Nickel-based superalloys
Metals processing and modeling
Extreme conditions
On the role of boron on improving ductility in a new polycrystalline superalloy 2017; Acta Materialia; Kontis, P. | Alabort, E. | Barba, D. | Collins, D.M. | Wilkinson, A.J. |...
The effect of boron on oxide scale formation in a new polycrystalline superalloy 2017; Scripta Materialia; Kontis, P. | Pedrazzini, S. | Gong, Y. | Bagot, P.A.J. | Moody, M.P. |...
In-situ high-temperature tensile testing of a polycrystalline nickel-based superalloy 2016; Materials at High Temperatures; Summers, W.D. | Alabort, E. | Kontis, P. | Hofmann, F. | Reed, R.C.
Isolation and testing of new single crystal superalloys using alloys-by-design method 2016; Materials Science and Engineering A; Reed, R.C. | Zhu, Z. | Sato, A. | Crudden, D.J.
On the origin of creep dislocations in a Ni-base, single-crystal superalloy: An ECCI, EBSD, and dislocation dynamics-based study 2016; Acta Materialia; Ram, F. | Li, Z. | Zaefferer, S. | Hafez Haghighat, S.M. | Zhu, Z. |...
An iterative approach of hot isostatic pressing tooling design for net-shape IN718 superalloy parts 2016; International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Essa, K. | Khan, R. | Hassanin, H. | Attallah, M.M. | Reed, R.