马文婷,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)人文与社会科学学院助理教授。毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学公共管理学专业,曾在鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学从事博士后研究。研究方向包括城市品牌、可持续城市转型、低碳城市、循环经济和无废城市构建等。这些研究主要从公共政策、政策执行、政策工具组合和利益相关者分析等视角展开,可以运用定性和定量结合的研究方法。主要成果发表在Cities, Waste Management, Journal of Cleaner Production和Journal of Urban Affairs等国内外高水平期刊。
广东省社科规划2022年度常规项目. 2023.01-2024.12. 主持
2022年度哈工大哲学社会科学高质量发展计划科研项目. 2023.01-2025.12. 主持
2020年度国家自然科学基金委员会与荷兰研究理事会合作研究项目. 2020.05-2024.04. 荷方参与人
荆门市规划局地方政府委托项目. 2018.08-2019.08. 主要参与人
国家社会科学青年基金项目. 2017.06-2020.12. 主要参与人
担任Nature Communications, Cities, Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Sustainable Production and Consumption 等期刊审稿人
Ma, W.*, de Jong, M., Hoppe, T., & de Bruijne, M.(2021). From city promotion via city marketing to city branding: Examining urban strategies in 23 Chinese cities. Cities,116,103269. (SSCI, JCR Q1,IF: 6.077, Cited 36).
Ma, W.*, de Jong, M., de Bruijne, M., & Schraven, D. (2020). Economic city branding and stakeholder involvement in China: Attempt of a medium-sized city to trigger industrial transformation. Cities, 105, 102754. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF: 6.077, Cited 35).
Ma, W., de Jong, M., de Bruijne, M., & Mu, R *. (2021). Mix and Match: Configuring Different Types of Policy Instruments to Develop Successful Low Carbon Cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 282, 125399. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 11.072, Cited 48).
Ma, W.*, Schraven, D., de Bruijne, M., De Jong, M., & Lu, H. (2019). Tracing the Origins of Place Branding Research: A Bibliometric Study of Concepts in Use (1980–2018). Sustainability, 11(11), 2999. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 3.889, Cited 73).
Ma, W., Mu, R.*, & de Jong, M. (2021). How do political features influence the co-production of the megaproject? A case study of a medium-sized Chinese city. Sustainability, 13(14), 7600. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 3.889, Cited 2).
Lu, H., Ma, W., Yang, Q., & Zhao, P*. (2020). Exploring the impact of factors influencing case selection in the place branding literature from 2014 to 2018. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 3.377, Cited 20).