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BSc (1999) Sun Yat-Sen University (double major in Statistics and Computer Science) PhD (2007) Sun Yat-Sen University Visiting PhD student (2004 – 2007) University of Chicago Royal Society International Incoming Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2008 - 2009) University of Edinburgh Royal Society of Edinburgh/Caledonian Research Foundation Biomedical Personal Research Fellow (2009 - 2011) University of Edinburgh Lecturer (2011 - present) University of Sheffield


My research has focused on population genetics. I am particularly interested in developing realistic and computationally tractable models for analyzing DNA sequence data. The aim is to understand how fundamental evolutionary processes such as mutation, genetic drift, genetic recombination, and natural selection interact with one another, and the impact of these interactions on evolution.


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Nagylaki T & Zeng K (2016) Clines with partial panmixia across a geographical barrier in an environmental pocket. Theoretical Population Biology, 110, 1-11. Laine VN, Gossmann TI, Schachtschneider KM, Garroway CJ, Madsen O, Verhoeven KJF, de Jager V, Megens H-J, Warren WC, Minx P, Crooijmans RPMA, Corcoran P, Adriaensen F, Belda E, Bushuev A, Cichon M, Charmantier A, Dingemanse N, Doligez B, Eeva T, Erikstad KE, Fedorov S, Hau M, Hille S, Hinde C, Kempenaers B, Kerimov A, Krist M, Mand R, Matthysen E, Nager R, Norte C, Orell M, Richner H, Slagsvold T, Tilgar V, Tinbergen J, Torok J, Tschirren B, Yuta T, Sheldon BC, Slate J, Zeng K, van Oers K, Visser ME & Groenen MAM (2016) Evolutionary signals of selection on cognition from the great tit genome and methylome. Nature Communications, 7, 10474-10474. View this article in WRRO Küpper C, Stocks M, Risse JE, dos Remedios N, Farrell LL, McRae SB, Morgan TC, Karlionova N, Pinchuk P, Verkuil YI, Kitaysky AS, Wingfield JC, Piersma T, Zeng K, Slate J, Blaxter M, Lank DB & Burke T (2015) A supergene determines highly divergent male reproductive morphs in the ruff. Nature Genetics, 48(1), 79-83. View this article in WRRO Jackson BC, Campos JL & Zeng K (2015) The effects of purifying selection on patterns of genetic differentiation between Drosophila melanogaster populations. Heredity, 114(2), 163-174. View this article in WRRO Gossmann TI, Santure AW, Sheldon BC, Slate J & Zeng K (2014) Highly Variable Recombinational Landscape Modulates Efficacy of Natural Selection in Birds. Genome Biology and Evolution, 6(8), 2061-2075. View this article in WRRO Evans BJ, Zeng K, Esselstyn JA, Charlesworth B & Melnick DJ (2014) Reduced representation genome sequencing suggests low diversity on the sex chromosomes of tonkean macaque monkeys.. Mol Biol Evol, 31(9), 2425-2440.
