2004-present: MRC Centre for Developmental and Biomedical Genetics, University of Sheffield
2011-present: Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield
2002-present: Lecturer, University of Sheffield
1997-2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut, Tuebingen. Research advisor: Dr. Nuesslein-Volhard
1994-1997: Ph.D. Genetics University of Wisconsin-Madison. Research advisor: Dr. Judith Kimble
1990-1994: Masters Genetics University of Wisconsin-Madison. Research advisor: Dr. Judith Kimble
1983-1988: B.S. Biology, Antioch College
Modelling skeletal disease in zebrafish
How do developmental signalling pathways regulate osteoblast differentiation during development and skeletal repair?
Osteoblasts in zebrafish follow the same differentiation pathway as in mammals: The runx2 genes are expressed in early skeletal precursors, followed by osterix and then finally by genes encoding bone proteins such as Osteonectin and Collagen1.
We have analysed how different signalling pathways regulate these steps during osteoblastogenesis using heatshock induction of signalling pathway components and pharmaceuticals that target individual pathways.
Our work has shed light on how stem cells differentiate in vivo and may help to develop regenerative therapies for skeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. We have also found a link between osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation in vivo that may help us to unravel the genetic origins of diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
Felber K, Elks PM, Lecca M & Roehl HH (2015) Expression of osterix Is Regulated by FGF and Wnt/β-Catenin Signalling during Osteoblast Differentiation. PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0144982-e0144982.
Dyer C, Blanc E, Hanisch A, Roehl H, Otto GW, Yu T, Basson MA & Knight R (2014) A bi-modal function of Wnt signalling directs an FGF activity gradient to spatially regulate neuronal differentiation in the midbrain. Development, 141(1), 63-72.
Gray C, Bratt D, Lees J, daCosta M, Plant K, Watson OJ, Solaymani-Kohal S, Tazzyman S, Serbanovic-Canic J, Crossman DC, Keavney BD, Haase A, McMahon K, Gering M, Roehl H, Evans PC & Chico TJ (2013) Loss of function of parathyroid hormone receptor 1 induces Notch-dependent aortic defects during zebrafish vascular development. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 33(6), 1257-1263