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李小溪,博士,助理教授,硕士生导师,深圳市海外高层次人才。博士毕业于新加坡国立大学。 自2021年2月起加入哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院。主要研究方向为城市形态与城市设计。 教育经历 2013-2019 新加坡国立大学 建筑学(城市设计方向) 博士 2010-2013 东南大学 建筑学(建筑设计及其理论)硕士 2005-2010 东南大学 建筑学学士 工作经历 2021.2-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 建筑学院 助理教授 2019.5-2020.12 新加坡国立大学 设计与环境学院 博士后 2018.08-2019.04 新加坡国立大学 设计与环境学院 研究员 2010.09-2013.6 东南大学建筑设计研究院 城市建筑工作室 (UAL) 建筑师 科研项目 2022-2024 深圳市新引进高层次人才科研启动基金项目,主持 2021-2023 哈工大(深圳)新教师科研启动项目,主持 2020-2021 Interrogating urban boundaries: what does morphological analysis tell?,ECR and Returner Fund, University of Liverpool, UK,共同主持 学术奖励 2020/2021 IFoU (International Forum on Urbanism) 国际城市论坛第一届青年大使 2019 新加坡国立大学王庚武(WGW)优秀论文奖(博士论文)提名


城市形态学的不同形态学理论和方法的结合,以及在中国的应用与发展 多源数据和新技术下的城市设计与城市更新


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Conserving and Managing Historical Urban Landscape: An Integrated Morphological Approach An Integrated Approach: Combining the Historico-Geographical and the Configurational Approaches Integrated Examination of Urban Form: Historicity Conclusion: The First Step in a Long Journey An Integrated Morphological Approach to Urban Conservation and Management: The Case of Nanjing Traditions of Urban Morphology: Opportunities and Challenges Urban Morphology and Historical Urban Landscape Conservation and Management Integrated Examination of Urban Form: Historicity and Socio-economic Vibrancy Urban Conservation and Management Practice in China Combining the historico-geographical and configurational approaches to urban morphology: the historical transformations of Ludlow, UK and Chinatown, Singapore What new insights can the combination of the historico-geographical and configurational approaches to urban morphology offer? Exploring combined use of two morphological traditions in studying Ludlow, UK An exploration of complementary utilization of Spacematrix, Space Syntax and Place Syntax methods in urban design: A case study of neighborhoods in Nanjing, China 会议论文 Che, Li and Yu. (2023). Study on the morphological transformations of one historic area in Shenzhen, China. ISUF Praxis of Urban Morphology. University of Belgrade. Li and Zhang. (2022). Combining the historical-geographical and configurational approaches for landscape unit evaluation. In N. Charalambous, A. Camiz, and I. Geddes (Eds.), Cities as Assemblages (pp.179-90). Tab edizioni. Han and Li. (2022). Impact of heterogeneous reuse on heritage value under the perspective of scale subdivision -- Two modern theatres in Nanjing as examples. In A. Feliciotti and M. Fleischmann (Eds.), Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City (pp. 1381-88). University of Strathclyde Publishing. The new insights that the combination of the historico-geographical and configurational approaches could offer, Presented at ISUF, online, Sep.1-4, 2020. Exploring combined use of two morphological traditions in studying one historic district of Nanjing, China. Presented at ISUF, Valencia, Sep.27-29, 2017. 对于整合不同形态学传统的探索-以英国小镇(Ludlow)和新加坡牛车水地区(Chinatown)为例, 中国空间句法国际学术研讨会, 南京, 2016, 11.4-11.6. An exploration of complementary utilization of Space Syntax and Spacemate methods in urban design - A case study of one neighborhood in Nanjing, China. Presented at ISUF, Porto, Jul.3-6, 2014.


ISUF (International Seminar on Urban Form) 国际形态学会会员 A&HCI《Frontiers of Architectural Research》(建筑学研究前沿 FoAR)、SSCI《Cities》期刊审稿人
