BSc (1986) Zoology, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne;
PhD (1989) Zoology, University of Leeds
PDRA, Imperial College, University of London (1989-1993)
Lecturer, De Montfort University, Leicester (1993-1998)
Lecturer, University of Sheffield (1998-present)
I work on fish and my work focuses on:
Personality traits, such as boldness and aggression
The genetic basis of behaviour
Mate choice and sexual selection
Ariyomo, T.O., Carter, M. & Watt, P.J. (2013) Heritability of boldness and aggressiveness in the zebrafish. Behaviour Genetics 43, 161-167
Ariyomo, T.O. & Watt, P.J. (2012) The effect of variation in boldness and aggressiveness on the reproductive success of zebrafish. Animal Behaviour 83, 41-46
Watt, P.J., Skinner, A., Hale, M., Nakagawa, S. & Burke, T. (2011) Small subordinate male advantage in the zebrafish. Ethology 117, 1003-1008
Guevara-Fiore, P., Stapley, J., Watt, P. (2010) Mating effort and female receptivity: how do male guppies decide when to invest in sex? Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 1665-1672
Guevara-Fiore, P., Rosenqvist, G., Watt., P. (2010) Inbreeding level does not affect female preference for non-related males in guppies. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 1601- 1607
Guevara-Fiore, P., Stapley, J., Krause, J., Ramnarine, I.W., Watt, P.J. (2010) Male mate-searching strategies and female cues: how do male guppies find receptive females? Animal Behaviour 77, 1191-1197
Shohet, A.J., Watt, P.J. (2009) Female guppies prefer males that can learn fast. Journal of Fish Biology 75, 1323-1330
Guevara-Fiore, P., Skinner, A.J., Watt, P.J. (2009) Do male guppies distinguish virgin females from recently mated ones? Animal Behaviour 77, 425-431