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中国农业大学副教授,获学校“2115人才培育支持计划”青年新星B类岗位,博士生导师,德国霍恩海姆大学博士。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、国家重点研发计划子课题2项,参与国家玉米产业技术体系等多个项目。围绕高温、干旱、低温等非生物逆境对玉米生长发育与产量建成的不利影响,从雌雄穗器官形态和功能两方面准确定位耐性/抗性关键特征指标并量化其参数,从产量形成过程、分子生理机制以及基因调控等层面解析逆境致灾机理。抗逆栽培方面,在水肥等传统措施的基础上,采用精准调控手段优化玉米营养生长与生殖生长的关系,提升雌雄穗开花协调性,最终实现抗逆增产目标。在Journal of Experimental Botany, the Plant Journal、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Agriculture, Ecosystem, & Environment、Field Crops Research等期刊发表文章30余篇。 教育经历 2012.09.01-2016.07.01,农学博士学位,德国霍恩海姆大学,作物科学 2009.09.01-2012.07.01,农学硕士学位,中国农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学 2005.09.01-2009.07.01,理学学士学位,洛阳师范学院,生物科学 工作经历 2016.10.01,中国农业大学 讲师


作物逆境生理与抗逆栽培 作物高产高效栽培


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Liu, X., Gu, M., Lv, X., Sheng, D., Wang, X., Wang, P., Huang, S. (2023) High temperature defense-related pathways, mediating lodicule expansion and spikelet opening in maize tassel. Journal of Experimental Botany. Gao, J., Zhang, Y., Xu, C., Wang, X., Wang, P., & Huang, S. (2023). Abscisic acid collaborates with lignin and flavonoid to improve pre‐silking drought tolerance by tuning stem elongation and ear development in maize (Zea mays L.). The Plant Journal. Zhang, P., Gu, S., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Zhao, Y., Liu, X., ... & Huang, S. (2023). The relationships between maize (Zea mays L.) lodging resistance and yield formation depend on dry matter allocation to ear and stem. The Crop Journal, 11(1), 258-268. Liu, M., Dong, X., Zhang, Y., Gu, M., Yu, Y., Xie, H., Yang, H., Yu, X., & Huang, S. (2022). Heat stress on maize with contrasting genetic background: Differences in flowering and yield formation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 319, 108934. Liu, M., Sheng, D., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Hou, X., Wang, Y., Wang, P., Guan, L., Dong, X., & Huang, S. (2022). Dissecting heat tolerance and yield stability in maize from greenhouse and field experiments. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 208(3), 348-361. Zhao, Y., Zhang, S., Lv, Y., Ning, F., Cao, Y., Liao, S., Wang, P., & Huang, S. (2022). Optimizing ear-plant height ratio to improve kernel number and lodging resistance in maize (Zea mays L.). Field Crops Research, 276, 108376. (6.190) Zhang, P., Yan, Y., Gu, S., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Sheng, D., Li, Y., Wang, P., & Huang, S. (2022). Lodging resistance in maize: A function of root–shoot interactions. European Journal of Agronomy, 132, 126393. Xu, C., Cao, Y., Tian, S., He, H., Chen, K., Zhang, S., Huang, S.*, Wang, P. (2021). Low temperature tolerance at early growth stage of maize hybrids released in the 1970s–2000s. Agronomy Journal, 113(4), 3065–3079. Gao, J., Xu, C., Luo, N., Liu, X., Huang, S*. & Wang, P. (2021). Mitigating global warming potential while coordinating economic benefits by optimizing irrigation managements in maize production. Journal of Environmental Management, 298, 113474. Wang, Y., Liu, X., Hou, X., Sheng, D., Dong, X., Gao, Y., Wang, P., Huang, S. (2021). Maximum lethal temperature for flowering and seed set in maize with contrasting male and female flower sensitivities. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. Zhang, P., Gu, S., Wang, Y., Yang, R., Yan, Y., Zhang, S., Sheng, D., Cui, T., Huang, S.* Wang, P*. Morphological and mechanical variables associated with lodging in maize (Zea mays L.). Field Crops Research, 2021, 269, 108178. Gao, J., Lei, M., Yang, L., Wang, P., Tao, H.