闫晓军,黄大伟,王占学,马洪忠. 无人机动力. 科学出版社, 2020. 【教育部高等学校航空航天类专业教学指导委员会推荐教材,普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材航空宇航科学与技术教材出版工程】
Zixu Guo, Ziyuan Song, Dawei Huang*, et al. Slip Band Evolution Behavior near Circular Hole on Single Crystal Superalloy: Experiment and Simulation. International Journal of Plasticity, 2023, 165: 103600.【Q1, 固体力学顶刊, IF:9.8】
Zixu Guo, Ziyuan Song, Dawei Huang*, et al. Matrix channel width evolution of single crystal superalloy under creep and thermal mechanical fatigue: experimental and modeling investigations. Metals and Materials International, 2022, 28:2972-2986.【Q2, IF:3.5】
Kaimin Guo, Han Yan, Dawei Huang*, et al. Active learning-based KNN-Monte Carlo simulation on the probabilistic fracture assessment of cracked structures. International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 154: 106533.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Zixu Guo, Ziyuan Song, Dawei Huang, Xiaojun Yan. A high-temperature digital image correlation method and its application on strain measurement of film cooling holes. Journal of Multiscale Mdelling, 2021, 12(2): 2150003.【IF:1.5】
Zixu Guo, Ziyuan Song, Jun Fan, Xiaojun Yan, Dawei Huang*. Experimental and analytical investigation on service life of film cooling structure for single crystal turbine blade. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021, 150: 106318.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Xin Ding, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan, et al. Effect of pneumatic shot peening on the high and low cycle combined fatigue life of K403 turbine blades. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2021, 44(6): 1439-1454.【Q2, IF:3.7】
Zixu Guo, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan. Physics-based modeling of γ/γ´ microstructure evolution and creep constitutive relation for single crystal superalloy. International Journal of Plasticity, 2021, 137: 102916.【Q1, 固体力学顶刊, IF:9.8】
Zixu Guo, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan, et al. A damage coupled elastic-plastic constitutive model and its application on low cycle fatigue life prediction of turbine blade. International Journal of Fatigue, 2020, 131: 105298.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Xiaoyu Qin, Xiaojun Yan, Dawei Huang, et al. Evolution behavior of M23C6 carbides under different hot deformation conditions in alloy 602 CA. Metals and Materials International, 2019, 25: 1616–1625.【Q2, IF:3.5】
Lei Han, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan, et al. Combined high and low cycle fatigue life prediction model based on damage mechanics and its application in determining the aluminized location of turbine blade. International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 127: 120-130.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Xiaojun Yan, Xiaoyu Qin, Dawei Huang*. High-Temperature combined fatigue tests on full-Scale turbine blades. Journal of Multiscale Mdelling, 2019, 10(3): 1842003.【IF:1.5】
Lei Han, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan, et al. Effects of aluminizing and combined strengthening on the fatigue property of K403 superalloy component under combined high and low cycle loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 125: 491-504.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Xiaoyu Qin, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan, et al. Hot deformation behaviors and optimization of processing parameters for alloy 602 CA. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 770: 507-516.【Q1, IF:6.2】
Dawei Huang, Xiaojun Yan, Xiaoyu Qin, et al. Scatter in fatigue crack growth behavior of a Ni-based superalloy at high temperature. International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 118: 1-7.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Peiyuan Li, Xiaojun Yan, Dawei Huang*, et al. A temperature-dependent model for predicting the fracture toughness of superalloys at elevated temperature. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 93: 311-318.【Q1, IF:5.3】
Dawei Huang, Xiaojun Yan, Peiyuan Li, et al. Modeling of temperature influence on the fatigue crack growth behavior of superalloys. International Journal of Fatigue, 2018, 110: 22-30.【Q1, IF:6.0】
Cao Chen, Xiaoyong Zhang, Xiaojun Yan, Jun Ren, Dawei Huang, et al. Effect of laser shock peening on combined low- and high-cycle fatigue life of casting and forging turbine blades. Journal of Iron & Steel Research International, 2018, 25(1): 108-119.【Q3, IF:2.5】
Jiaming Leng, Xiaojun Yan, Xiaoyong Zhang, Mingjing Qi, Zhiwei Liu, Dawei Huang. A novel bending fatigue test device based on self-excited vibration principle and its application to superelastic Nitinol microwire study. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26: 105020.【Q2, IF:4.1】
Dawei Huang, Xiaojun Yan, Xiaoyong Zhang, et al. A SMA wire actuated extremely long-lifetime release actuator using two ball-lock mechanisms. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88(5): 056107.【Q3, IF:1.6】
Xiaoyong Zhang, Xiaojun Yan, Dawei Huang, et al. Modeling functional fatigue of SMA using a more accurate subdivision of martensite volume fractions. Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 96: 12-29.【Q2, IF:3.9】
Jiaming Leng, Xiaojun Yan, Xiaoyong Zhang, Dawei Huang, et al. Design of a novel flexible shape memory alloy actuator with multilayer tubular structure for easy integration into a confined space. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(2): 025007.【Q2, IF:4.1】
Xiaojun Yan, Dawei Huang, Xiaoyong Zhang, et al. A one-stage, high-load capacity separation actuator using anti-friction rollers and redundant shape memory alloy wires. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86(12): 125005.【Q3, IF:1.6】
Xiaojun Yan, Dawei Huang, Xiaoyong Zhang. Note: A novel curvature-driven shape memory alloy torsional actuator. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85(12): 126109.【Q3, IF:1.6】
Zixu Guo, Xiaoyu Qin, Dawei Huang, et al. Morphology evolution and probability characteristic of γ´ phase in single crystal superalloy during creep rafting. 18th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics. 2019, Rodos, Greece.
Xin Ding, Dawei Huang*, Xiaojun Yan. Low cycle fatigue behavior of superalloy GH4169 in high temperature gas environment. 18th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics. 2019, Rodos, Greece.
Xiaojun Yan, Xiaoyu Qin, Dawei Huang*. High temperature combined fatigue tests on full-scale turbine blades. 17th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics. 2018, Seville, Spain.