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I gained my medical degree in 1982 from Genoa University, Italy. I hold a speciality in Respiratory Medicine from University of Genoa and a PhD in Oncology from University of Turin, Italy. I have been Chief of the Department of General Medicine and Director of the Lab of Clinical Oncology in Vercelli Hospital, Italy. I am the current President of the Italian Group for the study of Mesothelioma (G.I.Me), Italian Director of the IMIG Board (International Mesothelioma Interest Group) and Director of the scientific committee of the Buzzi Foundation for the research on Mesothelioma. I am a member of the International Board of MARF (Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation) in Washington and on the Editorial Board of several scientific Journals. I have published over 100 papers on preclinical and clinical studies on Mesothelioma and with my group has been developing novel approaches to the treatment of this tumour.
