2021.6 – 至今 中国农业大学 副教授
2019.3 – 2019.5 中国农业大学 博士后
2010.3 – 2015.9 华大生命科学研究院 生物信息高级研究员
2015.9 – 2018.9 University of Copenhagen, Denmark 博士
2007.9 – 2010.6 湖南师范大学 硕士
2003.9 – 2010.7 湖南师范大学 学士
Ecological Entomology: 副主编(Associate Editor)
Mitochondrial DNA part B: 编委(Editorial Board)
2020-2021,博士后面上项目一等资助,高通量测序技术获得16S核糖体RNA全长序列的方法学研究 (2019M660051),12万元,主持
2021年 中国农业大学优秀人才
2019年 深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”
2016年 深圳市盐田区生物产业高级人才
2.农田昆虫群落多样性和功能网络的研究: 生物多样性与农业害虫综合治理的关系密切。在现代农田生态系统中,自然界的植物群落变为大面积单种特定作物的种植,人为地排除其他植物种类的竞争以提高作物的产量。因此群落原有的相互作用受到干扰,群落将失去自我协调的功能,导致农田生态系统的不稳定、易爆发害虫问题。通过DNA条形码技术,可以快速有效的开展生物多样性评估和物种鉴定研究工作,通过多维度的记录昆虫群落、植被群落的物种组成和变化,能够帮助我们构建群落的动态数据,研究群落组成对农田生态系统稳定性的影响。
Shanlin Liu*, Michael V. Westbury, Nicolas Dussex, Kieren J. Mitche, Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding, Peter D. Heintzman, David A. Duchene, et al., 2021, “Ancient and modern genomes unravel the evolutionary history of the rhinoceros family”, Cell, 184, 1-12
Valk, Tom van der, Patrícia Pe?nerová, David Díez-del-Molino, Anders Bergstr?m, Jonas Oppenheimer, Stefanie Hartmann, Georgios Xenikoudakis, et al., 2021. “Million-Year-Old DNA Sheds Light on the Genomic History of Mammoths.” Nature 591 (7849): 265–69.
Chentao Yang, Yuxuan Zheng, Shangjin Tan, Guanliang Meng, Wei Rao, Caiqing Yang, David G Bourne, ……, and Shanlin Liu*. 2020. “Efficient COI Barcoding Using High Throughput Single-End 400 Bp Sequencing.” BMC Genomics 21 (1): 862.
Shanlin Liu#, Chentao Yang#, Chengran Zhou#, and Xin Zhou*. 2017. “Filling reference gaps via assembling DNA barcodes using high-throughput sequencing – moving toward barcoding the world”. GigaScience 6(12): 1-8.
Bernhard Misof*, Shanlin Liu, Karen Meusemann, Ralph Peters, Alexander Donath, Christoph Mayer, Paul. B. Frandsen, et al. 2014. “Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution”. Science 346 (6210):
Dandan Lang#, Shilai Zhang#, Pingping Ren, Fan Liang, Zongyi Sun, Guanliang Meng, Yuntao Tan, ……. and Shanlin Liu*. 2020. “Comparison of the Two Up-to-Date Sequencing Technologies for Genome Assembly: HiFi Reads of Pacific Biosciences Sequel II System and Ultralong Reads of Oxford Nanopore.” GigaScience 9 (12): 1–7.
Jiang Hu, Junpeng Fan, Zongyi Sun, and Shanlin Liu*. 2019. “NextPolish: a fast and efficient genome polishing tool for long read assembly”. Bioinformatics 36(7): 2253-2255.
Guanliang Meng, Yiyuan Li, Chentao Yang and Shanlin Liu*. 2019. “MitoZ: A toolkit for animal mitochondrial genome assembly, annotation and visualization”. Nucleic Acids Research 47(11): e63
Yinlong Xie#, Gengxiong Wu#, Jingbo Tang#, Ruibang Luo, Jordan Patterson, Shanlin Liu, Weihua Huang, et al. 2014. “SOAPdenovo-Trans: de novo transcriptome assembly with short RNA-Seq reads”. Bioinformatics 30(12): 1660-1666.
Shanlin Liu, Yiyuan Li, Jianliang Lu, Xu Su, Min Tang, Rui Zhang, Lili Zhou, et al. 2013. “SOAPBarcode: revealing arthropod biodiversity through assembly of Illumina shotgun sequences of PCR amplicons”. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 1142-1150.