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副教授,博士,博士生导师。2011年本科和2017年博士均毕业于北京航空航天大学计算机学院。2017-2023 年先后担任北京市大数据科学与脑机智能高精尖创新中心研究员、英国Edgetic Ltd. 研究科学家(云和大数据平台负责人)、英国利兹大学研究员(Lead Research Fellow),2023年5月加入北航软件学院。 长期从事大规模可靠计算基础设施关键技术与理论的研究,拥有丰富的大规模计算系统和智能软件的工程实践经验。2018年-2023 年在英工作期间,主持或作为技术负责人领导了英国EPSRC、英国阿兰图灵研究院、创新英国、欧盟地平线等重大项目7项,参与总经费超过八百万英镑,主持研发了大规模资源调度、智能数据中心和物联网管理、智慧农业管理等多个大型软件平台。作为创始成员之一孵化了英国高科技衍生公司Edgetic Ltd.,突破了软硬件协同的智能资源管理和能效优化技术难题,形成了大规模数据中心管理的全栈技术解决方案。曾作为学生组长和项目骨干参与国家 973 项目“高效可信的虚拟计算环境基础研究”、国家863 项目“中国云一期/二期”、国家重点研发计划“面向云计算的网络化操作系统”等科研项目。相关成果应用于“阿里云飞天超大规模云计算平台”、“新一代欧盟标准的智能低碳数据中心”、“英国国家智能农业养殖中心”等多个国内外重大工程,支撑了中、英、欧盟可持续计算、智慧城市、数据分析与科学计算等重大科研项目和产业应用。在TPDS、TC、TKDE、TSC、WWW、ICDCS、VLDB、SC等分布式计算、人工智能等领域国际期刊会议发表学术论文近60篇,谷歌学术引用近2,000次(截至2023年5月),ESI高被引论文3篇,ESI热门文章1篇,IEEE国际会议最佳论文奖1篇,参与编写著作1部,授权国家发明专利12项。荣获2017年中国电子学会科技进步特等奖(唯一学生署名完成人、奖项设立后首个特等奖)、2022年英国阿兰图灵博士后拓展奖、IEEE SOSE-JCC会议杰出贡献奖等。担任IEEE CLOUD’21国际会议领域主席, IEEE JCC’19’20国际会议程序委员会主席,担任SCI期刊Journal of Big Data and Cognitive Computing、Electronics客座编辑,担任IJCAI、AAAI、CLOUD、HPCC、TPDS、TDSC、TKDE、TSC等多个高水平会议程序委员会委员和审稿人。所指导学生多次荣获优秀毕业生、PwC 、IBM、Alibaba AIR、Huawei Research 、UK Alan Turing实习奖等奖学金,所指导硕士研究生大多进入国内头部互联网公司工作。 Education 2011.9 - 2017.2: PhD. Computer Science (with Distinction Honor), supervised by Prof. Jie Xu and Prof. Tianyu Wo, Beihang University, China 2011.9 - 2017.1: Exchange PhD. Student (funded by China 973 iVCE Grant and EPSRC CoLab Grant), supervised by Prof. Jie Xu and Dr. Paul Townend, University of Leeds, UK 2007.9 - 2011.6: BSc. Computer Science (equivalent to 1st Class Honours), supervised by Prof. Tianyu Wo, Beihang University, China Work Experience 2023.5 - present: Associate Professor, School of Software, Beihang University, Beijing, China 2020.9 - 2023.4: Lead Research Fellow, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 2018.6 - 2020.8: Research Scientist, Edgetic Ltd., UK and Adjunct Research Fellow at University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 2018.2 - 2018.2: Visiting Researcher (work with Dr. Peter Garraghan), Lancaster University, Lancashire, UK 2016.4 - 2016.5: Visiting Researcher (work with Dr. Zhenyu Wen), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK 2017.3 - 2018.5: Research Scientist and Project Manager, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing (BDBC), Beijing, China 2014.2 - 2016.2: R&D Intern (Mentored by Zhuo (Joe) Zhang and Chao Li), Fuxi Distributed Scheduling Group, Alibaba Group, Beijing, China 2011.9 - 2017.2: Teaching and Research Assistant, Team Leader, Networked Computing Group, Beihang University, Beijing, China


大规模分布式智能计算系统(Systems for AI 和 AI for Systems),具体包括: 分布式系统软件:云数据中心、智算中心、边缘计算等场景中资源管理与任务调度、系统服务质量保障、以数据为中心的系统工程、基于优化理论和强化学习的系统优化等 软件可靠性:分布式系统容错技术与理论、故障诊断与恢复、智能运维等 深度学习系统与算法:面向ML/DL的操作系统、图神经网络算法优化、异常检测算法与应用等


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

