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赵振,男,教授,博士,1973年4月生。北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,教授;长期从事与航天工程相关的动力学与控制研究。在机构碰撞、接触冲击动力学建模理论和算法、摩擦动力学、非线性动力学、多柔体系统振动特征分析、界面动力学、月壤钻取动力学与接触界面约束性质、空间交会对接和机械臂动力学分析等方面取得了国内外同行公认成绩。研究成果发表在英国皇家协会会志Proceedings of the Royal Society A、美国物理学会会刊Physical Review E、美国机械工程师学会Journal of Applied Mechanic和Journal of Computational and Nonlinear、非线性领域的Nonlinear Dynamics,振动领域的Journal of Sound and Vibration、航天领域的Advanced in Space Research、多体系统动力学领域的Multibody System Dynamics、以及国内的中国科学、力学学报、Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)和北大学报自然科学版等诸多国内外学术期刊上。SCI他引300多次。同时,参与了多项服务于国家航天重大需求的研究,如国产机械臂动力学、嫦娥5月壤钻取动力学和长征5号遥2故障分析等。 受教育经历 1999.09-2004.06,北京大学,力学与工程科学系,博士研究生(硕博连读),导师:陈滨 1991.09-1995.06,杭州电子工业学院,学士 研究工作经历 2009.12-至今,北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,教授 2005.10-2009.09,北京大学,力学与工程科学系,博士后 2013.07-2014.07,美国新墨西哥州立大学,访问学者 2008.07-2008.08,法国INRIA Grenoble研究中心,访问学者 2004.06-2009.11,北京印刷学院,副教授




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Zhen Zhao,Caishan Liu*.The analysis and simulation for three-dimensional impact with friction.Multibody System Dynamics, 18: 511–530.2007 Zhen Zhao,Caishan Liu*, Bin Chen. The Painlevé Paradox studied at a 3D slender rod.Multibody System Dynamics,19:323-343. 2008 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*, Wei Ma, Bin Chen. Experimental Investigation of the Painlevé Paradox in a Robotic System. ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 75(4): 041006. 2008 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*, Bernard Brogliato.Energy Dissipation and Dispersion Effects in Granular Media. Physical Review E,78: 031307. 2008 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*, Bernard Brogliato. Planar dynamics of a rigid body system with frictional impacts. II. Qualitative analysis and numerical simulations. Proceedings of Royal Society A,465(2107):2267-2292. 2009 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*, Daolin Ma.Pure rotation of a prism on a ramp.Proceedings of Royal Society A. 470, 20140007. 2014 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*, Bin Chen, Bernard Brogliato, Asymptotic analysis of Painlevé’s paradox. Multibody System Dynamics, 2015, 35(3):299-319 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*.Contact constraints and dynamical equations in Lagrangian systems. Multibody System Dynamics.2016,38(1):77-99 Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu*, Wei Ma. Characteristics of steady vibration in a rotating hub-beam system. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2016.363(2016):571-583. Zhen Zhao*, Caishan Liu, Tao Chen. Docking dynamics between two spacecrafts with APDSes. Multibody System Dynamics. 2016,37(3):245-270 Zhao Z*, Lu J, Wang Q*, et al. The effect of non-spherical aspect of a dimer on the dynamic behaviors[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94(3): 2191-2204. Zhao Z, Liu C*, Wang N. Rocking dynamics of a planar rectangular block on a rigid surface[J]. Multibody System Dynamics, 2019, 45(1): 105-125. Zhao Z*, Chen T, Pang Y. Optimum parameter matching obtained by experiments for coring drilling into lunar simulant[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63(7): 2239-2244. Chen T,Zhao Z*, Schwartz S R, et al. Invariance of conveying capacity for drilling into lunar soil simulant[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 64(9): 1816-1824. Chen T,Zhao Z*, Wang Q, et al. Modeling and experimental investigation of drilling into lunar soils[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2019, 40(1): 153-166. Zhang R,Zhao Z*, Zheng X, et al. Insight Into the Drift Motion of a Bouncing Asymmetric Dimer[J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 14(6): 064501. Caishan Liu*,Zhen Zhao, Bernard Brogliato.Frictionless multiple impacts in multibody systems: Part I Theoretical Framework.Proceedings of Royal Society A, 464(2100): 3193-3211. 2008 Caishan Liu*,Zhen Zhao, Bernard Brogliato.Frictionless multiple impacts in multibody systems: Part IINumerical algorithm and simulation results. Proceedings of Royal Society A, 465(2101): 1-23. 2009(30) Caishan Liu*,Zhen Zhao, Bin Chen. The bouncing motion appearing in a robotic system with unilateral constraint. Nonliear Dynamics. 49(1):217-232.2007 Caishan Liu*, Honjian Zhang,Zhen Zhao, Bernard Brogliato.Impact-contact dynamics in a disc-ball system. Proceedings of Royal Society A, 469(2152): 20120741. 2013 Jiao Wang, Caishan Liu*,Zhen Zhao.Nonsmooth dynamics of a 3D rigid body on a vibrating plate. Multibody System Dynamics , 32(2): 217-239. 2014 Daolin Ma,Caishan Liu*,Zhen Zhao,Hongjian zhang.Rolling friction and energy dissipation in a spinning disc.Proceedings of Royal Society A,470: 20140191. 2014 Hongjian Zhang, Caishan Liu*,Zhen Zhao, Bernard Brogliato.Energy evolution in complex impacts with friction. Science China,Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56 (5): 875–881. 2013 Yao H, Ren W, Ma O*, Chen T,Zhao Zhen. Understanding the True Dynamics of Space Manipulators from Air-Bearing Based Ground Testing[J]. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2018, 41(11): 2425-2434. Zhao Z, Wang N, Liu C*. Jump rule for edge impacts of rolling prisms[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018, 8(6): 425-430. 赵振*,刘才山,陈滨. Painlevé疑难的理论分析和实验验证[J].力学学报, 2012, 45(1):37-44. 赵振*,刘才山,鲁建东.空间物体点接触纯滚动的几何意义[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 52(4): 713-716. 陈韬,郭龙飞,赵振*,等.低冲分离装置引导阶段动力学建模与实验研究[J].宇航总体技术, 2017 (3): 7. 张磊,崔志武,陈韬,赵振*.基于平面气浮实验数据获取机械臂在轨关节驱动力矩的理论建模与实验验证[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2019 (4): 1. 赵振,刘才山,陈滨.步进冲量法[J].北京大学学报:自然科学版, 2006, 42(1):6. 赵振,刘才山,陈滨,等.薄壁加筋肋圆柱壳稳定性分析的参数化研究[J].力学与实践, 2004, 026(002):17-21. 蔡惠平,赵振.二维细杆的变结构动力学[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 46(6):877-881. 姚文莉,陈滨,赵振,等.受到多点打击的非理想离散系统冲击动力学[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 41(5):695-700.
