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同凡,北航经管学院副教授、硕士生导师。致力于解决能源系统可持续性转型过程中的关键经济、管理与政策问题,如能源-健康-气候耦合模型、能源系统环境外部性评价、零碳能源系统设计、颠覆性能源技术前瞻性综合评估。在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室工作期间,曾主持美国能源部竞争性研究项目两项,并多次在美国能源部、美国交通部、加州能源委员会等机构和决策者交流研究成果。回国后,作为项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划项目“应对全球变化的可持续性转型模式”和教育部首批哲学社会科学实验室(培育)“低碳治理与政策智能实验室”。在国内外重要学术期刊发表期刊论文10余篇,相关研究成果发表在 Joule(Cell子刊, 影响因子 41.248)、Applied Energy、Environmental Science Technology、iScience(Cell子刊)、Energy Policy、Environmental Research Letters等国际知名刊物上。担任3 份国际学术期刊客座主编,担任Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)等近30份国际学术期刊审稿人,多次担任国际学术会议(国际能源经济学会IAEE、美国能源经济学会USAEE、国际产业生态学会ISIE、国际可持续技术与系统论坛ISSST)分会召集人和墙报评委。 教育经历 2006/08-2010/07 清华大学 电子工程系 本科 2012/07-2016/09 美国卡耐基梅隆大学 工程与公共政策系 硕士、博士 工作经历 2021/08- 至今 北京航空航天大学 经济管理学院 副教授 2021/01-2021/12 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 能源分析与环境影像 兼职研究员(affiliate) 2019/02-2020/12 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 能源分析与环境影像部 项目科学家 (全职, 独立PI资格) 2017/08-2019/01 美国斯坦福大学/卡内基科学研究所 全球生态系 博士后 2016/10-2017/06 美国卡耐基梅隆大学 工程与公共政策系 博士后 2010/05-2012/06 国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所 研究助理 2009/07-2009/09 EMC中国有限公司 暑期实习生 奖励和荣誉 Stanford University, Rising Environmental Leaders Program (RELP) Scholar,2018 Carnegie Mellon University, Second Prize Student Poster, Carnegie Mellon University Energy Week, 2017 Carnegie Mellon University, Ji-Dian Liang Fellowship, 2016 Carnegie Mellon University, Northrop Grumman Fellowship, 2013-14 Carnegie Mellon University, Steinbrenner Institute Graduate Research Fellowship, 2013-14 清华大学学业优秀一等奖学金2008-09




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Fan Tong; Paulina Jaramillo; Ine?s M. L. Azevedo ; Comparison of life cycle greenhouse gasesfrom natural gas pathways for light duty vehicles, Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29: 6008-6018 Fan Tong; Paulina Jaramillo; Ine?s M. L. Azevedo ; Comparison of life cycle greenhouse gasesfrom natural gas pathways for medium and heavy-duty vehicles, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(12): 7123-7133 (期刊论文) Fan Tong; Mengyao Yuan; Nathan S. Lewis; Steven J. Davis; Ken Caldeira ; Effects of deep reductions in energy storage costs on highly reliable wind and solar electricity systems, iScience, 2020, 23 Fan Tong; Ines M L Azevedo ; What are the best combinations of fuel-vehicle technologies to mitigate climate change and air pollution effects across the United States?, Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15(7) Tong, Fan; Jenn, Alan; Wolfson, Derek; Scown, Corinne D.; Auffhammer, Maximilian; Health and Climate Impacts from Long-Haul Truck Electrification, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(13): 8514-8523 Fan Tong; Chris Hendrickson; Allen Biehler; Paulina Jaramillo; Stephanie Seki ; Life cycle ownership cost and environmental externality of alternative fuel options for transit buses, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 57: 287-302 Fan Tong; Ines Azevedo; Paulina Jaramillo ; Economic viability of a natural gas refueling infrastructure for long-haul trucks, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2018, 25(1) Fan Tong; Derek Wolfson; Alan Jenn; Corinne Scown; Maximilian Auffhammer ; Energy consumption and charging load profiles from long-haul truck electrification, Environmental Research: Infrastructure & Sustainability, 2021, 1(2021): 0-025007 Jacqueline A. Dowling; Katherine Z. Rinaldi; Tyler H. Ruggles; Steven J. Davis; Mengyao Yuan; Fan Tong; Nathan S. Lewis; Ken Caldeira ; Role of long-duration energy storage in variable renewable electricity systems, Joule, 2020, 4: 1-22 Mengyao Yuan; Fan Tong; Lei Duan; Jacqueline A. Dowling; Steven J. Davis; Nathan S. Lewis; Ken Caldeira ; Would firm generators facilitate or deter variable renewable energy in a carbon-free electricity system?, Applied Energy, 2020, 279 Yue Qin; Ryan Edwards; Fan Tong; Denise L. Mauzerall ; Can switching from coal to shale gas bring net carbon reductions to China?, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(5): 2554-2562 Yue Qin; Fan Tong; Guang Yang; Denise L. Mauzerall ; Challenges of using natural gas as a carbon mitigation option in China, Energy Policy, 2018, 117: 457-462 Chunyan Wang; Ranran Wang; Edgar Hertwich; Yi Liu; Fan Tong ; Water scarcity risks mitigated or aggravated by the inter-regional electricity transmission across China, Applied Energy, 2019, 238: 413-422 Nathaniel Gilbraith; Paulina Jaramillo; Fan Tong; Felipe Faria ; Comments on Jacobson et al.'s proposal for a wind, water, and solar energy future in New York State, Energy Policy, 2013, 60: 68-69 杨玉峰、同凡,应警惕科学光环下的利益偏向——评国际能源署1993-2011 年《世界能源展望》,《宏观经济研究》2012 年第4 期,第3-13,59页。 孙竹、冯连勇、同凡、杨树黛,国内外能源经管类专业培养方案比较研究.《高等工程教育研究》2017 年第5 期,第130-134 页。


担任Frontiers in Energy Research, Regional Environmental Change,Energy Sources, Part B等3 份国际学术期刊的客座主编 担任国际学术会议(国际能源经济学会IAEE、美国能源经济学会USAEE、国际产业生态学会ISIE、国际可持续技术与系统论坛ISSST)分会召集人和墙报评委 担任Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, iScience, One Earth, Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Applied Energy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Energy Policy, Energy Strategy Review, Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment 等近30 份国际学术期刊匿名审稿人 担任美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LBNL)、美国可再生能源实验室(NREL)等机构研究报告评阅人