*, & Huang, S*. Reduced row spacing improved yield by optimizing root distribution in maize. European Journal of Agronomy, 2021, 127, 126291. Dong, X., Guan, L., Zhang, P., Liu, X., Li, S., Fu, Z., Tang, L., Qi, Z., Qiu, Z., Jin, C., Huang, S.*, Yang, H*. Responses of maize with different growth periods to heat stress around flowering and early grain filling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 303, 108378. Zhao, Y., Lv Y., Zhang, S., Ning, F., Cao, Y., Liao S.*, Wang, P., & Huang, S.* (2021) Shortening internodes near ear: An alternative to raise maize yield. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 41(2), 628-638. Wang, Y., Sheng, D., Zhang, P., Dong, X., Yan, Y., Hou, X., Wang, P* & Huang, S*. (2021). High temperature sensitivity of kernel formation in different short periods around silking in maize. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 104343. Gao, J., Yan, Y., Hou, X., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Huang, S*, & Wang, P.* (2021). Vertical distribution and seasonal variation of soil moisture after drip-irrigation affects greenhouse gas emissions and maize production during the growth season. Science of The Total Environment, 763, 142965–142965. Tian, B. J., Zhu, J. C., Liu, X. W., Huang, S*. & Wang, P. (2020). Interacting leaf dynamics and environment to optimize maize sowing date in north china plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(5), 1227-1240. Wang, Y., Tao, H., Zhang, P., Hou, X., Sheng, D., Tian, B., Wang, P*. & Huang, S*. (2019). Reduction in seed set upon exposure to high night temperature during flowering in maize. Physiologia Plantarum, 169 (1), 73-82. Wang, Y., Tao, H., Tian, B., Sheng, D., Xu, C., Zhou, H., Huang, S* & Wang, P*. (2019). Flowering dynamics, pollen, and pistil contribution to grain yield in response to high temperature during maize flowering. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 158, 80-88. Li, Y., Tao, H., Zhang, B., Huang, S*. & Wang, P*. (2018). Timing of water deficit limits maize kernel setting in association with changes in the source-flow-sink relationship. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1326. Wang, Y., Zhang L., Zhou, N., Xu, L., Zhu, J., Tao, H., Huang, S*., Wang, P*. (2018) Late harvest and foliar fungicide acted together to minimize climate change effects on summer maize yield in the North China Plain during 1954–2015. Agriculture, Ecosystem, and Environment, 265, 535-543. Wang, L. J., Zhang, P., Wang, R.N., Wang, P. & Huang, S*. (2018). Effects of variety and chemical regulators on cold tolerance during maize germination. Journal of integrative agriculture, 17(12), 2662-2669. Huang, S., Lv, L., Zhu, J., Li, Y., Tao, H., & Wang, P. (2018). Extending growing period is limited to offsetting negative effects of climate changes on maize yield in the north china plain. Field Crops Research, 215, 66-73. Huang, S., Gruber, S., & Claupein, W. (2018). Timing and depth of post-harvest soil disturbance can reduce seedbank and volunteers of oilseed rape. Soil and Tillage Research, 175, 187-193. Huang, S., Gao, Y., Li, Y., Xu, L., Tao, H., & Wang, P. (2017). Influence of plant architecture on maize physiology and yield in the Heilonggang River valley. The Crop Journal,5,52-62. Huang, S., Gruber, S., & Claupein, W. (2016). Field history of imidazolinone-tolerant oilseed rape (Brassica napus) volunteers in following crops under six long-term tillage systems. Field Crops Research, 185, 51-58. Huang, S., Gruber, S., Stockmann, F., & Claupein, W. (2016). Dynamics of dormancy during seed development of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Seed Science Research, 1-9.
