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傅缨 植物生理与生物化学国家重点实验室教授。植物细胞生长发育过程中调控细胞骨架的信号转导机制研究方向学术带头人。 学习与工作经历 1993年本科生毕业于华中师范大学生物系,获理学学士学位 1999年博士研究生毕业于 武汉大学生命科学学院,获理学博士学位 1998年-1999年于香港大学植物系,任职Research Assistant 1999年-2004年,在美国Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside,任职Postdoctoral Research Associate 2004年-2007年在美国Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside,任职Assistant Project Scientist 2007年11月回国,被中国农业大学生物学院植物科学系聘任为教授


细胞骨架与植物细胞生长调控 高等植物的个体由众多形态各异的不同类型细胞所组成,植物细胞生长过程对于细胞乃至植物整体的生长发育和形态建成(morphogenesis)至关重要,我们实验室主要研究细胞骨架响应信号分子调控植物细胞生长和形态建成的分子机理。 1、细胞骨架响应植物体内生长发育信号调控细胞极性生长。植物细胞的生长控制涉及分子和细胞水平诸多方面的调控。其中,细胞骨架已经被充分证明在植物细胞的生长以及形态建成方面有重要的功能。我们重点研究介导植物激素(如生长素)调控细胞生长的信号转导途径,包括植物中重要的信号分子ROP GTPase如何通过调控细胞骨架决定植物细胞极性生长和形态发生的分子调控机制,以及作用于细胞骨架的不同信号转导途径间的交互作用。同时也探讨ROPs-细胞骨架途径调控生长素极性运输的分子机制。不同信号途径对细胞骨架组织与动态的调控往往通过细胞骨架结合蛋白来完成,我们也致力发现新的细胞骨架结合蛋白或已知结合蛋白的新功能。 2、细胞骨架响应环境信号调控细胞生长和气孔运动。环境中的信号(如光、非生物逆境胁迫信号等)对植物生长起重要调控作用。已有研究表明这些环境信号往往可以通过调节细胞骨架的组织、排列来调控植物细胞的生长,我们研究在这一过程中发挥功能的细胞骨架结合蛋白,以及传递信号的信号转导机制。此外,气孔运动的调控对于植物响应非生物逆境信号具有重要意义,而气孔运动依赖于细胞骨架。我们亦关注对细胞骨架调控气孔开放、闭合分子机制的深入解析。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

*Correspondence author; #Co-first author Li C#, Shi L#, Wang Y, Li W, Chen B, Zhu L, Fu Y*. 2020. Arabidopsis ECAP is a new adaptor protein that connects JAZ repressors with TPR2 co-repressor to suppress Jasmonate-responsive anthocyanin accumulation. Molecular Plant. 13:246-265 Li W, Ge F, Qiang Z, Zhu L, Zhang S, Chen L, Wang X*, Li J*, Fu Y*. 2020. Maize ZmRPH1 encodes a microtubule-associated protein that controls plant and ear height. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 18:1345-1347 Tian L, Zhang Y, Kang E, Ma H, Zhao H, Yuan M, Zhu L*, Fu Y. 2019. Basic-leucine zipper17 and Hmg-CoA reductase degradation 3A are involved in salt acclimation memory in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 61:1062-1084 He M, Lan M, Zhang B, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Zhu L, Yuan M, Fu Y*. 2018. Rab-H1b is essential for trafficking of cellulose synthase and for hypocotyl growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 60:1051-1069 Lan Y, Liu X, Fu Y*, Huang S*. 2018. Arabidopsis class I formins control membrane-originated actin polymerization at pollen tube tips. PLoS Genetics. 14:e1007789. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007789 Li C#, Lu H#, Li W, Yuan M, Fu Y*. 2017. A ROP2-RIC1 pathway fine-tunes microtubule reorganization for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment. 40:1127-1142 Kang E, Zheng M, Zhang Y, Yuan M, Yalovsky S, Zhu L*, Fu Y. 2017. MAP18 regulates the activity of ROP2 GTPase during root hair growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 174:202-222 Fu Y*. 2015. The cytoskeleton in the pollen tube. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 28:111-119 Zhou Z#, Shi H#, Chen B#, Zhang R, Huang S, Fu Y*. 2015. Arabidopsis RIC1 severs actin filaments at the apex to regulate pollen tube growth. The Plant Cell. 27: 1140-1161 Zhang Y, Kang E, Yuan M, Fu Y, Zhu L*. 