Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Iglesias, Gregorio,(2020) Concept and performance of a novel wave energy converter: Variable Aperture Point-Absorber (VAPA), RENEWABLE ENERGY 153:681-700.
Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Iglesias, Gregorio (2020) Power capture performance of hybrid wave farms combining different wave energy conversion technologies: The H-factor, ENERGY 204.
Zheng, Siming; Miles, Jon; Greaves, Deborah; Zhu, Guixun; Iglesias, Gregorio; Antonini, Alessandro; Zhang, Yongliang (2020) Hydrodynamic performance of a multi-Oscillating Water Column (OWC) platform, Applied Ocean Research 99.
Zheng, Siming; Iglesias, Gregorio; Zhang, Yongliang; Liu, Jiabin (2020) Wave diffraction from multiple truncated cylinders of arbitrary cross sections, Applied Mathematical Modelling 77:1425-1445.
Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Liu, Yingyi; Iglesias, Gregorio,(2019) Wave radiation from multiple cylinders of arbitrary cross sections, OCEAN ENGINEERING 184: 11-22.
Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Iglesias, Gregorio,(2019) Coast/breakwater-integrated OWC: A theoretical model, MARINE STRUCTURES 66: 121-135.
Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang,(2018) Theoretical modelling of a new hybrid wave energy converter in regular waves, RENEWABLE ENERGY,128:125-141.
Siming Zheng,Yongliang Zhang* (2018) Analytical study on wave power extraction from a hybrid wave energy,Ocean Engineering,165:252~263.
Siming Zheng, Yongliang Zhang (2017) Analysis for wave power capture capacity of two interconnected floats in regular waves. Journal of Fluids and Structures 75:158–173.
Cen Yang, Yongliang Zhang. (2017) Numerical study on the hydrodynamic behavior and capture width ratio of a two-buoy wave energy converter. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B.
Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., (2017) Analytical study on hydrodynamic performance of a raft-type wave power device. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 22:620–632.
Yu, Hui-Feng; Zhang, Yong-Liang; Zheng, Si-Ming, Numerical study on the performance of a wave energy converter with three hinged bodies, Renewable Energy, 2016.12, 99: 1276~1286.
Zheng, S., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng, W. (2016) Maximum wave energy conversion by two interconnected floaters. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. May 138: 032004-1~11.
Zheng, S., Zhang, Y.L., (2016) Wave radiation from a truncated cylinder in front of a vertical wall. Ocean Engineering. 111:602-614.
Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng, W.A. (2016) Maximum power absorption of connected floating bodies under motion constraints. Applied Ocean Research. 58:95-103.
Lin Z, Zhang Y.L. (2016) Dynamics of a mechanical frequency up-converted device for wave energy harvesting. Journal of Sound and Vibration,367:170-184.
Chen, W.C., Zhang, Y.L., Yu, W.F. (2016) Numerical study on the performance of a twin-raft wave energy dissipator in a stilling basin. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 66:170–182.
Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., (2016) Wave diffraction and radiation by multiple rectangular floaters. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 54(1): 102-115.
Zheng, S.M, Zhang, Y.L., (2015) Wave diffraction from a truncated cylinder in front of a vertical wall. Ocean Engineering, Aug 1, 2015, 104:329-343.
Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.H., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng W.A., (2015) Numerical study on the dynamics of a two-raft wave energy conversion device. Journal of Fluids and Structures. Oct 2015, 58:271–290
Liu, Q.L., Zhang, Y.L. (2015) Numerical study of wave energy resources in Zhaitang Island sea area, Journal of Hydroelectric Power,34(11):1-9.
Liu, S., Zhang, Y.L. (2015) Numerical simulation of multidirectional irregular wave group propagation. J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Technol), 55(12):1289-1295.
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Si Liu, Yongliang Zhang. Numerical simulation of second-order irregular wave groups. Proceedings of the 24th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, June 15-20, 2014, 884-889.
WC Chen, YL Zhang, SM Zheng. Advance in the Study of Wave Energy Dissipation of Floating Bodies[C]. Grand Renewable Energy 2014 Proceedings (2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference), 27 July-1 August 2014, Tokyo, Japan, O-Oc-7-5.
HF Yu, YL Zhang, QL Liu. Study of Energy Storage and Stabilization Technology Based on Wave Energy Hydraulic Pump[C], Grand Renewable Energy 2014 Proceedings, 27 July-1 August 2014, Tokyo, Japan, O-Oc-19-2.
Qiulin Liu, Tony Lewis, Yongliang Zhang, Wanan Sheng. Exprimental Study on the wave measurements of wave buoys[C]. 2014 International Conference on Ocean Energy. Nov 4-6, 2014, Halifax Canada
Cen Yang, Yongliang Zhang. Experimental study on operation performance of wave pressure pump[C]. 1st International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, 24-26 November, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
Liu, S., Zhang, Y.L., Liu, S.X., Li, J.X. and Xia, Z.S. (2013) The physical simulation of wave groups and their variations in a wave flume. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 32(11): 1-6.
Sendong Liang, James Yang, Yongliang Zhang. An experimental study of scour countermeasures for offshore piles in marine environment. Proceeding of 35 IAHR World Congress, Sep 8-13 2013, Chengdu, China, p2134-2141.
Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng, W.A., 2015. Numerical study on the dynamics of a novel two-raft wave energy absorption device. 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 6-11 September, Nantes, France. 07C1-3.