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张瑞,男,1984年7月生,博士,教授,福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授,福建省第三批特殊支持高层次人才“双百计划”人选。2001-2010年就读于清华大学自动化系,依次获得工学学士、硕士和博士学位。主持国家级科研项目3项,发表SCI检索论文40余篇。获得2016年度Emerald高引论文奖(Citation of Excellence)。曾任European Journal of Operational Research客座编委。在南昌大学取得博士生导师资格,已培养硕士研究生9名。 近年来承担的主要科研项目 [1]国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题:钢铁生产线的多工序实时智能优化调度理论、方法及应用,起止时间:2017.1-2020.12,研究经费:70万,主持 [2]国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于增强邻域搜索策略的联合型生产调度问题算法研究,起止时间:2015.1-2018.12,研究经费:76万,主持


[1] 生产/物流系统的优化与调度 [2] 智能优化算法及应用


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[1]Rui Zhang, Pei-Chann Chang, Shiji Song, Cheng Wu, A multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm for parallel batch-processing machine scheduling in fabric dyeing processes, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 116, pp. 114-129, 2017. (SCI) [2]Rui Zhang, Raymond Chiong, Solving the energy-efficient job shop scheduling problem: a multi-objective genetic algorithm with enhanced local search for minimizing the total weighted tardiness and total energy consumption, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 112, no. 4, pp. 3361-3375, 2016. (SCI) [3]Rui Zhang, S.K. Ong, A.Y.C. Nee, A simulation-based genetic algorithm approach for remanufacturing process planning and scheduling, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 37, pp. 521-532, 2015. (SCI) [4]Rui Zhang, Wen-Chyuan Chiang, and Cheng Wu, “Investigating the impact of operational variables on manufacturing cost by simulation optimization,” International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 147, pp. 634-646, 2014. (SCI) [5]Rui Zhang, Pei-Chann Chang, and Cheng Wu, “A hybrid genetic algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem with practical considerations for manufacturing costs: Investigations motivated by vehicle production,” International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 38-52, 2013. (SCI) [6]Rui Zhang, Shiji Song, and Cheng Wu, “A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem,” International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 141, no. 1, pp. 167-178, 2013. (SCI)
