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张治洲教授,男,留美归国博士,1967年12月出生。研究方向为复杂菌群结构与功能、海洋生物学和纳米生物技术。中国科技大学分子生物学专业,博士毕业于美国俄亥俄医学院(Medical College of Ohio, University of Toledo)生化与分子生物学专业(博士课题方向为酵母基因表达抑制机制研究)。美国克利夫兰临床医学研究中心(CCF)博士后(博士后课题方向为细胞内蛋白输运机制及对应人类疾病)。现为哈工大化工学院博士生导师-海洋科学与技术学院BIO-X海洋生物技术研究中心主任, 山东省海洋船舶防污工程技术研究中心(省级示范中心)主任。曾任天津科技大学海河学者特聘教授和天津市科技咨询专家,天津科技大学营养基因组学与功能食品研究所创始人。天津市131第一层次人选. 第九届天津青年科技奖(2006)。天津市河西区十大杰出青年(2006)。上海交通大学BIO-X生命科学研究中心兼职教授。2006教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。主持教育部归国留学人员项目、教育部基础研究重点项目、教育部新世纪优秀人才项目,上海市科委基础研究重大项目、国家自然基金项目、863项目等课题,发表各类学术论文约140篇,包括48篇SCI(至2019年9月他引约1130次),31篇EI, 影响因子3--11 有11篇,H因子为12,参编著作3部;申请发明专利38项(其中国际专利2项),已授权17项,实际转让10项。在过去10年中实际支配科研经费超过1100万。以通讯作者身份与合作者在国际上首次报道纳米基因扩增技术和完全由DNA分子组成的通用逻辑门。与合作者从分子实验上实现国内首台DNA计算雏形。在国内外较早倡导利用系统生物学研究手段把配伍西药作为中药现代化的一个核心战略目标,可望对生物制药技术领域和个体化营养健康技术领域逐步产生重要影响。近来又大力发展基因网络技术来研究多基因之间的定性定量关系及相关基因网络操作技术,该技术平台,结合大数据分析技术,是一个通用的疾病基因发现平台和新药物靶点(或保健因子)发现平台。 工作经历 2009-至今 教授博导,历任学科带头人,院长,新方向学术带头人等 哈工大BIO-X海洋生物技术研究中心,山东省海洋船舶防污工程技术研究中心主任 2005--2009 教授博导,学科带头人。海河学者特聘教授 天津科技大学食品工程与生物技术学院 2002--2005 副教授, 多学科交叉创新研究带头人 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院 2000--2002 博士后 The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of Cell Biology, Cleveland, OH, USA 教育经历 1985.9----1990.7 分子生物学 中国科技大学生物系 学士 1994.9----1999.12 生物化学与分子生物学 美国俄亥俄医学院 博士




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High-throughput sequencing analysis of marine pioneer surface-biofilm bacteria communities on different PDMS-based coatings Yuan Suna, Yanhe Lang, ZhengYu Yan, Lei Wang, Zhizhou Zhang Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 期卷 185 (2020) 110538 海鞘附着相关微生物膜中细菌原核群落结构的解析 刘倩倩,史宏伟,郭长禄,张治洲 生物技术通报 期卷 2020 DOI:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-0187 Application of the factorial design of experiments to hydrothermal synthesis of lithium iron phosphate. Zuolin Liu, Yongming Zhu, Peng Gao, Zhizhou Zhang. Int J Appl Ceram Technol. 期卷 2020; 00: 1–10. Carboxyl-modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes-filled PDMS nanocomposites for anti-biofouling applications Yuan Sun, Zhizhou Zhang Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 期卷 Published online: 25 Jun 2016 Anti-biofouling property studies on carboxyl-modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes filled PDMS nanocomposites Yuan Sun, Zhizhou Zhang World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 期卷 2016, 32(9):148 New Anti-Biofouling Carbon Nanotubes-Filled Polydimethylsiloxane Composites against Colonization by Pioneer Eukaryotic Microbes Yuan Sun, Zhizhou Zhang International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 期卷 2016, 110,147-154. Effect of anti-biofouling potential of multi-walled carbon nanotubes-filled polydimethylsiloxane composites on pioneer microbial colonization Yuan Sun, Yanhe Lang, Qian Sun, Shuang