Royal Society Research Fellow, University of Sheffield (2014-2018)
Marie Curie Research Fellow, Brown University, RI, USA and University of Sheffield (2011-2013)
Swiss NSF Research Fellow, Brown University, RI, USA (2010)
First Assistant, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (2009)
PhD, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (2008)
MSc, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (2005)
Molecular evolution
Plant evolution
Using phylogenetic frameworks, my research investigates the mechanisms that led to the functional diversity of plants. I combine analyses of gene sequences, genomes, transcriptomes, and ecological and morphological traits to address questions of importance for evolutionary biology in general:
How are complex traits assembled during evolution?
What determines the likelihood of a given lineage evolving novel adaptations?
How do environmental changes drive the evolution of novel traits?
As a study system, I use mainly the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in grasses and other groups of plants. This complex adaptation confers a higher productivity in conditions of CO2 depletion. Despite its complexity, it evolved more than 66 times in some groups of flowering plants through the co-option of genes already present in the C3 ancestors. It constitutes a very attractive study system to address questions ranging from the functional adaptation of specific genes to the emergence of tropical grasslands over millions of years.
Thulin M, Moore AJ, El-Seedi H, Larsson A, Christin PA & Edwards EJ (2016) Phylogeny and generic delimitation in molluginaceae, new pigment data in caryophyllales, and the new family corbichoniaceae. Taxon, 65(4), 775-793.
Atkinson RRL, Mockford EJ, Bennett C, Christin P-A, Spriggs EL, Freckleton RP, Thompson K, Rees M & Osborne CP (2016) C4 photosynthesis boosts growth by altering physiology, allocation and size. Nature Plants, 2(5), 16038-16038. View this article in WRRO
Simpson KJ, Ripley BS, Christin P-A, Belcher CM, Lehmann CER, Thomas GH & Osborne CP (2016) Determinants of flammability in savanna grass species. Journal of Ecology, 104(1), 138-148. View this article in WRRO
Lundgren MR, Christin P-A, Escobar EG, Ripley BS, Besnard G, Long CM, Hattersley PW, Ellis RP, Leegood RC & Osborne CP (2016) Evolutionary implications of C 3 -C 4 intermediates in the grass Alloteropsis semialata. Plant, Cell & Environment, 39(9), 1874-1885. View this article in WRRO
Preece C, Livarda A, Christin P-A, Wallace M, Martin G, Charles M, Jones G, Rees M & Osborne CP (2016) How did the domestication of Fertile Crescent grain crops increase their yields?. Functional Ecology. View this article in WRRO
Olofsson JK, Bianconi M, Besnard G, Dunning LT, Lundgren MR, Holota H, Vorontsova MS, Hidalgo O, Leitch IJ, Nosil P, Osborne CP & Christin P-A (2016) Genome biogeography reveals the intraspecific spread of adaptive mutations for a complex trait. Molecular Ecology. View this article in WRRO