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边防 助理教授,目前就职于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院,于香港大学建筑学院城市规划与设计系,获得哲学博士学位。担任“城市地理学”与“住区规划与设计”等课程教学工作。曾参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金-面上项目及广东省科技创新战略基金等重点科研项目;研究兴趣为性别与流动性、流动性研究、交通公平、建成环境及流动性政治。其成果相继发表于Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment、Asian Geographer, China City Planning Review、城市规划等学术期刊。 学习经历 2015-2019 香港大学 哲学博士学位(城市规划与设计学) 2012-2015 北京大学 理学硕士学位(人文地理学:城市与区域规划) 2007-2012 西安建筑科技大学 工学学士(城市规划) 研究与工作经历 2021至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 助理教授 2020-2021 香港大学建筑学院城市规划与设计系 博士后研究员 2019-2020 香港大学建筑学院城市规划与设计系 高级研究助理




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Bian F. Yeh, AGO. Zhang J. (2023). Percolating the spatial scale effects on the landscape connectivity of urban greenspace network in Beijing, China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. (SCI/IF: 2.2) Bian F. Qiao S. Yeh, AGO. (2023), Mobility resilience: Transit-oriented development, ridehailing, and car ownership. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 123: 103924.(SCI/IF:7.6/Q1) 周畅畅; 边防 *. (2023). 尺度重构视角下的农村土地制度改革政策实验——以江苏常州武进区为例. 城市发展研究, 30(1): 18-25. Anthony G.O. YEH,Fang BIAN, Jiangping ZHOU, (2022). A Bridge Too Far? The Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge and economic and regional restructuring in China’s Pearl River Delta region. In John D. Landis (Ed.), Megaprojects for Megaregions: A Comparative Casebook. Edward Edgar Publishing. Fang BIAN, Anthony. G.O. YEH & Jingru ZHANG (2022). Scalar tensions and the missing link crisis in China’s National Trunk Highway System. Asian Geographer, 1-21. Fang BIAN & Bin LU (2021). Pluralism, public participation and community governance in urban China. China City Planning Review, 1(03). Fang BIAN & Anthony. G.O. YEH (2020). Spatial–economic impact of missing national highway links on China’s regional economy. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 84, 102377. (SCI/IF:7.6 Q1) 边防*; 吕斌. (2019). 转型期中国城市多元参与式社区治理模式研究. 城市规划, 43(11), 81-89. 边防*; 吕斌. (2018). 基于比较视角的美国, 英国及日本城市社区治理模式研究. 国际城市规划, 33(4), 93-10. Bian, F. The transition of homosexualized space in China from the queer geogrpahic perspective. The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality, 24(3): 110-117 (In Chinese). 张衔春*; 龙迪; 边防. (2015). 兰斯塔德 “绿心” 保护: 区域协调建构与空间规划创新. 国际城市规划, 30(5), 57-65. 边防*; 赵鹏军; 张衔春; 屠李. (2015). 新时期我国乡村规划农民公众参与模式研究. 现代城市研究, (4), 27-34. 张衔春*; 边防. (2014). 行政管理体制改革背景下规划审批制度优化对策. 规划师, 30(4), 28-32. 黄燕; 边防; 王婧磊. (2014). 欧洲乡土建筑保护模式及其启示. 城市建筑, (14), 281-281. 会议宣讲 Shuren YI & Fang BIAN. Mapping the fearspace of women's nocturnal mobility through a Qualitative GIS Approach, IACP (International Association for China Planning). July, 2023, Tianjin, China. Fang BIAN & Anthony. G.O. YEH. Who are the procrastinators behind the suspension of missing links in China’s national highway network, IACP (International Association for China Planning). June, 2022, Wuhan, China. Fang BIAN & Anthony. G.O. YEH. Spatial–economic impact of missing national highway links on China’s regional economy, IACP (International Association for China Planning) & TRD (Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment): Planning for Accessibility Seminar. August 17-20, 2020 (Invited Speaker). Fang BIAN & Anthony G.O. YEH. How connected are urban green networks: Evidence from 36 Chinese cities. 2018 International Ph.D. Academic Colloquium on Land Ecological Restoration and Cultural Landscape Conservation at Peking University. Beijing, August 18 -19, 2018 (Shortlisted Ph.D. Student Speaker). Fang BIAN & Anthony G.O. YEH. From green space to green network: a multi-users based evaluation of urban green networks in China’s cities. The 1ST LIESMARS International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics. Wuhan, China. November 25 - 29. 2017. Fang BIAN. Fractures in intercity transport infrastructures: causes, implications and planning, The 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. April 5 – 9, 2017 (Session Chair for “Urban Development in China”). Fang BIAN. Identity politics, space and post-modernism: Queer Geography in China. New Urban Researchers’ Seminar Series (NURSS). Hong Kong. May 19. 2016 (Invited Speaker).


担任Urban Studies, Sustainable Cities and Society, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Journal of Built Heritage, China Agricultural Economic Review等国内外学术期刊审稿人