Liang, Yongkang Liu, Zhizhou Zhang* Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 期卷 2016, 145, 30-36. A comparative study on the impact of the carbon nanotubes-modified polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites on the colonization dynamics of the pioneer biofilm communities Yuan Sun, Yubin Jia, Yanhe Lang, Lei Wang, Bing Liu, Zhizhou Zhang International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 期卷 129 (2018) 195–201. Effect of CNT/PDMS Nanocomposites on the Dynamics of Pioneer Bacterial Communities in the Natural Biofilms of Seawater. Yubin Ji, Yuan Sun, Yanhe Lang, Lei Wang, Bing Liu and Zhizhou Zhang* Materials 期卷 2018, 11, 902; doi:10.3390/ma11060902 (12 pages) 不同防污性能的纳米涂层对海水生物膜中真核菌群的影响 郭长禄,史宏伟,张治洲 应用与环境生物学报 期卷 2019, https://doi.org/10.19675/j.cnki.1006-687x.2019.05014 Differential colonization dynamics of marine biofilm-forming eukaryotic microbes on different protective coating materials. Yanhe Lang, Yuan Sun, Miao Yu, Yubin Ji, Lei Wang and Zhizhou Zhang. 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Dolphin, Zhizhou Zhang* and David Gems*. npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease 期卷 Volume 4, Article number: 6 (2018) Nanoparticle PCR: Nanogold-assisted PCR with enhanced specificity. Haikuo Li, Jiehuan Huang, Xiaodong Zhang, Zhizhou Zhang*, Chunhai Fan* and Jun Hu*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 期卷 August 12, 2005, 44(32):5100-3【204】 Application of Pseudo Amino Acid Composition for Predicting Protein Subcellular Location Yu-Xi Pan, Zhi-Zhou Zhang, Zong-Ming Guo, Guo-Yin Feng, Zhen-De Huang,and Lin He. Journal of Protein Chemistry 期卷 22(4), 395-402. 2003 【134】 Electrochemical interrogation of DNA monolayers on gold surfaces Ruojun Lao, Shiping Song, Haiping Wu, Lihua Wang, Zhizhou Zhang*,Lin He,Chunhai Fan* Anal. Chem. 期卷 September 10 ,2005, 77,6475-6480.【171】 Chemical Information Exchange in Organized Protocells and Natural Cell Assemblies with Controllable Spatial Positions Xuejing Wang, Liangfei Yongshuo Ren, Zhongyang Zhao, Hang Du, Zhizhou Zhang, Bruce W. Drinkwater, Stephen Mann, Xiaojun Han Small 期卷 27 February 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201906394 Age-dependent effects of floxuridine (FUdR) on senescent pathology and mortality in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Hongyuan Wang , Yuan Zhao , Zhizhou Zhang Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 期卷 509 (2019) 694-699; 浓香型白酒窖泥中甲烷囊菌属特异性引物的设计及其在窖泥质量评价中的初步应用 何宏魁,袁木,蔡照润,曹润洁,李安军,张治洲. 