R. Yang and J. Xu. Resilient QoS-Aware Workload Co-Scheduling and User Anomaly Detection in Shared Computing Clusters, the UK Alan Turing Institute Workshop on Edge-Cloud Infrastructure for Distributed Intelligent Computing paper Z. Wen, R. Yang*, B. Qian, Z. Wang, H. Peng, J. Xu, A.Y. Zomaya, R. Ranjan. Janus: Latency-Aware Traffic Scheduling for IoT Data Streaming in Edge Environments. IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (TSC) paper C. Mommessin', R. Yang'*, N. Shakhlevich, X. Sun, S. Kumar, J. Xiao, J. Xu. Affinity-Aware Resource Provisioning for Long-Running Applications in Shared Clusters, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) paper arxiv version Y. Yang, R. Yang*, H. Peng, Y. Li, T. Li, Y. Liao, P. Zhou. FedACK: Federated Adversarial Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Cross-Lingual and Cross-Model Social Bot Detection, ACM the Web Conference (WWW) paper D. Zou, H. Peng, X. Huang, R. Yang, J. Li, J. Wu, C. Liu, P. S. Yu. SE-GSL: A General and Effective Graph Structure Learning Framework through Structural Entropy Optimization, ACM the Web Conference (WWW) paper J. Zhao, R. Yang, S. Qiu, Z. Wang. Enhancing High-dimensional Bayesian Optimization by Optimizing the Acquisition Function Maximizer Initialization. arXiv Preprint, arXiv:2302.08298 arxiv version R. Yang', J. Zhu', X. Sun, T. Wo, C. Hu, H. Peng, J. Xiao, A. Y. Zomaya, J. Xu. QoS-Aware Co-Scheduling for Distributed Long-Running Applications on Shared Clusters, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) paper Y. Song, L. Jiao, R. Yang, T. Wo and J. Xu. Incentivizing Online Content Caching in Distributed Edge Networks via Auction-Based Subsidization. 19th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON) paper X. Sun, W. Wang, S. Qiu, R. Yang, S. Huang, J. Xu, Z. Wang. STRONGHOLD: Fast and Affordable Billion-scale Deep Learning Model Training. IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC) paper G. Yeung, B. Borowiec, R. Yang*, A. Friday, R. Harper, P. Garraghan. Horus: Interference-aware and Prediction-based Scheduling in Deep Learning Systems. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) paper R. Yang', Y. Yang', Y. Li, K. Cui, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Xu, H. Xie. RoSGAS: Adaptive Social Bot Detection with Reinforced Self-supervised GNN Architecture Search. ACM Trans. on the Web (TWEB), 2022 paperarxiv version H. Peng, R. Yang, Z. Wang, J. Li, L. He, P. S. Yu, A. Y. Zomaya, R. Ranjan. LIME: Low-Cost and Incremental Learning for Dynamic Heterogeneous Information Networks. IEEE Trans. on Computers (TC) paper Q. Li, H. Peng, J. Li, C. Xia, R. Yang, L. Sun, P. S. Yu, L. He. A Survey on Text Classification: from Traditional to Deep Learning. ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) paper (Highly Cited Paper) Z. Wen, H. Hu, R. Yang*, B. Qian, R. Sham, R. Sun, J. Xu, P. Patel, O. Rana, S. Dustdar, R. Ranjan. Orchestrating Networked Machine Learning Applications using Autosteer, IEEE Internet Computing paper T. Li, Z. Hong, Q. Cai, L. Yu, Z. Wen, and R. Yang*. BISSIAM: Bispectrum Siamese Network Based Contrastive Learning for UAV Anomaly Detection, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) paper Y. Hei', R. Yang', H. Peng, L. Wang, X. Xu, J. Liu, H. Liu, J. Xu, L. Sun. Hawk: Reliable Android Malware Detection through Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) (IF=14.26) paper R. Yang', J. Zhu', C. Hu, T. Wo, S. Xue, J. Ouyang, J. Xu. Perph: A Workload Co-location Agent with Online Performance Prediction and Resource Inference. