Guest Editors: Transportation Research Part D
International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Technology
Transportation Engineering Technology--Part III
SCIREA Journal of Traffic and Transportation
Transportation Research Part E (中科院一区)
Applied Mathematical Modelling (中科院二区)
Environmental Research (中科院二区)
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (中科院二区)
Journal of Advanced Transportation (中科院二区)
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (中科院二区)
Journal of Computational Science
Communications in Theoretical Physics
IET Intelligent Transportation Systems
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
International Journal of Modern Physics B
International Journal of Modern Physics C
International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences
Journal of Franklin Institute--Engineering and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Bokui Chen*, Zhongjun Ding, Yao Wu, Jun Zhou, Yongquan Chen. An optimal global algorithm for route guidance in advanced traveler information systems. Information Sciences. 2021, 555: 33-45.
Bokui Chen*, Duo Sun, Jun Zhou, Wengfai Wong, Zhongjun Ding. A future intelligent traffic system with mixed autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles. Information Sciences. 2020, 529: 59-72.
Xiaotong Liu, Kai Zhang, Bokui Chen*, Jun Zhou, Lixin Miao. Analysis of logistics service supply chain for the One Belt and One Road initiative of China. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2018, 117: 23-29.
Yanqun Jiang, Shuguang Zhou, Bokui Chen*. Fixed-point fast sweeping weighted essentially non-oscillatory method for multi-commodity continuum traffic equilibrium assignment problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2018, 62: 404-414.
Fushi Lian, Bokui Chen*, Kai Zhang, Lixin Miao, Jinchao WU, Shichao Luan. Adaptive traffic signal control algorithms based on probe vehicle data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2021, 25(1): 41-57.
Peijie Ma, Yanqun Jiang, Junfang Zhu, Bokui Chen*. The effect of escape signs on the pedestrians evacuation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019, 534: 121133, 1-8.
Zhongjun Ding, Bokui Chen*, Lele Zhang, Run Jiang, Yao Wu, Jianxun Ding. Segment travel time route guidance strategy in advanced traveler information systems. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019, 534: 120432, 1-13.
Nan Cui, Bokui Chen*, Kai Zhang, Yi Zhang, Xiaotong Liu, Jun Zhou. Effects of route guidance strategies on traffic emissions in intelligent transportation systems. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019, 513: 32-44.
Zhongjun Ding, Teng Liu , Xinxin Luo, Zhiwei Shen, Kongjin Zhu, Rui Jiang, Binghong Wang, Bokui Chen*. Mean-field analysis for Asymmetric Exclusion Processes on two parallel lattices with fully parallel dynamics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019, 516: 317-326.
Jinchao Wu, Bokui Chen*, Kai Zhang, Jun Zhou, Lixin Miao. Ant pheromone route guidance strategy in intelligent transportation systems. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2018, 503: 591-603.
Yingting Lin, Xiaopu Han, Bokui Chen*, Jun Zhou, Binghong Wang. Evolution of Innovative Behaviors on Scale-free Networks. Frontiers of Physics. 2018, 13(4), 130308, 1-9.
Bokui Chen, David Z.W. Wang*, Yachun Gao, Kai Zhang, Lixin Miao, Binghong Wang. Effects of traffic lights for Manhattan-like urban traffic network in intelligent transportation systems. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2018, 6(1), 4-16.
Yanqun Jiang, Bokui Chen, Binghong Wang, Wengfai Wong, Bingyang Cao. Extended social force model with a dynamic navigation field for bidirectional pedestrian flow. Frontiers of Physics. 2017, 12(5), 124502, 1-9.
Zhengping Li, Kai Zhang, Bokui Chen*, Yuhan Dong, Lin Zhang. Driver identification in intelligent vehicle-systems using machine learninxg algorithms. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2019, 13(1): 40-47.
Jiajing Wu, Jian Zhong, Zhenhao Chen, Bokui Chen. Optimal Coupling Patterns in Interconnected Communication Networks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 65(8), 1109-1113. (2018).
Zhengbing He, Bokui Chen, Ning Jia, Wei Guan, Benchuan Lin, Binghong Wang. Route guidance strategies revisited: Comparison and evaluation in an asymmetric two route traffic network. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2014, 25(4): 1450005-11.