My research is focussed on the degradation of structural materials and the role of microstructure. A key aspect is the investigation of fundamental mechanisms of damage accumulation using novel materials characterisation techniques. This has concentrated recently on computed X-ray tomography and strain mapping by digital image correlation, which I apply to studies of the degradation of Generation IV nuclear materials such as graphite and silicon carbide composites.
The next generation of nuclear power systems must be demonstrably safer, proliferation resistant and efficient. They will not provide power for some decades to come. Their development requires new high temperature fuels and structural materials with resistance to irradiation. This can only be achieved through fundamental understanding of materials microstructure and the mechanisms of materials ageing.
Research in engineering materials for energy generation is not a quick-fix topic. New materials take from 15-20 years to come into service, and then are expected to be in service for 40-80 years. The key physical mechanisms that determine manufactured performance, and how these properties age in service, are not very well understood, and mistakes in materials selection can have enormous financial and social implications.
Prediction is a major challenge, and deep understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of materials aging is essential to identify and avoid potential "cliff-edges" in future materials performance.
We use synchrotron tomographt and also laboratory tomography in our work. You can follow some of the images we obtain on our laboratrory tomography instrument here www.instagram.com/xradia_oxford
Mostafavi, M., Bradley, R., Armstrong, D.E.J., and Marrow, T.J. (2016) Quantifying yield behaviour in metals by X-ray nanotomography. Sci. Rep., 6, 34346. doi:10.1038/srep34346
Saucedo-Mora, L., Lowe, T., Zhao, S., Lee, P.D., Mummery, P., Marrow, T.J., (2016) In situ observation of mechanical damage within a SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composite. J. Nucl. Mater., 481, 13–23. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.09.007
Vertyagina, Y., and Marrow, T.J. (2016) Multifractal-based assessment of Gilsocarbon graphite microstructures. Carbon N. Y., 109, 711–718. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2016.08.049
L. Saucedo-Mora and T. J. Marrow, Multi-scale damage modelling in a ceramic matrix composite using a finite-element microstructure meshfree methodology, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 374, (2016). doi: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0276
S. Rahimi, K. Mehrez, and T. J. Marrow, Effect of surface machining on intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in sensitised type 304 austenitic stainless steel, Corros. Eng. Sci. Technol. 0, 1 (2016). doi: 10.1080/1478422X.2015.1122295
Zou C, Marrow TJ, Reinhard C, Li B, Zhang C, Wang S. Porosity characterization of fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composite using synchrotron X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Instrumentation 2016;11:C03052. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/03/C03052.
D. Khoshkhou, M. Mostafavi, C. Reinhard, M.P. Taylor, D.S. Rickerby, I.M. Edmonds, Evans, H.E., Marrow, T.J., Connolly, B.J., Three-dimensional displacement mapping of diffused Pt thermal barrier coatings via synchrotron X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation, Scr. Mater. 115 (2016) 100–103. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2015.10.033.
C.N. Morrison, A.P. Jivkov, Y. Vertyagina, T.J. Marrow, Multi-scale modelling of nuclear graphite tensile strength using the site-bond lattice model, Carbon N. Y. 100 (2016) 273–282. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2015.12.100.
Saucedo-Mora, L., Mostafavi, M., Khoshkhou, D., Reinhard, C., Atwood, R., Shuang, Z., Connolly, B., Marrow, T.J., Observation and simulation of indentation damage in a SiC–SiCfibre ceramic matrix composite. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 110, 11–19 (2016).
Sláme?ka, K. Skalka, P., ?elko, L., Pokluda, J., Saucedo-Mora, L., Marrow, T. J., Thandavamoorthy, U. Plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Numerical study on damage localization and evolution. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale 10, 322–329 (2016).
Cai, B., Lee, P. D., Karagadde, S., Marrow, T. J. & Connolley, T. Time-resolved synchrotron tomographic quantification of deformation during indentation of an equiaxed semi-solid granular alloy. Acta Materialia 105, 338–346 (2016).
Marrow, T. J. Liu, D. Barhli, S.M. Saucedo-Mora, L Vertyagina, Y. Collins, D.M. Reinhard, C. Kabra, S. Flewitt, P.E.J. Smith, D.J. In situ measurement of the strains within a mechanically loaded polygranular graphite. Carbon 96 (2016) 285-302 doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.09.058
Liu, D., Mostafavi, M., Marrow, T. J., Smith, D. J. & Flewitt, P. E. J. Cruciform biaxial flexural testing of polygranular nuclear graphite. in 23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (2015).
Jordan, M. S. L., Saucedo-Mora, L., Barhli, S. M., Nowell, D. & Marrow, T. J. Measurements of Stress Concentration Behaviour in AGR Nuclear Graphite. in 23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (2015).
Marrow, T. J., Jordan, M. S. L. & Vertyagina, Y. Towards a notch-sensitivity strength test for irradiated nuclear graphite structural integrity. in The 4th EDF Energy Nuclear Graphite Symposium. Engineering Challenges Associated with the Life of Graphite Reactor Cores (Flewitt, P. E. J. & Wickham, A. J.) 247–259 (EMAS Publishing, 2014).
Vertyagina, Y. & Marrow, T. J. 3D Cellular Automata Fracture Model for Porous Graphite Microstructures. in 23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (2015).