中国酿造 期卷 2019 Quantum dots for a high-throughput Pfu polymerase based multi-round polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Fuming Sang, Zhizhou Zhang , Lin Yuan and Deli Liu. Analyst 期卷 2018, 143, 1259-1267. Fatty Acid-rich Trout Bone Soup Demonstrates Potential to Mask Bitterness of Food and Chinese Medicine. Ying Han, Zhizhou Zhang Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 期卷 2019, 7(3), 224-230 Monsters in the uterus: Teratoma-like tumors in senescent C. elegans result from a parthenogenetic quasi-program. Hongyuan Wang, Zhizhou Zhang and David Gems Aging 期卷 Volume 10, Issue 6,June 2018,https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.101486 pp 1188—1189. Leucine Exerts Lifespan Extension and Improvement in Three Types of Stress Resistance (Thermotolerance, Anti-Oxidation and Anti-UV Irradiation) in C. elegans Hongyuan Wang, Jin Wang, Zhizhou Zhang Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 期卷 2018, Vol. 6, No. 10, 665-673 耐酸乳酸杆菌物种特异性引物设计及其在古井贡酒窖泥酒醅质量评价中的初步应用 刘倩倩,李俊薇,曹润洁,张会敏, 何宏魁,李安军,张治洲 食品与发酵工业 期卷 2018,DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019007 乙醇对秀丽隐杆线虫寿命的影响及其分子机理 王晋,王虹元,金玲玲,郭长禄,张治洲 食品科学 期卷 2017,38(21)165-169 Employment of near full-length ribosome gene TA-cloning and Primer-Blast to detect multiple species in a natural complex microbial community using species-specific primers designed with their genome sequences Huimin Zhang,Hongkui He,… Zhizhou Zhang Mol Biotechnol 期卷 (2016) 58:729–737 CdTe quantum dots accelerate the speed of Pfu-based polymerase chain reaction Sang Fuming, Yang Yang, Zhao Hexiang, Ma Meirong & Zhang Zhizhou Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 期卷 2015,10:476-482 Development of a high-throughput real time PCR based on a hot-start alternative for Pfu mediated by quantum dots Fuming Sang*, Yang Yang, Lin Yuan, Jicun Ren and Zhizhou Zhang* Nanoscale 期卷 2015, 7(38):15852-15862 A hot start alternative for high-fidelity DNA polymerase amplification mediated by quantum dots Fuming Sang, Yang Yang, Ying Lin, and Zhizhou Zhang ABBS 期卷 2014 Jun;46(6):502-11 Seven Potential Nucleic Chemicals enhance efficiency of Polymerase Chain Reaction Xu,Z; Zhao,HX; Sang,FM; Zhao,X; Zhang,ZZ RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 期卷 9(7): 69-78,2014 Quantum dots trigger hot-start effects for pfu-based polymerase chain reaction Fuming Sang, Yang Yang, Jinjie Wang, Xiangyi Huang, Jicun Renb & Zhizhou Zhang* Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 期卷 2014,9:1051-1063. 利用非培养技术初步研究古井贡酒大曲细菌群落结构 张会敏, 束莹, 周庆伍,李安军,何宏魁,张治洲 现代食品科技 期卷 2014,30(4):44-49 利用非培养技术初步研究古井贡酒窖泥细菌群落结构 张会敏, 李天婵, 孙美青, 周庆伍,李安军, 何宏魁,张治洲 《食品工业科技》 期卷 2014, 35(13):200-206 利用非培养技术初步研究古井贡酒大曲真核微生物群落结构 张会敏, 王杰, 周庆伍,李安军, 何宏魁,张治洲 《食品工业》 期卷 2014(6):158-162 CdTe Quantum Dots Enhance Feasibility of EvaGreen-Based Real-Time PCR with Decent Amplification Fidelity Sang F, Zhang Z*, Xu Z, Ju X, Wang H, Zhang S, Guo C. Mol Biotechnol 期卷 54(3):969-976,2013. QPCR Quantification Strategy of Minor Species in A Complex Microbial Community Using Species-specific Primers Huimin Zhang, Changlu Guo, Hongkui He, Kaiqiang Li, Yanhe Lang and Qingwu Zhou ,Zhizhou Zhang* J PURE APPL MICROBIOl 期卷 2013,7:601-610. Quantum dots induce hot-start effects for Taq-based polymerase chain reaction Fuming Sang, Yang Yang, Hongyuan Wang, Xiaolei Ju, Zhizhou Zhang* Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 期卷 2012 5(6): 295-301. 