2015 - Present: Independent Research Fellow, University of Sheffield
2009 - 2015: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Prof. Jeroen Bakkers Lab, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, NL
2005 - 2009: PhD Student, Dr Elke Ober Lab, National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
2001 - 2004: BSc Biochemistry, University of Warwick
Congenital heart diseases affect around 1% of live births, and are structural defects that arise from improper morphogenesis of the heart during embryonic development. We are interested in how tissue rearrangements in the heart during embryogenesis drive normal cardiac development, and in identifying which genetic and cellular mechanisms ensure this process occurs properly.
Tessadori, F., Noël, E. S., Rens, E. G., Magliozzi, R., Evers-van Gogh, I. J. A., Guardavaccaro, D., Merks, R. M. H., and Bakkers, J. (2015). Nodal signaling range is regulated by proprotein convertase-mediated maturation. Developmental Cell 32, 631–639.
Junker, J. P*., Noël, E. S*., Guryev, V., Peterson, K. A., Shah, G., Huisken, J., McMahon, A. P., Berezikov, E., Bakkers, J., and van Oudenaarden, A. (2014). Genome-wide RNA Tomography in the zebrafish embryo. Cell 159, 662–675.
Bonetti, M., Paardekooper Overman, J., Tessadori, F., Noel, E., Bakkers, J., and Hertog, den, J. (2014). Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome Shp2 variants induce heart displacement defects in zebrafish. Development 141, 1961–1970.
Noël, E. S., Verhoeven, M., Lagendijk, A. K., Tessadori, F., Smith, K., Choorapoikayil, S., Hertog, den, J., and Bakkers, J. (2013). A Nodal-independent and tissue-intrinsic mechanism controls heart-looping chirality. Nat Comms 4, 2754.
Smith, K. A*., Noel, E*., Thurlings, I., Rehmann, H., Chocron, S., and Bakkers, J. (2011). Bmp and Nodal Independently Regulate lefty1 Expression to Maintain Unilateral Nodal Activity during Left-Right Axis Specification in Zebrafish. PLoS Genet 7, e1002289.
Cayuso Mas, J., Noël, E. S., and Ober, E. A. (2011). Chromatin modification in zebrafish development. Methods Cell Biol 104, 401–428.
Noël, E. S., Reis, M. D., Arain, Z., and Ober, E. A. (2010). Analysis of the Albumin/alpha-Fetoprotein/Afamin/Group specific component gene family in the context of zebrafish liver differentiation. Gene Expr Patterns 10, 237–243.
Noël, E. S., Casal-Sueiro, A., Busch-Nentwich, E., Verkade, H., Dong, P. D. S., Stemple, D. L., and Ober, E. A. (2008). Organ-specific requirements for Hdac1 in liver and pancreas formation. Dev Biol 322, 237–250.