1998.9-2004.1 清华大学,水利水电工程系,博士
1993.9-1998.7 清华大学,水利水电工程系,学士
2020.12~至今 清华大学,教授(长聘教研系列)
2017.02~2020.11 清华大学,副教授(长聘教研系列)
2013.05~至今 清华大学水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室,特聘研究员
2011.09~2012.10 加州大学Davis分校,访问学者
2008.12~2017.02 清华大学,副教授
2005.12~2008.11 清华大学,助研
2004.01~2005.11 清华大学,博士后(助研)
2020年 中国大坝工程学会技术发明奖一等奖,排名14
2019年 中国大坝工程学会科技进步一等奖 排名第7
2019年 四川省科技进步奖二等奖 排名第6
2017年 IACMAG学会杰出贡献奖
2013年 国家能源局科技进步奖二等奖 排名第八
2013年 中国华能集团公司科技进步奖一等奖 排名第八
2013年 云南省科技进步三等奖 排名第八
2010年 中国岩石力学与工程学会青年科技奖
2010年 国家科技进步奖二等奖 排名第五
2010年 中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学奖特等奖 排名第六
2010年 中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步奖特等奖 排名第十四
2009年 教育部科技进步奖二等奖 排名第四
刘耀儒,杨强. 岩体工程非线性分析理论与数值仿真. 清华大学出版社,2021
刘耀儒,杨强,杨若琼,周维垣. 高拱坝地质力学模型试验. 清华大学出版社,2016
周维垣,杨强编著,杨若琼,刘耀儒等参编,岩石力学数值计算方法. 北京:中国电力出版社,2005
Xiaoming Wang; Caroline Holden; William Power; Yaoru Liu*; Joshu Mountjoy. Seiche effects in Lake Tekapo New Zealand in an Mw8.2 Alpine Fault earthquake. Pure and Applied Geophysics (1007/s00024-020-02595-w)
Xingwang Wang, Yaoru Liu*, Zhuofu Tao, Weiqiang Wang, Qiang Yang. Study on the Failure Process and Nonlinear Safety of High Arch Dam and Foundation Based on Geomechanical Model Test. Engineering Failure Analysis(doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2020.104704)
Chaoyi Li, Shaokang Hou, Yaoru Liu*, Pengxiang Qin, Feng Jin, Qiang Yang. Analysis on the crown convergence deformation of surrounding rock for double-shield TBM tunnel based on advance borehole monitoring and inversion analysis. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (in press)
Shouguang Wang, Yaoru Liu*, Qiang Yang, Xingwang Wang. Analysis of abutment movements of high arch dams due to reservoir impounding. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53(5), 2313-2326 (doi: 10.1007/s00603-020-02059-6)
Zhuofu Tao, Yaoru Liu*, Qiang Yang, Shouguang Wang. Study on Nonlinear Deformation and Failure Mechanism of High Arch Dam and Foundation Based on Geomechanics Model Test. Engineering Structures, 2020,207(3): 110287(doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110287)
Jianqiang Deng⁎, Yaoru Liu, Qiang Yang, Wei Cui, Yinbang Zhu, Yi Liu, Bingqi Li. A viscoelastic, viscoplastic, and viscodamage constitutive model of salt rock for underground energy storage cavern. Computers and Geotechnics (doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2019.103288)
Yaoru Liu*, Shaokang Hou, Chaoyi Li, Haowen Zhou, Feng Jin, Pengxiang Qin, Qiang Yang. Study on support time in double-shield TBM tunnel based on self-compacting concrete backfilling material. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 96, 103212. (doi: 10.1016/j.tust.2019.103212)
Yaoru Liu*, Weiqiang Wang, Zhu He, Shuai Lyv, Qiang Yang. Nonlinear Creep Damage Model Considering Effect of Pore Pressure and Analysis of Long-term Stability of Rock Structure. International Journal of Damage Mechanics 2020, 29(1):144-165 (doi: 10.1177/1056789519871684)
Ying Zhang, Yaoru Liu*,Zhuofu Tao, Haowen Zhou, Qiang Yang. Fractal characteristics and failure analysis of geomechanical model for arch dam based on acoustic emission technique. International Journal of Geomechanics (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001502)
Zheshu Wu, Yaoru Liu*; Qiang Yang, Zhu He. Evaluation Analysis of the Reinforcement Measure and its Effect on a Defetive Arch Dam. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2019, 33(6): 04019073 (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001334)
Shouguang Wang, Yaoru Liu*, Haowen Zhou, Ying Zhang, Zheshu Wu, Qiang Yang. Experimental study on failure process of arch dam based on acoustic emission technique. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, 97: 128-144 (doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.01.013)
