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中国及亚洲古代建筑史学者,硕士生导师。专治中古时期佛教建筑,解读其建筑结构空间与仪式精神之间的互动,近年关注唐辽时代密教建筑和南朝(梁)佛教建筑。 之前数年任教于香港大学建筑系,讲授中国建筑历史与理论、佛教建筑、民居建筑等课程的教学经验(英文授课)。 建筑学设计专业背景,多参与大湾区建筑遗产保护研究及活化项目。 教育背景 Education 2002-2007 浙江大学建筑系,建筑学学士 Bachelor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Zhejiang University 2007-2009 香港大学建筑系,建筑学硕士 Master of Architecture, Department of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong 2010-2016 香港大学建筑系,哲学博士(建筑历史与理论)PhD in Architectural History and Theory, Department of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong 工作经历 Academic Appointments 2016-2018 香港大学建筑系,中国城市与建筑研究中心,博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong 2018-2021 香港大学建筑系,助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong 2021- 至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院,副教授 Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) 科研项目 Research Projects 2021.07 - 2023.07 哈工大(深圳)新教师科研启动项目, 5-7世纪东亚佛教建筑研究--以萧梁武帝的改革为中心,主持 其他项目 Other Projects 2012 澳门特区土地工务运输局研究项目:澳门亚婆井及郑家大屋周边城市活化策略研究,项目负责人 2013 澳门特区文化局研究项目:清平戏院建筑测绘及其历史空间研究,项目负责人 2013-2014 澳门特区土地工务运输局研究项目:内港区域城市海岸变迁与拱廊建筑保护设计指引研究,项目负责人 2016-2017 东莞长安镇政府研究项目:长安镇城市与景观肌理及建筑遗产研究,项目负责人 2019-2021 HKU Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Project: Digging the Past Together: International Public Engagement in Near Eastern Archaeological Research. Principal Investigator 获奖 Awards Merit Award, HKUID (Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design) Urban Design Award - Research. "Urban Design Strategies for Arcade-shophouse of Inner Harbour Districts in Macau." 2019




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文 Journal Articles Yuan, Lin, Zhu Xu, and Ningjing Xu. 2023. "The Chinese city in mountain and water: shaping the urban landscape in Chengdu." Landscape Research:1-16. 徐翥. "优填王栴檀瑞像的传来及早期流布再考:隐匿在道宣矛盾故事下的历史." 丝绸之路研究集刊 2023 (10). Xu, Zhu. "Hwangryongsa Reconsidered: A Korean Mirror to the Medieval Chinese Buddhist Ritual-Architectural Transformation." Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2022. Xu, Zhu. "Buddhist Architectural Transformation in Medieval China, 300–700 CE: Emperor Wu’s Great Assemblies and the Rise of the Corridor-Enclosed, Multi-Cloister Monastery Plan." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Volume 79, Issue 4, 2020. Xu, Zhu, and Wang, Weijen. "Developing Urban Spaces with Hygiene: City Fabric and Hospital Heritage in Western District." HKIA Issue No. 76 Hygiene and Control, November, 2020 徐翥. 工业遗产与社区空间. "王维仁设计的骏业街货柜展览亭." 时代建筑 2015(12): 98-103. 王维仁, 徐翥. "中国早期寺院配置的形态演变初探: 塔· 金堂· 法堂· 阁的建筑形制." 南方建筑 4 (2011): 38-49. 出版著作 Books 徐翥. 佛教美学典藏·建筑部·伽蓝. 北京: 大百科全书出版社. 2020. 徐翥. 大同善化寺:辽金时代的寺院建筑和密教仪式. 北京: 文物出版社 (书稿准备中). Xu, Zhu. Buddhist Architecture and Esoteric Rituals: Perception of Form, Space, and Setting in Medieval East Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press (on-going). 会议发表 Conference Papers 徐翥,张瑜珊. "中古中国佛寺经藏建筑的原型及其功能演变初探." 中国建筑学会建筑史学分会2023年会. Panel Chair, "Revisiting the Construction of Hwangnyongsa between 553 and 645: A Korean Mirror of China’s 6th-century Buddhist Architectural Transformation." SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) 2022 Conference: On the Reception of Chinese Architectural Culture. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 27-May 1, 2022) "Buddhist Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval China: Indian Sources and Their Transcultural Adaptations." AAS (Association for Asian Studies) 2021 Conference: On the Reception of Forieign Landscape Elements in Asia, with a Focus on Garden-Architecture Relationship. (Online, March 23, 2021) “Elevating the Sacred: From Gandharan Relic Shrines to Chinese Soaring Pavilion”, AAS-in-Asia 2018 Conference: Comparison and Connection: Dynamic Dimensions in Ritual Practices from Ancient China to Central Asia. (New Delhi, India, July 5-8, 2018) "From Monastic Cells to Corridors: Historical Significance of Sixth-Seventh Centuries Changes in the Chinese Buddhist Monastery", SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) 2016 Conference: Chinese Architecture and Gardens in a Global Context. (Glasgow, UK, June 7-11, 2016) "Revitalizing the Inner Harbour: Architectural Conservation of Macau's Earliest Chinese Shophouse." EAAC (East Asian Architectural Culture) 2015 Conference: Pracital History. (Gwangju, Korea, November 10-14)
