秦彩燕,现任哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)助理教授、硕士生导师。2022年入选为深圳市”鹏城孔雀计划“ 特聘岗位人才。分别于2012和2015年获哈尔滨工业大学能源学院本科和硕士学位。2019年获韩国科学技术院(KAIST)机械工程系博士学位。研究方向包括等离激元纳米流体的光学特性研究、太阳能光热利用、太阳能集热系统的设计与优化、微纳尺度传热传质、风光资源预测、综合能源系统性能分析等。已发表SCI论文30余篇,包括Nano Energy, Renewable Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Optics Express, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Solar Energy 等。担任Applied Energy, Energy Reports, Applied Thermal Engineering, Energy, Renewable Energy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 等国际期刊审稿人。
教育经历 / Education Background
2015-2019 机械工程 / Mechanical Engineering 韩国科学技术院 / KAIST 博士 / Ph.D.
2012-2015 工程热物理 / Engineering Thermophysics 哈尔滨工业大学 / Harbin Institute of Technology 硕士 / Master
2013-2014 工程政策分析 / Engineering and Policy Analysis 代尔夫特理工大学 / TU Delft 联培硕士 / Master
2008-2012 热能与动力工程 / Thermal Energy and Power Engineering 哈尔滨工业大学 / Harbin Institute of Technology 本科 / Bachelor
工作经历 / Professional Appointments
2022-今 / 2022-present 助理教授 / Assistant Professor 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)/ HIT(Shenzhen)
2019-2021 博后研究员 / Postdoc researcher 韩国科学技术院 / KAIST
2018-2018 访问研究员 / Visiting scholar 日本东北大学 / Tohoku University
哈尔滨工业大学 世界顶尖大学战略合作计划项目,2023,主持
Book Chapters
Caiyan Qin, Joong Bae Kim, Hiroki Gonome, Bong Jae Lee*, "Plasmonic Nanofluids for Solar Thermal Applications", Chapter 19 in Light, Plasmonics and Particles, edited by M. Pinar Menguc and Mathieu Francoeur, Elsevier, 2023. Light, Plasmonics and Particles - 1st Edition (elsevier.com)
Journal Papers
Qianwen Liu, Caiyan Qin*, Evgeny Solomin, Qiang Chen, Wenjing Wu, Qunzhi Zhu*, Omid Mahian, "Research progress on the development of solar-driven nanomaterial and corresponding system design for atmospheric water collection", Nano Energy, 108660, 2023. (IF 17.881, JCR Q1, 中科院一区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Qunzhi Zhu, Xiaoke Li*, Chunlei Sun, Meijie Chen and Xiaohu Wu*, “Slotted metallic nanospheres with both electric and magnetic resonances for solar thermal conversion”, Renewable Energy 197, 79-88, 2022. (IF 8.001, JCR Q1, 中科院一区、top期刊)
Avinash Alagumalai#, Caiyan Qin#, KEK Vimal, Evgeny Solomin, Liu Yang*, Ping Zhang*, Alibakhsh Kasaeian, Todd Otanicar, Alibakhsh Kasaeian, Ali J.Chamkha, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi, Somchai Wongwises, Ho Seon Ahn*, Zhao Lei, Tabassom Saboori, Omid Mahian*, “Conceptual analysis framework development to understand barriers of nanofluid commercialization”, Nano Energy 92, 106736, 2022. (IF 17.881, JCR Q1, 中科院一区、top期刊,Nano Energy 2022年度高被引论文)
Jin Kim, Anand P. Tiwari, Caiyan Qin, Travis G. Novak, Jinho Lee, Jungmo Kim, Minsu Park, Jang-Kyo Kim* and Seokwoo Jeon*, “Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction by Efficient Bubble Dynamics of Aligned Non-oxidized Graphene Aerogel”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9, 10326-10334, 2021. (IF 8.198, JCR Q1, 中科院一区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Jungchul Lee, Bong Jae Lee*, “A hybrid parabolic trough solar collector with both volumetric and surface absorption”, Applied Thermal Engineering 185, 116333, 2021. (IF 5.295, JCR Q1, 中科院二区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Yanming Guo, Junyong Seo, Yong Shuai, Jungchul Lee, Bong Jae Lee*, “Absorption characteristics of a metal-insulator-metal nanodisk for solar thermal applications”, Optics Express 28 (10), 15731-15743, 2020. (IF 3.879, JCR Q1, 中科院二区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Joong Bae Kim, Hiroki Gonome, Bong Jae Lee*, “Absorption characteristics of nanoparticles with sharp edges for a direct-absorption solar collector”, Renewable Energy 145, 21-28, 2020. (IF 8.001, JCR Q1, 中科院一区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Joong Bae Kim, Bong Jae Lee*, “Performance analysis of a direct-absorption parabolic-trough solar collector using plasmonic nanofluids”, Renewable Energy 143, 24-33, 2019. (IF 8.001, JCR Q1, 中科院一区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Kyeonghwan Kang, Ikjin Lee, Bong Jae Lee*, “Optimization of the spectral absorption coefficient of a plasmonic nanofluid for a direct absorption solar collector”, Solar Energy 169, 231-236, 2018. (IF 5.742, JCR Q2, 中科院二区、top期刊)
Caiyan Qin, Kyeonghwan Kang, Ikjin Lee, Bong Jae Lee*, “Optimization of a direct absorption solar collector with blended plasmonic nanofluid”, Solar Energy 150, 512-520, 2017. (IF 5.742, JCR Q2, 中科院二区、top期刊)
(* corresponding author; # equal contribution.)
会议报告 / Participated Conferences
"基于等离激元纳米流体的容积吸收式太阳能集热器研究",2023国际可再生能源供热技术大会,河北雄安,2023.11. (口头报告)
"基于等离激元纳米流体的太阳能光热吸收及利用研究",中国可再生能源学会第六届青年科学家论坛,广东韶关,2023. 9. (口头报告)
“Material and device development for real-time and on-site detection of narcotics and hazardous substances”, Nano Korea Exhibition, 2021. (现场展位)
“A 3D Structured Micro column for Efficient Gas Chromatography”, Spring Conference of Academy of Metals and Materials in Korea, 2021.(在线口头报告)
“Optical Property of Multiple Edged Nanoparticles”, 6th ASME International Conference of Nano/Micro Heat and Mass Transfer, Dalian, China, 2019.(口头报告)
“Optical property of nanoparticles with a dielectric core and a metallic shell”, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, Beijing, China, 2018.(口头报告+墙报展示)
“Extinction by Core-Shell Structure Made of a Dielectric Core and Metallic Nanoparticles”, 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2017.(墙报展示)
“Optimization of the absorption coefficient for a direct absorption solar collector”, 9th JSEM-KSME Thermal and Engineering Conference, Okinawa, Japan, 2017.(口头报告)
“Determination of Absorption Coefficient of Nanofluid from Reflection and Transmission Spectra”, 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, Jeju, Korea, 2017.
“Optimization of a volumetric solar collector with plasmonic nanofluids”, Asian Pacific Conference on Energy Conversion and Storage, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2016.(大会邀请报告)