李建良 ,博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 男, 汉族, 台湾台南人, 1974年1月出生。
1. 福建省科技厅自然科学基金项目: 基于移动荷载引致高科技厂房楼板微振动的评价分析与控制研究 (项目编号: 2017J01495), 2017.04-2020.04, 主持。
2. 厦门理工学院高层次人才项目: 精密厂房移动荷载引致楼板微振动分析与振动控制研究 (项目编号: YKJ17008R), 2017.06-2020.05, 主持。
3. 横向技术服务项目: 科技厂房设备结构计算(II) (合同编号: ZK-HF21038), 2021.01-2023.12, 主持。
4. 横向技术服务项目: 科技厂房设备结构计算 (合同编号: HZ17034), 2016.05-2020.12, 主持。
1. Lee CL, Chen YT, Cai MY, Wang YP, Experimental study of seismic in-plane elliptical damper with empirical design formulae, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 2021, 174(8): 670-684.
2. Chen YT, Lee CL, Wang MC, Wang YP, Experimental study on seismic vibration control of stockers in wafer and LCD panel fabs, Structures, 2021, 31: 1185-1198.
3. 李建良, 科技厂房移动荷载引致的设备平台微振动分析,第八届全国建筑振动学术会议,2020年12月9-11日,厦门,56-61.
4. Lee CL, Assessment of tool platform micro vibrations induced by moving vehicles in hi-tech factories, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Material Science (ICCEMS 2020), May 15-18, 2020, Singapore, 92-96.
5. Lee CL, Wang YP, Assessment of floor micro-vibrations induced by moving vehicles in high technology factories using a fragility-based method, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Environment Science and Civil Engineering (ESCE2019), April 13-14, 2019, Nanchang, China.
6. Lee CL, Wang YP, Cai MY, An experimental study of in-plane arch-shaped damper, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018, 17(4): 849-867.
7. 李建良, 王彥博, 黄靓, 封闭式面内挠曲阻尼器的试验研究,地震工程与工程振动, 2018, 38(增刊2): 85-90.
8. Lee CL, Wang YP, Cai MY, An experimental verification of seismic structural control using in-plane metallic damper, Proceedings of 2017 3rd International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction, (ICAMC 2017), December 11-12, 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1-7.
9. Su RKL, Lee CL, He CH, Tsang HH, Law CW, Rare earthquake response spectra for typical site conditions in Hong Kong, HKIE Transactions, 2015, 22(3): 179-191.
10. Su RKL, Lee CL, Development of fragility curves for low-rise masonry in-filled reinforced concrete buildings by a coefficient-based method, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2013, 12(2): 319-332.
11. Lee CL, Wang YP, Su RKL, Assessment of vibrations induced in factories by automated guided vehicles, Structures and Buildings, 2013, 166(4): 182-196.
12. Lee CL, Su RKL, Wang YP, AGV-induced floor micro-vibration assessment in LCD factories by using a regressional modified Kanai-Tajimi moving force model, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2013, 45(4): 543-568.
13. Lee CL, Wang YP, Su RKL, A study on AGV-induced floor micro-vibration in TFT-LCD high technology fabs, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2012, 19: 451-471.
14. Lee CL, Su RKL, Fragility analysis of low-rise masonry infilled reinforced concrete buildings by a coefficient-based spectral acceleration method, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2012, 41(4): 697-713.
15. Su RKL, Lee CL, Wang YP, Seismic spectral acceleration assessment of masonry in-filled reinforced concrete buildings by a coefficient-based method, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2012, 41(4): 479-494.
16. Wu JC, Wang YP, Lee CL, Liao PH, Chen YT, Wind-induced interaction of a non-uniform tuned liquid column damper and a structure in pitching motion, Engineering Structures, 2008, 30(12): 3555-3565.
17. Lee CL, Chen YT, Chung LL, Wang YP, Optimal design theories and applications of tuned mass dampers, Engineering Structures, 2006, 28(1): 43-53.
18. Chen YH, Liao WH, Lee CL, Wang YP, Seismic isolation of viaduct piers by means of a rocking mechanism, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2006, 35(6): 713-736.
19. Lee CL, Wang YP, Seismic structural control using an electric servomotor active mass driver system, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2004, 33: 737-754.
20. 锺立来, 王彦博, 李建良, 高科技厂房微振量测之理论与分析,结构工程,2003, 18(2): 49-72.
21. 王彦博, 锺立来, 李建良, 高科技厂房微之微振动量测技术, 结构工程, 2003, 18(4): 45-74.
22. Wang YP, Liao WH, Lee CL, A state-space approach for dynamic analysis of sliding structures, Engineering Structures, 2001, 23(7): 790-801.
23. Wang YP, Lee CL, Yo TH, Modified state-space procedures for pseudodynamic testing, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2001, 30(1): 59-80.
24. Wang YP, Lee CL, Chen KM, Seismic structural control using a novel high-performance active mass driver system, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2000, 29(11): 1629-1646.