Zhuofu Tao, Yaoru Liua*, Li Cheng, Qiang Yang. Failure and stability analysis of Jinping-I arch dam based on geomechanical model test and nonlinear numerical analysis. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(7), 2245-2260 (doi: 10.1007/s00603-018-1708-6)
Daning Zhong, Yaoru Liu*, Li Cheng, Qiang Yang. Study on Unloading Relaxation for Excavation Based on Unbalanced Force and Its Application in Baihetan Arch Dam. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(6): 1819-1833(doi: 10.1007/s00603-018-1653-4)
S.G. Wang, Y.R. Liu*, Z.F. Tao, Y Zhang, D.N. Zhong, Z.S. Wu, C. Lin, Q. Yang. Geomechanical model test for failure and stability analysis of high arch dam based on acoustic emission technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 112: 95-107. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2018.10.018)
Yaoru Liu*, Zheshu Wu, Qiang Yang, Kuangdai Leng. Dynamic stability evaluation of underground tunnels based on deformation reinforcement theory. Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 124: 97–108. (doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2018.08.007)
LIU Yaoru*, WANG Xiaoming, WU Zheshu, HE Zhu, YANG Qiang. Simulation of landslide-induces surges and analysis of impact on dam based on stability evaluation of reservoir bank slope. Landslides, 2018,15(10): 2031–2045 (doi: 10.1007/s10346-018-1001-5)
Qingchao Lv, Yaoru Liu*, Qiang Yang. Stability analysis of earthquake-induced rock slope based on back analysis of shear strength parameters of rock mass. Engineering Geology, 2017,228 : 39–49 (doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2017.07.007)
Yaoru Liu*, Zhu He, Qiang Yang, Jianqiang Deng, Lijun Xue. Long-term stability analysis for high arch dam based on time-dependent deformation reinforcement theory. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(4):04016092 (doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000760)
L. Cheng, Y.R. Liu*, Q. Yang, Y.W. Pan, Z. Lv. Mechanism and numerical simulation of reservoir slope deformation during impounding of high arch dams based on nonlinear FEM. Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, 81(1): 143-154 (doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2016.08.009)
Long Zhang, Yaoru Liu*, Qiang Yang. Study on time-dependent behavior and stability assessment of deep-buried tunnels based on internal state variable theory. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 51: 164-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.tust.2015.10.042)
L. Zhang, Y.R. Liu*, Q. Yang. Evaluation of reinforcement and analysis of stability of a high-arch dam based on geomechanical model testing. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2015, 48(2): 803-818. (doi: 10.1007/s00603-014-0578-9)
Long Zhang, Yaoru Liu*, Qiang Yang. A creep model with damage based on internal variable theory and its fundamental properties. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 78: 44-55. (doi: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2014.07.017)
Y.R. Liu*, F.H. Guan, Q. Yang, R.Q. Yang, W.Y. Zhou. Geomechanical model test for stability analysis of high arch dam based on small blocks masonry technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2013, 61: 231-243. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2013.03.003)
Yaoru Liu*, Chuanqi Wang, Qiang Yang. Stability analysis of soil slope based on deformation reinforcement theory. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 2012, 58: 10-19. (doi: 10.1016/j.finel.2012.04.003).
LIU Yaoru*, CHANG Qiang, YANG Qiang, WANG Chuanqi, GUAN Fuhai. Fracture analysis of rock mass based on 3-D nonlinear finite element method. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(3): 556–564. (doi: 10.1007/s11431-010-4278-8)
Yaoru Liu*, Weiyuan Zhou, Qiang Yang. A distributed memory parallel element-by-element scheme based on Jacobi-conditioned conjugate gradient for 3-D finite element analysis. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 2007, 43(6-7):494-503. (doi: 10.1016/j.finel.2006.12.007)