1970: Ph.D. in Statistics - Harvard University
1966: M.A. in Computer Science - Harvard University
1965: A.B. in Psychology - Princeton University
1984 - 2018: Professor, Department of Statistics, Harvard University (retired)
1985 - 1994, 2000 - 2004: Chairman, Department of Statistics, Harvard University
1999 - 2001: Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA
1983 - present: Research Associate, NORC, Chicago
1982 - 1984: Professor, Department of Statistics and Department of Education, The University of Chicago
Honorary Degrees
Doctorate Honoris Causa, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, OttoFriedrich-Universität Bamberg, 31 May 2011, Bamberg, Germany
Doctorate Honoris Causa, University of Ljubljana, 4 December 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Doctorate Honoris Causa, Universidad Santo Tomás, 22 April 2015, Bogotá, Colombia
Doctorate awarded by the Medical Faculty, Uppsala University, 27 January 2017, Uppsala, Sweden
Doctorate Honoris Causa, Northwestern University, 16 June 2017, Evanston, Illinois
Faculty Positions at Harvard University
2002-present John L. Loeb Professor of Statistics
2000-2004 & 1985-1994 Chairman, Department of Statistics
2003-present Faculty Associate, Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences
1984-2002 Professor, Department of Statistics
1999-2000 Chairman, Department of Statistics’ Senior Search Committee
1997-2000 & 1985-1991 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Statistics
1998-present Member, Standing Committee on Health Policy, Harvard University
1997-2000 Faculty Staff, Program on Educational Policy and Governance
Causal inference in experiments and observational studies
Inference in sample surveys with nonresponse and in missing data problems
Application of Bayesian and empirical Bayesian techniques
Developing and applying statistical models to data in a variety of scientific disciplines