用rpsL基因突变实验评价丙烯酰胺致突变性的方法初探 刘清岱,王志伟,安红杰,张治洲 食品与生物技术学报 期卷 2010,29(2):298-301 耶氏酵母菌POX5基因的敲除 黄琳,刘常金,王芳,师慧敏,张治洲. 现代食品科技 期卷 2010, 26(4):331-336. 解脂酵母中POX3基因的敲除研究 师慧敏, 王芳,黄琳,刘常金*,张治洲 食品工业科技 期卷 2010,11:232-238 NanoPCR Observation: Different levels of DNA replication fidelity in nanoparticles-enhanced polymerase chain reactions Cenchao Shen, Wenjuan Yang, Qiaoli Ji, Hisaji Maki, Anjie Dong, Zhizhou Zhang* Nanotechnology 期卷 20 (2009) 455103 【28】 Food storage material silver nanoparticles interfere with DNA replication fidelity and bind with DNA Wenjuan Yang , Cenchao Shen , Qiaoli Ji , Hongjie An , Jinju Wang , Qingdai Liu , Zhizhou Zhang* Nanotechnology 期卷 20 (2009) 085102. 【135】 Enhanced amplification of GC-rich DNA with two organic reagents. Zhizhou Zhang*,Xia Yang, Fang Liu, Liangyu Meng, Cenchao Shen, Wenjuan Yang Biotechniques 期卷 47(3):775-779. 【28】 Tup1突变对转录抑制局部网络中基因表达的非线性影响 丛建国,王志伟,张治洲 生物信息学 期卷 2009,第二期。 影响长寿的局部基因网络模型及其与营养代谢模块的相关性 王芸,李澎鹏,王津倩,王志伟,张治洲 现代食品科技 期卷 2009,2:121-125 乳腺癌局部基因网络模型及其与营养代谢模块的耦联 孟良玉,李澎鹏, 黄琳,张治洲 现代食品科技 期卷 2009,10:1120-1123页,1139页 Aqueous suspension of carbon nanotubes enhances the efficiency of long PCR Zhizhou Zhang*, Cencao Shen, Mingchun Wang and Xiaohong Cao. Biotechniques 期卷 2008, 44(4):537-545【42】 Long-Range Heterogeneous Electron Transfer of Ferrocene Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Through Alkanethiol Bridges at Gold Electrodes JIONG ZHANG, LIHUA WANG, YING WAN, XIAOLEI ZUO,SHIPING SONG*, ZHIZHOU ZHANG* and CHUNHAI FAN* Asian Journal of Chemistry 期卷 ol. 20, No. 3 (2008), 2275-2282 低钠盐饮食对胰岛素信号通路相关基因网络状态的影响 张治洲*,常丽君,王秀锦,王艳萍 食品研究与开发 期卷 2008,29(1):62-67 Development of nano-scale DNA computing devices Zhizhou Zhang*,Chunhai Fan, Lin He Current Nanoscience 期卷 1(1):91-95, 2005. Differential dependence on DNA ligase of type II restriction enzymes: A practical way toward ligase-free DNA automaton Peng Chen , Jing Li , Jian Zhao , Lin He , Zhizhou Zhang* Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 期卷 353(3), 16 February 2007, 733-737. Aqueous suspension of carbon nanopowder enhances the efficiency of polymerase chain reaction Zhizhou Zhang*, Mingchun Wang and Hongjie An Nanotechnology 期卷 18 (2007) 355706.【33】 DNA Add Using Linear Self-Assembly Lulu Qian, Jian Zhao, Qiang Liu*, Zhizhou Zhang* and Lin He* Chinese Science Bulletin 期卷 52(11),1462—1467, 2007. Functional dissection of the global repressor Tup1 in yeast: dominant role of the C-terminal repression domain overlapping the first WD repeat Zhizhou Zhang, Usha Varanasi, and Robert Trumbly Genetics 期卷 2002. 