp/2024Al composites.Materials Research Innovations 2014 Vol.18 SUPPL 4 519-523 S. Sooraj,V. M. Suntharavel Muthaiah,P. C. Kang,Carl C. Koch, Suhrit Mula. Microstructural evolution and thermal stability of Fe-Zr metastable alloys developed by mechanical alloying followed by annealing. Philosophical Magazine. 2016 Vol. 96, no. 25, 2649–2670 RaviKumar,S.M.Dasharath,P.C.Kang,Carl C.Koch,SuhritMula. Enhancement of mechanical properties of low stacking fault energy brass processed by cryorolling followed by short-annealing. Materials and Design 67 (2015) 637–643 Deng Gong , Youfang Cao, Yuli Zhan , Xin Liu , Jingtao Guan, Longtao Jiang ,Pengchao Kang , Zhenhe Yu,Murid Hussain, Gaohui Wu. Micro-creep behavior and microstructure evolution of SiC p /2024Al composite. Materials Science & Engineering A 771 (2020) 138606 Hao Liu, Pengchao Kang, Wenshu Yang, Ningbo Zhang, Yue Sun , Gaohui Wu. Ablation behavior of Al20Si/graphite composite nozzle-throats in a solid rocket motor environment. Ceramics International Volume 46, Issue 915 June 2020: 13317-13323 Pengchao Kang, Hao Liu, Wenshu Yang, Wei Wang, Ningbo Zhang, Qiqi Zhao, Suhrit Mula, Gaohui Wu. Microstructure and ablation behavior of SiMo/graphite composites with excellent short-time ablation resistance. Corrosion Science Volume 168, 15 May 2020 Article 108590 邓 恒,刘 豪,严鸥鹏,李卫鹏,康鹏超,武高辉,惠卫华,刘 旸. 石墨 / AlSi 耗散防热材料喉衬烧蚀试验研究. 固 体 火 箭 技 术 . Vol.43 No.1, 2020. 66-71 Pengchao Kang , Qiqi Zhao, Shiqi Guo, Wei Xue, Hao Liu, Zhenlong Chao, Longtao Jiang , Gaohui Wu. Optimisation of the spark plasma sintering process for high volume fraction SiCp/Al composites by orthogonal experimental design. Ceramics International 47(2021) 3816–3825 Hao Liu, Pengchao Kang ,*, Gaohui Wu , Zhijun Wang, Ningbo zhang , Suhrit Mula. Ablation mechanism of AlSi/graphite dissipative heat protective composites under an oxy-acetylene torch. Ceramics International. 47(2021)27925-27933 Qiqi Zhao,·Pengchao Kang, Wei Xue,· Zhaoqun Sun, Zhenlong Chao,· Longtao Jiang, Ziyang Xiu. Synthesis of large?scale SiC@SiO2 nanowires with good optical properties by using Si@SiO2 as silicon source. Applied Physics A (2022) 128:1020. Ziyang Xiu, Boyu Ju , Cungao Duan , Sen Fu , Ningbo Zhang, Yong Mei, Jinming Liu, Yuhan Feng, Wenshu Yang and Pengchao Kang. Study on the Evolution of Graphene Defects and the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of GNPs/Cu during CVD Repair Process. Materials 2022, 15, 130 Ziyang Xiu, Boyu Ju, Junhai Zhan, Ningbo Zhang, Zhijun Wang, Yong Mei, Jinming Liu, Yuhan Feng, Yixin Guo, Pengchao Kang, Qiang Zhang and Wenshu Yang. Microstructure Evolution of Graphene and the Corresponding Effect on the Mechanical/Electrical Properties of Graphene/Cu Composite during Rolling Treatment. Materials 2022, 15, 1218. Qiqi Zhao,Boyu Ju, Tingting Guo, Wenshu Yang, Pengchao Kang, Wei Xue, Hao Liu,Ziyang Xiu, Guoqin Chen, Longtao Jiang, Gaohui Wu. Preparation and fracture behavior of bionic layered SiCp/Al composites by tape casting and pressure infiltration. Ceramics International. 49 (2023) 9060–9068, Qiqi Zhao, Boyu Ju, Keguang Zhao, Junhai Zhan, Mingda Liu, Ningbo Zhang, Jinrui Qian,Ziyang Xiu, Pengchao Kang and Wenshu Yang. Effect of Reinforcement Size on Mechanical Behavior of SiC-Nanowires‐Reinforced 6061Al Composites. Materials 2022, 15, 8484. Longtao Jiang, Wei Xue, Pengchao Kang, Zhenlong Chao, Huimin Han, Runwei Zhang Shanqi Du, Binzhuo Han, Qiqi Zhao, Gaohui Wu. Enhanced ductility of B4C/Al composites by controlling thickness of interfacial oxide layer through high temperature oxidation of B4C particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 937 (2023) 168486 Qiuchen Han, Lei Chang, Zhaoqun Sun, Jiaqi Sun, Zengyan Wei , Pingping Wang, Ziyang Xiu, Huasong Gou ,Pengchao Kang and Gaohui Wu. Ablation Mechanism of AlSiB-C/C Composites under an Oxy-Acetylene Torch. Metals 2023, 13, 160. Qiqi Zhao· Pengchao Kang Wei Xue · Zhaoqun Sun Zhenlong Chao· Longtao Jiang· Ziyang Xiu。Synthesis of large?scale SiC@SiO2 nanowires with good optical properties by using Si@SiO2 as silicon source. Applied Physics A (2022) 128:1020 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-022-06165-w Pengchao Kang, Qiqi Zhao , Tien Zhang , Wei Xue , Zengyan Wei, Pingping Wang, Gaohui Wu . Synthesis of 3C/2H/6H heterojunction SiC nanowires with highperformance supercapacitors by thermal evaporation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 15347–15358 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ta02244g Qiqi Zhao,Pengchao Kang, Jinrui Qian, Zengyan Wei, Wei Xue, Zhenlong Chao*,Longtao Jiang*, Ziyang Xiu. Synthesis of SiC@SiO2 nanowires by thermal evaporation of wet silicon oxide powder. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 11, 11843?11854 DOI 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c01360
