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2016-present: Group Leader (Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow) 2009-2015: Post-doctoral researcher, MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh (Advisor: Prof. Val Wilson) 2006-2009: Post-doctoral researcher, Institute for Stem Cell Research, University of Edinburgh (Advisor: Prof. Josh Brickman) 2002-2006: PhD, University of Edinburgh (Advisors: Prof. Lesley Forrester, Prof. Josh Brickman) 2001-2002: MSc (Res), University of Edinburgh 1998-2001: BSc (Hons), University of Edinburgh


My group aims to understand how cells adopt different identities during embryonic development and disease. This knowledge is essential for the precise control of cell behavior and the generation of clinically relevant cell populations from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). We are particularly interested in dissecting the events leading to the “birth” of the cell types which make up the posterior (thoracic and lumbosacral) spinal cord. In the embryo, these are produced by Neuromesodermal Progenitors (NMPs), a bipotent cell population which also gives rise to paraxial mesoderm, the precursor of the body musculature and skeleton. We have recently succeeded in deriving human NMPs (hNMPs) from hPSCs by “mimicking” the signalling environment of their niche in vivo. We are now utilizing these cells as a starting point for answering the following questions: How do pluripotent cells differentiate into NMPs? How do NMPs differentiate into spinal cord and paraxial mesoderm? What are the optimal culture conditions promoting the generation of different posterior spinal cord cell types (e.g. motor neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes)? How do they differ from their anterior counterparts?


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Economou, C*., Tsakiridis, A*, Wymeersch, F., Gordon-Keylock, S., Dewhurst, R. E., Medvinsky, A., Smith, A. J. H. & Wilson, V. (2015). Intrinsic factors and the embryonic environment influence the formation of extragonadal teratomas during gestation. BMC Dev Biol 15:35. *joint first authors Tsakiridis, A* & Wilson, V*. (2015). Assessing the bipotency of in vitro-derived neuromesodermal progenitors [v2; ref status: indexed, http://f1000r.es/5p3] F1000 Research 2015, 4:100 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.6345.2). *joint corresponding authors Gouti, M*., Tsakiridis, A*., Wymeersch, F., Huang, Y., Kleinjung, J., Wilson, V. & Briscoe, J. (2014). In vitro generation of neuromesodermal progenitors reveals distinct roles for Wnt signalling in the specification of spinal cord and paraxial mesoderm identity. PloS Biology. Aug 26;12(8):e1001937. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001937. eCollection 2014 Aug. *joint first authors Tsakiridis, A*., Huang, Y., Blin, G., Skylaki, S., Wymeersch, F., Osorno, R., Economou, C., Karagianni, E., Zhao, S., Lowell, S. & Wilson, V*. (2014). Distinct Wnt-driven primitive streak-like populations reflect in vivo lineage precursors. Development 141, 1209-1221 (One of the three most-read Development articles for 2014). *joint corresponding authors Huang, Y., Osorno, R., Tsakiridis, A. & Wilson, V. (2012). The in vivo differentiation potential of epiblast stem cells revealed by chimeric embryo formation. Cell Reports 2, 1571-1578 (f1000 recommended).
