X. Han, G. Xu, J. Xing, Y. Song, Z. Sun, D. Rong, F. Ma, Z. Guo, B. Feng, J. Guo, X. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Dai*, and Y. Huang*, Response Speed-Tunable Photodetectors Based on Hybrid Ternary FePSe3 Nanoflakes, Advanced Optical Materials 11, 2300317 (2023). (*通讯作者)
Y. Dai, T. Xue, X. Han, X. Huang, D. Zhang, M. Huang, J. Yan, J. Zhao, V. Laxmi, L. Liu, X. Xu, Y. Wang*, Y. Huang*, Suspended 2D Materials: A Short Review. Crystals 13, 1337 (2023).
Y. Dai*, Y. Wang, S. Das, S. Li, H. Xue, A. Mohsen, Z. Sun*, “Broadband Plasmon-Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing in Monolayer MoS2”, Nano Letters 21, 14, 6321–6327 (2021). (*通讯作者)
Y. Dai*, Y. Wang, S. Das, H. Xue, X. Bai, E. Hulkko, G. Zhang, X. Yang, Q. Dai, Z. Sun*, “Electrical Control of Interband Resonant Nonlinear Optics in Monolayer MoS2”, ACS Nano 14, 8442-8448 (2020). (*通讯作者)
Y. Dai, Y. Xia, T. Jiang, A. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Bai, G. Du, F. Guan, S. Wu, X. Liu, L. Shi, J. Zi, “Dynamical Tuning of graphene plasmonic resonances by ultraviolet illuminations”, Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1701081 (2018). (内封面文章)
Autere§, H. Jussila§, Y. Dai§, Y. Wang, H. Lipsanen, Z. Sun, “Nonlinear Optics with 2D Layered Materials”, Advanced Materials 1705963 (2018). (§共同一作)(高被引文章)
Y. Dai, A. Chen, Y. Xia, X. Liu, L. Shi, and J. Zi, “Symmetry breaking induced excitations of dark plasmonic modes in multilayer graphene ribbons”, Optics Express 24, 20021-20028 (2016).
Y. Dai, X. Zhu, N A. Mortensen, J. Zi and S. Xiao, “Nanofocusing in a tapered graphene plasmonic waveguide”, Journal of Optics 17, 065002 (2015).
Y. Xia§, Y. Dai§, B. Wang, A. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, F. Guan, X. Liu, L. Shi, J. Zi, “Polarization dependent plasmonic modes in elliptical graphene disk arrays”, Optics Express 27, 1080-1089 (2019). (§共同一作)
T. Jiang, D. Huang, J. Cheng, X. Fan, Z. Zhang, Y. Shan, Y. Yi, Y. Dai, L. Shi, K. Liu, C. Zeng, J. Zi, J.E. Sipe, Y. R. Shen, W. T. Liu, S. Wu, “Gate tunable third-order nonlinear optical response of massless Dirac fermions in graphene”, Nature Photonics 12, 430-436 (2018).
L. Du, Y. Zhao, L. Wu, X. Hu, L. Yao, Y. Wang, X. Bai, Y. Dai, J. Qiao, U. Md G. Uddin, X. Li, J. Lahtinen, X. Bai, G. Zhang, W. Ji, Z. Sun, “Giant Anisotropic Photonics in the 1D van der Waals Semiconductor Fibrous Red Phosphorus”, Nature Communications 12, 1-10 (2021).
M. Turunen, M. Brotons-Gisbert, Y. Dai, Y. Wang, E. Scerri, C. Bonato, K. D. J?ns, Z. Sun, B. D. Gerardot, “Quantum Photonics with Two-Dimensional Layered Materials”, Nature Reviews Physics 1-18 (2022).