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Huang, L., Cai Y., Zhao E., Zhang S., Shu Y., Fan J. (2022). Measuring the interdisciplinarity of Information and Library Science interactions using citation analysis and semantic analysis. Scientometrics, DOI:/10.1007/s11192-022-04401-x. (ABS 2*)
Huang, L., Chen X.., Zhang, Y., Wang C., Cao X., Liu J. (2022). Identification of topic evolution: network analytics with piecewise linear representation and word embedding. Scientometrics, DOI:/10.1007/s11192-022-04273-1. (ABS 2*)
Huang, L., Chen X.., Ni, X., Liu, J., Cao, X., Wang, C. (2021). Tracking the dynamics of co-word networks for emerging topic identification. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, DOI:/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120944. (ABS 3*)
Huang, L., Chen X.., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Y., Li, S., Ni, X. (2021). Dynamic network analytics for recommending scientific collaborators. Scientometrics, DOI:/10.1007/s11192-021-04164-x. (ABS 2*)
Zhang, Y., Wu M., Miao W., Huang, L. *, Lu J. (2021). Bi-layer network analytics: A methodology for characterizing emerging general-purpose technologies. Journal of Informetrics. DOI:/10.1016/j.joi.2021.101202. (ABS 2*, 通讯作者)
Huang, L., Liu, F., Zhang, Y. (2021). Overlapping community discovery for identifying key research themes. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 68(5), 1321-1332. (ABS 3*)
Zhou, X., Huang, L.*, Porter, A. L., Vicente-Gomila, J. (2019). Tracing the system transformations and innovation pathways of an emerging technology: Solid lipid nanoparticles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146, 785-794. (ABS 3*, 通讯作者)
Zhou, X., Huang, L.*, Zhang, Y., Yu, M. (2019). A hybrid approach to detecting technological recombination based on text mining and patent network analysis. Scientometrics, 121, 699-737. (ABS 2*, 通讯作者)
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Zhang, Y., Shang, L., Huang, L.*, Porter, A. L., Zhang, G.,Lu, J., Zhu, D. (2016). A hybrid similarity measure method for patent portfolio analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 10 (4), 1108-1130. (ABS 2*, 通讯作者)
Huang, L., Zhang, Y., Guo, Y., Zhu, D., & Porter, A. L. (2014). Four dimensional Science and Technology planning: A new approach based on bibliometrics and technology roadmapping. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 81, 39-48. (ABS 3*)
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黄璐,蔡依洁,徐洪,郑永和.单纯增加稳定性经费能否解决科研过度竞争?科学学研究. 2022. DOI:10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.20220314.002
陈翔,黄璐*,倪兴兴,刘家润,曹晓丽,王长天. 基于动态语义网络分析的主题演化路径识别研究,情报学报,2021,40(5),500-512. (通讯作者)
黄璐,倪兴兴,程坷飞,贾翔. 基于二模网络链路预测的合作者识别方法研究,情报学报,2020,39(9),906-913.
黄璐, 朱一鹤, 陈丽, 郑永和. 科学基金资助 F0701 的科学计量分析[J]. 科学学研究, 2019,37(06):977-985.
黄璐, 朱一鹤, 张嶷. 基于加权网络链路预测的新兴技术主题识别研究[J].情报学报,2019,38(04):335-341.
周潇,黄璐*,马婷婷.大数据视角下的技术创新路径识别研究,科研管理 2017(10),1-9. (通讯作者)
黄璐. 企业并购实验教程[M]. 北京大学出版社, 2013.