BSc (1967) University of Manchester; PhD (1972) University of Birmingham; PhD Honorary (1991) University of Lund; DSc (1993) Manchester Ph.D. Honorary (2002) University of Oulu, Elected Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2002)
Research Associate, University of Birmingham (1967-69)
Research Fellow, University of York (1969-72)
Royal Society Research Fellow, University of Manchester (1972-73); 1973-74, Scientific Officer, British Antarctic Survey; 1974-1993, Senior Scientific Officer to Individual Merit Senior Principal Scientific Officer, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1993-95, Professor of Arctic Biology and Director, Centre for Arctic Biology, Univ. Manchester; 1995- Professor of Arctic Ecology and Director Sheffield Centre for Arctic Ecology, Univ. Sheffield. 1997- (concurrent with previous) Director, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Abisko Scientific Research Station Sweden 1996-2002, Director Climate Impacts Research Centre, Kiruna Sweden 1997, Professor of Arctic Ecology, Univ. Lund Sweden.
Research focuses on relationships between the arctic environment and the ecology of arctic plants and animals including ecosystem processes. The research has two components: seeking to understand mechanisms of survival and adaptation to arctic environments, and assessing the responses of organisms and ecosystems to changing environmental conditions such as climate, UV-B radiation and atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Wolf, A. K. Larsson and T.V. Callaghan. (2008) Future vegetation changes in the Barents Region. Climatic Change 87, 51-73.
Wolf, A., Kozlov, M.V. and T.V. Callaghan (2008). Impact of non-outbreak insect damage on vegetation in northern Europe will be greater than expected during a changing climate. Climatic Change 87, 91-106.
Wolf, A., Blyth, E., Harding, R., Jacob, D., Keup-Thiel, E., Goettel, H. and T. V. Callaghan. (2008) Sensitivity of an ecosystem model to hydrology and temperature. Climatic Change 87, 75-89.
Cornelissen, J. H.C., van Bodegom, P. M., Aerts, R., Callaghan, T.V., van Logtestijn, R.S.P., Alatalo, J., Chapin, F.S, Gerdol, R., Gudmundsson, J., Gwynn-Jones, D., Hartley, A.E., Hik, D.S., Hofgaard, A., Jónsdóttir, I.S., Karlsson, P.S., Klein, J.A., Laundre, J., Magnusson, B., Michelsen, A., Molau, U., Onipchenko, V., Quested, H.M., Sandvik, S.M., Schmidt, I.K., Shaver, G.R., Solheim, B., Soudzilovskaia, N., Stenström, A., Tolvanen, A., Totland, Ø., Wada, N., Welker, J.M., Zhao, X-Q. (in press). Global negative vegetation feedback to climate warming responses of leaf litter decomposition rates in cold biomes. Ecology Letters.
Johansson, M., Åkerman, H.J., Jonasson, C., Christensen, T.R. and T. V. Callaghan (2008). Increasing Permafrost Temperatures in Subarctic Sweden. In: Kane, D.L. & Hinkel, K.M (eds). Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks (Vol. I). pp.851-856.