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID) paper Y. Song, T. Wo, R. Yang*, Q. Shen and J. Xu. Joint Optimization of Cache Placement and Request Routing in Unreliable Networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) paper H. Peng, J. Li, Z. Wang, R. Yang, M. Liu, M. Zhang, P. S. Yu, L. He. Lifelong Property Price Prediction: A Case Study for The Toronto Real Estate Market. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) paper H. Peng, J. Li, Y. Song, R. Yang, R. Ranjan, P. S. Yu, L. He. Streaming Social Event Detection and Evolution Discovery in Heterogeneous Information Networks, ACM Trans. on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) paper H. Peng, R. Zhang, Y. Dou, R. Yang, J. Zhang, and P. S. Yu. Reinforced Neighborhood Selection Guided Multi-Relational Graph Neural Networks. ACM Trans. on Information Systems (TOIS) paperarxiv version (Hot Paper in ESI) R. Yang, C. Hu, X. Sun, P. Garraghan, T. Wo, Z. Wen, H. Peng, J. Xu and C. Li. Performance-aware Speculative Resource Oversubscription for Large-scale Clusters, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2020 paper B. Qian, J. Su, Z. Wen, D. N. Jha, Y. Li, Y. Guan, D. Puthal, P. James, R. Yang, A. Y. Zomaya, O. Rana, L. Wang, R. Ranjan. Orchestrating Development Lifecycle of ML-Based IoT Applications: a Survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2020 arxiv versionpaper R. Yang, Z. Wen, D. McKee, T. Lin, J. Xu and P. Garraghan. Software-Defined Fog Orchestration for IoT Services. Book Chapter, Fog and Fogonomics Challenges and Practices, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-50109-1 [link] [googlebook] [preprint] Q. Li, H. Peng, J. Li, C. Xia, R. Yang, L. Sun, P. S. Yu, L. He. A Text Classification Survey: From Shallow to Deep Learning. arXiv Preprint, arXiv:2008.00364, 2020 arxiv version H. Peng, J. Li, Z. Wang, R. Yang, M. Liu, M. Zhang, P. S. Yu, L. He. Lifelong Property Price Prediction: A Case Study for The Toronto Real Estate Market. arXiv Preprint, arXiv:2008.05880, 2020 arxiv version G. Yeung, B. Borowiec, R. Yang*, A. Friday, R. Harper, P. Garraghan. Horus: An Interference-aware Resource Manager for Deep Learning Systems. International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), 2020 paper C. Hu, J. Zhu, R. Yang*, H. Peng, T. Wo, S. Xue, X. Yu, J. Xu, R. Ranjan. Toposch: Latency-Aware Scheduling Based on Critical Path Analysis on Shared YARN Clusters. IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2020 paper Z. Wen, T.Lin, R. Yang*, S. Ji, R. Ranjan, A. Romanovsky, C. Lin, J. Xu. GA-Par: Dependable Microservice Orchestration Framework for Geo-Distributed Clouds, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2019 [full version] paper R. Yang', J. Zhu', C. Hu, T. Wo, S. Xue, J. Ouyang and J. Xu. Perphon: a ML-based Agent for Workload Co-location via Performance Prediction and Resource Inference. ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), 2019 paper P. Garraghan, X. Ouyang, R. Yang*, D. McKee, J. Xu. Straggler Root-cause and Impact Analysis for Massive-scale Virtualized Cloud Datacenters, in IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (TSC) (IF=11.02, CCF-A) paper (Highly Cited Paper) H. Peng, J. Li, S. Wang, L. Wang, Q. Gong, R. Yang, B. Li, L. He and P. S. Yu. Hierarchical Taxonomy-Aware and Attentional Graph Capsule RCNNs for Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2019 paper (Highly Cited Paper) S.Xue, C. Hu, J. Zhu, R. Yang*. Shaready: A Resource-Isolated Workload Co-location System. in the 13th IEEE SOSE, 2019 paper P. Liu, R. Yang*, J. Sun, X. Liu. SysOptic: A Fine-Grained Monitoring System for Virtual Machines Based on PMU. in the 13th IEEE SOSE, 2019 paper P. Townend, S. J. Clement, D. Burdett, R. Yang, J. Shaw, B. Slater, J. Xu. Improving Data Center Efficiency Through Holistic Scheduling In Kubernetes. in the 13th IEEE SOSE, 2019 paper P. Garraghan, R. Yang*, Z. Wen, A. Romanovsky, J. Xu, R. Buyya, R. Ranjan. Emergent Failures: Rethinking Cloud Reliability at Scale. IEEE Cloud Computing, 2018 (SCI-IF = 2.929, Q1) paper X. Sun, C. Hu, R. Yang*, P. Garraghan, T. Wo, J. Xu, J. Zhu, C. Li. ROSE: Cluster Resource Scheduling via Speculative Over-subscription. in the 38th IEEE ICDCS 2018 paper R. Yang, X. Ouyang, Y. Chen, P. Townend, J. Xu. Intelligent Resource Scheduling: a Machine Learning Perspective. in the 12th IEEE SOSE 2018, paper Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, T. Wo, X. Lin, R. Yang, J. Xu. A Scalable lnternet-of-Vehicles Service over Joint Clouds. in the 9th IEEE JCC 2018 paper R. Yang, Z. Zhao, J. Ouyang, J. Xu. Cloud Evolution: Enterprise-Wide Digitalization over Clouds. Book Chapter, World Scientific Reference on Digital Data-Centric Platforms in the Age of IoT (invited chapter and in press) R. Yang. Efficient and Reliable Resource Scheduling at Internet Scale: Theory and Practice, PhD. thesis, 2017 (with Honor, Outstanding Graduate Award of Beijing Graduates) R. Yang, Y. Zhang, P. Garraghan, Y.Feng, J. Ouyang, J. Xu, Z. Zhang, C. Li. Reliable Cloud Service in Massive-scale Systems through Effective Low-cost Failover. in IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (TSC) (IF=11.02, CCF-A) paper Z. Wen, R. Yang*, P. Garraghan, T.Lin, J. Xu and M. Rovatsos. Fog Orchestration for IoT Services, in IEEE Internet Computing (IC), IEEE Computer Society (SCI-IF = 1.929, Q1) paper (Highly Cited Paper) X. Sun, C. Hu, R. Yang*, P. Garraghan, C. Li. ROSE: Cluster Scheduling through Efficient Resource Overselling, ACM/USENIX SOSP, 2017 (poster) paper T. Wo, R. Yang, Y. Wang, C. Hu and J. Xu. Software-defined Storage in Joint Cloud. Communications of CCF, 2017 (In Chinese) paper L. Du, T. Wo, R. Yang*, C. Hu. Cider: a Rapid Docker Container Deployment System through Sharing Network