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教育经历 2006.92008.11 东北师范大学附属中学\ 2010.82014.6 新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物化学学士 2014.82019.1 新加坡国立大学化学与生物化学博士 工作经历 2018.112021.11 新加坡国立大学(新加坡)博士后研究员 2022.6至今 大连理工大学生物工程学院副教授




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Zhang, B., Brahma, K. R., Zhu, L., Feng, J., Hu, S., Qian, L., Du, S.*; Yao, S. Q.*, Ge, J.*, Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (IGF2)-Fused Lysosomal Targeting Chimeras for Degradation of Extracellular and Membrane Proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 24272-24283. Qian, L.*; Lin, X.; Gao, X.; Khan, R. U.; Liao, J.-Y.; Du, S.*; Ge, J.; Zeng, S.; Yao, S. Q.*, The Dawn of a New Era: Targeting the “Undruggables” with Antibody-Based Therapeutics. Chemical Reviews 2023, 123, 7782-7853. Du, W.#; Du, S.#; Dong, X.#; Bai, H.; Jiang, J.; Hao, S.; Yang, F.; Xiao, Q.; Zhang, B.; Ge, J.; Gao, L.; Li, L.*; Yao, S. Q.*; Huang, W.*, Biodegradable silica nanocapsules enable efficient nuclear-targeted delivery of native proteins for cancer therapy. Biomaterials 2023, 294, 122000. (#共同一作) Ge, J.; Du, S.*; Yao, S. Q.*, Bifunctional Lipid-Derived Affinity-Based Probes (AfBPs) for Analysis of Lipid–Protein Interactome. Accounts of Chemical Research 2022, 55 (24), 3663-3674. Xie, Y.#; Du, S.#; Liu, Z.; Liu, M.; Xu, Z.; Wang, X.; Kee, J. X.; Yi, F.*; Sun, H.*; Yao, S. Q.*, Chemical Biology Tools for Protein Lysine Acylation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022.04, 61 (21), e202200303. (#共同一作) Du, S.; Liew, S. S.; Zhang, C-w.; Du, W.; Lang, W.; Yao, C. Y.; Li, L.; Ge, J.*; Yao, S. Q.*, Cell-Permeant Bioadaptors for Cytosolic Delivery of Native Antibodies: A “Mix-and-Go” Approach. ACS Cent. Sci. 2020.12, 6 (12), 2362–2376. Qu, Y.; Zhan, Q.; Du, S.*; Ding, Y.; Fang, B.; Du, W.; Wu, Q.*; Yu, H.; Li, L.*; Huang, W., Catalysis-based specific detection and inhibition of tyrosinase and their application. J. Pharm. Anal. 2020.10, 10 (5), 414-425. Du, S.; Liew, S. S.; Li, L.; Yao, S. Q.*, Bypassing endocytosis: direct cytosolic delivery of proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018.11, 140 (47), 15986-15996. Du, S.; Wang, D.; Lee, J.-S.; Peng, B.; Ge, J.*; Yao, S. Q.*, Cell type-selective imaging and profiling of newly synthesized proteomes by using puromycin analogues. Chem. Commun. 2017.08, 53 (60), 8443-8446.