2015. PCaP2 regulates nuclear positioning in growing Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs by modulating filamentous actin organization. Plant Cell Report. 34:1317-1330 Zhu L, Zhang Y, Kang E, Xu Q, Wang M, Rui Y, Liu, B, Yuan M, Fu Y*. 2013. Map18 regulates the direction of pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis by modulating F-actin. The Plant Cell. 25: 851-867 Lin D#, Cao L#, Zhou Z, Zhu L, Ehrhardt D, Yang Z, Fu Y*. 2013. Rho GTPase signaling activates microtubule severing to promote microtubules ordering in Arabidopsis. Current Biology. 23: 290-297 Zhu L, Fu Y*. 2012. Analysis of in vivo ROP GTPase activity at the subcellular level by fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy. Plant Signalling Networks, Methods and Protocols. Edited by Wang ZY. and Yang Z. Humana Press. pp 145-152 Fu Y, Yang Z. 2011. Signaling to the cytoskeleton in diffuse cell growth. The Plant Cytoseleton. Edited by Liu B. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Vol 2, pp 229-243 Fu Y*. 2010. ROP GTPases and the Cytoskeleton. Integrated G Proteins Signaling in Plants. Edited by Yalovsky S. et al. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp 91-104 Fu Y*. 2010. The actin cytoskeleton and signaling network during pollen tube tip growth. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 52: 131-137 Fu Y*, Xu T, Zhu L, Wen M, Yang Z*. 2009. A ROP GTPase signaling pathway controls cortical microtubule ordering and cell expansion in Arabidopsis. Current Biology.19: 1827-1832 Zhou L, Fu Y* and Yang, Z*. 2009. A genome-wide functional characterization of Arabidopsis regulatory calcium sensors in pollen tubes. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 51: 751-61 Fu Y, Yang Z, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K. 2008. ROP/Rac GTPases. Chapter 3 in Intracellular Signalling in Plants. Edited by Yang Z. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. pp 64-99 Yang Z*, Fu Y. 2007. ROP/RAC GTPase signaling. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 10:490-494 Fu Y#, Gu Y#, Zheng Z, Wasteneys G, and Yang Z. 2005. Arabidopsis Interdigitating Cell growth requires two antagonistic pathways with opposing action on cell morphogenesis. Cell. 120: 687-700 Fu Y, Li H, Yang Z. 2002. The Rop2 GTPase controls the formation of cortical fine F-actin and the early phase of directional cell expansion during Arabidopsis organogenesis. The Plant Cell. 14: 777-794 Fu Y, Wu G., Yang Z. 2001. Rop GTPase-Dependent dynamics of tip-localized F-actin controls tip growth in pollen tubes. Journal of Cell Biology. 152: 1019-1032 Fu, Y. and Yang Z. 2001. The Rop GTPase: A master switch of cell polarity development in plants. Trends in Plant Science 6: 545-547 Yuan M#, Fu Y#, Wang F, Huang B-Q, Zee, S-Y. and Hepler PK. 2002. Fertilization in Torenia fournieri: actin organization and nuclear behavior in the central cell and primary endosperm. Science in China. 45: 211-224 Fu Y, Yuan M, Huang B-Q, Yang H-Y, Zee S-Y, and O’Brien TP. 2000. Changes in actin organization in the living egg apparatus of Torenia fournieri during fertilization. Sexual Plant Reproduction. 12: 315-322