161:957-969 Mutations of the WD repeats that compromise Tup1 repression function maintain structural integrity of the WD domain trypsin-resistant core Zhizhou Zhang, Usha Varanasi, Pauline Carrico, and Robert J Trumbly Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 期卷 406:47-54,2002 Linearly programmed DNA-based molecular computer operated on magnetic particle surface in test-tube Jian Zhao#, Zhizhou Zhang#*, Yongyong Shi, Jixia Liu and Lin He* Chinese Science Bulletin 期卷 2004. Vol 49, No.1, 17-22 Engineered internal noise stochastic resonator in gene network: A model study Zhiwei Wang, Zhonghuai Hou, Houwen Xin, Zhizhou Zhang* Biophysical Chemistry 期卷 125 (2007) 281–285. Procedures for a dynamical system on {0,1}n with DNA molecules Dongmei Xiao, Wenxia Li, Jiang Yu, Xiaodong Zhang, Zhizhou Zhang and Lin He. Biosystems 期卷 Vol84( 3):207-216, 2006 An association study of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR1 subunit gene (GRIN1) and NR2B subunit gene (GRIN2B) in schizophrenia with universal DNA microarray Shengying Qin, Xu Zhao, Yuxi Pan, Jianhua Liu, Guoyin Feng , Jingchun Fu, Jiying Bao, Zhizhou Zhang and Lin He Euro. J Hum Genet 期卷 2005.13(7):807-814【82】 Predicting Protein Subcellular Location Using Digital Signal Processing Approach Pan Yu-Xi, Li Da-Wei, Duan Yun, Zhang Zhi-Zhou, Xu Ming-Qing, Feng Guo-Yin, He Lin ACTA BIOCHIM BIOPHYS SIN 期卷 37(2):88-96,2005 Highly sensitive biosensors based on water-soluble conjugated polymers XU Hui, WU Haiping, FAN Chunhai*, LI Wenxin, ZHANG Zhizhou, HE Lin Chinese Science Bulletin 期卷 2004, Vol.49 No.21:2227-2231. Solving maximum cut problems in the Adleman-Lipton model Dongmei Xiao,Wenxia Li, Zhizhou Zhang and Lin He BioSystems 期卷 82 (2005) 203–207. 纳米银颗粒增强聚合酶链式反应长片段DNA反复扩增的特异性 王群,李静,曹小红,张治洲* 天津科技大学学报 期卷 2007 2: 1-6. 中药现代化在系统生物学时代所面临的潜在危机(Potential Crises in Modernization of Chinese Materia Medica in Systems Biology Era) 张治洲 上海中医药大学学报(ACTA UNIVERSITATIS TRADITIONIS MEDICALIS SINENSIS PHARMACOLOGIAEQUE SHANGHAI) 期卷 21(3)3-6,2007 从系统生物学到配伍西药:中药现代化的一个核心战略(Formula Western Drug Maybe One of Final Strategic Aims of Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine) 张治洲 中国生物工程杂志China Biotechnology 期卷 2007,27(4):153-156 一种基于关键路径法的DNA计算用寡核苷酸序列设计算法 吕鸣,张晓东,潘家奎,张治洲,胡钧 生物信息学 期卷 2007,Vol 5 /(2): p 62-66 基于DNA分子密码算法的防伪认证技术 张治洲*,俞洋,王秀锦 天津科技大学学报 期卷 2006,21(3):82-86 DNA 计算与基因组学研究 张治洲, 贺林 《高性能计算技术》 期卷 2005,Vol.3,p13-17 系统生物学的语言 张治洲* (译) 生物技术世界 期卷 2004.Vol.2, p23-26. DNA计算机的分子生物学研究进展 张治洲*,赵健,贺林. 遗传学报 期卷 2003, 30(9):886-892. 运行于磁珠表面的可编程DNA计算机 赵健#,张治洲#*,师咏勇,李秀霞,贺林 科学通报 期卷 2003,Vol.48(23): 2422-2427. 用SVM方法面向全蛋白组大规模预测生物膜蛋白类型 Guo zongming, Zhang zhizhou, Pan yuxi, Feng Guoyin, Huang zhende and He Lin 上海交通大学学报 期卷 2004,Vol.38(5):806-809 基于水溶性导电高分子材料的高灵敏度生物传感器 徐慧,武海萍,樊春海,李文新,张治洲,贺林 科学通报 期卷 2004。Vol. 49(19):1925-1929 碱性条件下溶解包涵体提高凝乳酶原复性率的机制 张治洲,张渝英,杨开宇,等 中国科学(C辑) 期卷 1997,27(2):103-108 枯草杆菌碱性蛋白酶E的纯化和性质 王贤舜,路阳,张治洲,等 生物化学与生物物理进展, 期卷 1992,19(5):398-400 基因表达抑制机理的生物信息学研究 李华,张治洲 生物信息学 期卷 2004,Vol.2(3):31-35 检测纳米材料毒性的若干实验方法 杨文娟,沈涔超,张治洲 中国生物工程杂志 期卷 2009, 29(02) 119-124