Storage. in the 19th IEEE HPCC 2017 paper X. Ouyang, C. Wang, R. Yang, P. Townend, J. Xu. ML-NA: a Machine Learning based Node Performance Analyzer Utilizing Straggler Statistics. In the 23th IEEE ICPADS 2017 paper Z. Zhang, C. Li, Y. Tao, R. Yang*, H. Tang, J. Xu. Fuxi: a Fault-Tolerant Resource Management and Job Scheduling System at Internet Scale, in the 40th VLDB 2014 paper X. Ouyang, P. Garraghan, R. Yang, P. Townend, and J. Xu. Reducing Late-Timing Failure at Scale: Straggler Root-Cause Analysis in Cloud Datacenters, in the 46th IEEE/IFIP DSN 2016 (short) paper L. Cui, J. Li, T. Wo, B. Li, R. Yang, Y. Cao, J. Huai. HotRestore: A Fast Restore System for Virtual Machine Cluster, in the 28th USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA 2014) paper R. Yang and J. Xu. Computing at Massive Scale: Scalability and Dependability Challenges, in the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2016) paper R. Yang, J. Ouyang, C. Hu. Fail at Scale. Communications of CCF, 2016 (In Chinese) paper R. Yang, T. Wo, C. Hu, J. Xu and M. Zhang. D2PS : a Dependable Data Provisioning Service in Multi-tenants Cloud Environment. in the 17th IEEE HASE 2016 paper C. Hu, X. Wang, R. Yang and T. Wo. ScalaRDF: a Distributed, Elastic and Scalable In-Memory RDF Triple Store. in the 22th IEEE ICPADS 2016 paper H. Wang, M. Zhang, R. Yang, X. Lin, T. Wo, R. Ranjan and J. Xu. SMTP: An Optimized Storage Model For Big Vehicle Trajectory Data Exploiting Trajectory Pattern. in the18th IEEE HPCC 2016, paper W. Jiang, T. Wo, M. Zhang, R. Yang, J. Xu A Method for Private Car Transportation Dispatching Based on a Passenger Demand Model. in the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Vehicles (IoV 2015), paper Y. Huang, R. Yang, L. Cui, T. Wo, C. Hu, B. Li. VMCSnap: Taking Snapshots of Virtual Machine Cluster with Memory Deduplication. in the 8th IEEE SOSE 2014 paper Y. Wang, R. Yang, T. Wo, W. Jiang, C. Hu. Improving Utilization through Dynamic VM Resource Allocation in Hybrid Cloud Environment, in the 20th IEEE ICPADS 2014 paper J. Li, J. Zheng, L. Cui and R. Yang. ConSnap: Taking Continuous Snapshots for Running State Protection of Virtual Machines, in the 20th IEEE ICPADS 2014 paper B. Zhang, J. Kang, T. Wo, Y. Wang, R. Yang. a Flexible and Scalable Affinity Lock for the Kernel, in the 16th IEEE HPCC 2014 paper I. S. Moreno, R. Yang, J. Xu, T. Wo. Improved Energy-Efficiency in Cloud Datacenters with Interference-Aware Virtual Machine Placement. in the 11th IEEE ISADS 2013 paper (Best Paper Award) R. Yang, I. S. Moreno, J. Xu, T. Wo. An Analysis of Performance Interference Effects on Energy-Efficiency of Virtualized Cloud Environments, in the IEEE CloudCom 2013 paper Y. Zhang, R. Yang, T. Wo, C. Hu, J. Kang , L. Cui. CloudAP: Improving the QoS of Mobile Applications with Efficient VM Migration, in the 15th IEEE HPCC 2013 paper W. Wang, C. Hu, T. Wo and R. Yang*. YarnPlus: A Yarn Based Framework for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in Heterogeneous Computing Environments, in the 11th CCF CNCC 2013 paper
