[1] 2022~至今:福建省社科联青年项目《业务模式视角下金融全球化对银行流动性创造影响研究》。(主持)
[2] 2022~至今:厦门理工学院高层次人才科研启动项目《农村减贫:数字金融能弥补市场化程度的不足吗?》(主持)。
[3] 2020~2023:广东省教育厅“十三五规划项目”《管理层教育背景对企业科技创新影响研究:基于粤港澳大湾区交流合作视角》。(参与)
[4] 2020~2021:澳门科技大学基金会项目《Mandatory IFRS adoption, corporate governance and tax avoidance: International evidence》。(参与)
[5] 2020~2021:澳门高等教育局项目《Risk-based decision making for production resumption in the global supply chain: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak》。(参与)
[6] 2018~2020:澳门科技大学可持续发展研究所系列项目《澳门施政满意度研究》、《澳门消费者信心指数研究》、《澳门医疗保障制度研究》、《澳门医疗制度融资制度研究》等。(参与)
[1] 施宣邑, 罗峥嵘, 杨畅, 何薇. 农村减贫: 数字金融能够弥补市场化程度的不足吗? 农业经济, 终审。
[2] Shi, X., Lin, Y., & Wang, Y. The dark and the bright sides of foreign ownership on bank liquidity creation: Evidence from an emerging economy. Under review of the Journal of Corporate Finance.
[3] Fan, D., Lin, Y. Fu, M. X., Yeung, A. C., Shi, X. Risk-taking disruption recovery in the rapid evolving crisis: Evidence from the early COVID-19 outbreak in China. Under review of the Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
期刊论文 (近5年):
[1] 1. Lin, Y., Fan, D., Shi, X. & Fu, M. X. Supply chain diversification in Covid-19 crisis: Evidence from Chinese manufacturers. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Available online. (ABS3, SSCI)
[2] 2. He, W., Shi, X.*, & Chang, Y, Wu, W. (2022). Pay disparities within top management teams, real earnings management, and firm value: Destructive competition or value creation? A moderated mediating model. Applied Economics Letters, 29(5), 384-387. (通讯作者, ABS1, SSCI)
[3] 3. Lin, Y., Shi, X., & Zheng, Z. (2021). Diversification strategy and bank market power: Does foreign ownership matter?. Applied Economics Letters, 28(4), 269-273. (ABS1, SSCI)
[4] 何薇, 施宣邑*, & 常悦. (2021). 高管薪酬差异对企业真实盈余管理影响研究——基于CEO 双职性的实证证据. 财会通讯, 42(13), 55-57. (通讯作者, 核心期刊)
[5] 王鹏, 林永佳, 施宣邑, & 孙鸿雁†. (2020). 融资约束与税收激励对中国中医药企业研发投入影响研究. 中草药, 51(16), 4363-4372. (CSCD; 核心期刊)
[6] 林永佳, 施宣邑, & 洪芳. (2018). 商业银行多元化资产配置战略与银行盈利能力:基于不同股权结构的讨论. 新金融, 25(12), 37-42. (核心期刊)
会议论文 (近5年):
[1] Shi, X., Lin, Y. & Wang, Y. (2022). Foreign participation and liquidity creation: Does income diversification matter. 2022 China Accounting and Finance Conference. Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University.
[2] Shi, X., Lin, Y. & Cai, H. (2018). Bank income diversification, risk and performance: Evidence from China. The 10th International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management (FRCFM 2018), Dalian, China: Dalian University of Technology. (CPCI-SSH)