研究方向主要包括:运筹优化、考虑不确定因素的复杂系统鲁棒优化、随机优化、随机过程、在线调度等。在优化领域top期刊(如《Omega》《TRE》《EJOR》)发表论文5篇,在重要期刊发表论文5篇,多次担任TRB/E,Omega,IEEE TITS,IEEE TASE,CIE,COR等期刊审稿人。
Xiang, X., Fang, T., Liu, C. and Pei, Z., 2022. Robust service network design problem under uncertain demand. Computers & Industrial Engineering, p.108615. (影响因子7.18)
Xiang, X., Liu, C., Lee, L.H. and Chew, E.P., 2021. Performance Estimation and Design Optimization of a Congested Automated Container Terminal. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Liu, K., Liu, C., Xiang, X. and Tian, Z., 2021. Testing facility location and dynamic capacity planning for pandemics with demand uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research. (影响因子6.363)
Xiang, X. and Liu, C., 2021. An almost robust optimization model for integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem. Omega, 104, p.102455. (影响因子8.673)
Xiang, X. and Liu, C., 2021. An expanded robust optimisation approach for the berth allocation problem considering uncertain operation time. Omega, 103, p.102444. (影响因子8.673)
Xiang, X. and Liu, C., 2021. Modeling and analysis for an automated container terminal considering battery management. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 156, p.107258. (影响因子7.18)
Xiang, X., Liu, C., Wang Y.,, Lee, L.L., 2020. Two-stage conflict robust optimization models for cross-dock truck scheduling problem under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 144, p.102123. (影响因子10.047)
Xiang, X., Liu, C. and Miao, L., 2018. Reactive strategy for discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems under uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 126, pp.196-216. (影响因子7.18)
Xiang, X., Liu, C. and Miao, L., 2018. Storage assignment and order batching problem in Kiva mobile fulfilment system. Engineering Optimization, 50(11), pp.1941-1962. (影响因子2.5)
Xiang, X., Liu, C. and Miao, L., 2017. A bi-objective robust model for berth allocation scheduling under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 106, pp.294-319. (影响因子10.047)