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Qualifications MA (Natural Sciences, Chemistry) and D.Phil (Thermophysical properties of simple gases and their mixtures), Corpus Christi College, Oxford University. Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Oxford University Department of Education. College lecturer in Physical Chemistry, St Catherine’s College, Oxford University, and experimental officer in charge of the Oxford University Physical Chemistry Teaching laboratories, 1980 - 84. Professional membership Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry Member of the Society of Core Analysts Co-ordinating Member of the British Soil Water Physics Group


G. Peter Matthews is Professor in Applied Physical Chemistry in the School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences at the University of Plymouth. He is also CEO and director of PoreXpert Ltd, the university’s main spin-out company, selling consultancy services and the PoreXpert suite of software described below. Matthews studied chemistry at Oxford University, gaining a distinction in chemical pharmacology, and going on to be awarded a doctorate there for research into the measurement and computer modelling of the flow of simple gases. Subsequently he supervised and developed Oxford’s physical chemistry teaching laboratories while a college lecturer at St Catherine’s College, before moving to Plymouth in 1985. He has maintained an interest in teaching, having been HEFCE national assessor for Chemistry and Environmental Science, developing these courses at Plymouth, and acting as chair for numerous other course validations. His Environmental and Fluid Modelling research interests are currently concerned with fluid flow in porous materials, particularly when this has environmental importance. His research group currently comprises an industrially sponsored research lecturer, two PhD students, and one internal and three external post-doctoral fellows. He has previously supervised 20 PhDs, 17 as P.I., to successful and timely completion. He has attracted £4.8m of research funding to date, the sources of which have been research councils (NERC Environmental Diagnostics programme, NERC NE/K004212/1, EPSRC GR/K70489 and BBSRC BB/E001793/1, BB/E001793/1), industry (British Gas / Transco, Omya AG, EDF), and purchasers of the software described below. He has written 152 publications in research and pedagogy, including a 500 page textbook on Experimental Physical Chemistry (Oxford University Press, 1985), and over 35 consultancy reports.


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Loick N, Dixon ER, Abalos D, Vallejo A, Matthews GP, McGeough KL, Well R, Watson CJ, Laughlin RJ & Cardenas LM 2016 'Denitrification as a source of nitric oxide emissions from incubated soil cores from a UK grassland soil' SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 95, 1-7 Author Site , DOI PEARL Levy CL, Matthews GP, Laudone GM, Gribble CM, Turner A, Ridgway CJ, Gerard DE, Schoelkopf J & Gane PAC 2015 'Diffusion and Tortuosity in Porous Functionalized Calcium Carbonate' INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 54, (41) 9938-9947 Author Site , DOI Lewicka-Szczebak D, Well R, Bol R, Gregory AS, Matthews GP, Misselbrook T, Whalley WR & Cardenas LM 2015 'Isotope fractionation factors controlling isotopocule signatures of soil-emitted N2O produced by denitrification processes of various rates' RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 29, (3) 269-282 Author Site , DOI Laudone GM, Gribble CM, Jones KL, Collier HJ & Matthews GP 2015 'Validated a priori calculation of tortuosity in porous materials including sandstone and limestone' CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 131, 109-117 Author Site , DOI Laudone GM, Gribble CM & Matthews GP 2014 'Characterisation of the porous structure of Gilsocarbon graphite using pycnometry, cyclic porosimetry and void-network modeling' Carbon N. Y. 73, 61-70 Publisher Site , DOI PEARL Laudone GM, Matthews GP, Gregory AS, Bird NRA & Whalley WR 2013 'A dual-porous, inverse model of water retention to study biological and hydrological interactions in soil' EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE 64, (3) 345-356 Author Site , DOI Dal Ferro N, Berti A, Francioso O, Ferrari E, Matthews GP & Morari F 2012 'Investigating the effects of wettability and pore size distribution on aggregate stability: the role of soil organic matter and the humic fraction' EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE 63, (2) 152-164 Author Site , DOI
