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张德健,男,福建省C类人才,博士,高级工程师,硕士生导师,省自然资源协会理事。现任职于厦门理工学院计算机与信息工程学院及数字福建自然灾害监测与大数据应用研究所,主要利用大数据和深度学习技术开展水灾害研究。 发明专利与软件著作: [1] 张德健,林巧莺,朱顺痣,何原荣,邓健,一种基于内存数据库的环境模型模拟方法、终端设备及存储介质 (专利号:ZL201711401132.5) [2] 张德健,林巧莺,陈兴伟,一种基于SWAT模型的水文模拟方法和装置 (专利号:ZL202010426112.9) [3] 林巧莺,张德健,陈兴伟,林炳青,吴杰峰,一种基于图计算的水文模型并行率定方法和系统 (专利号:ZL202011460885.5) [4] 张德健,林巧莺,基于云计算的区域洪旱模拟与预警系统,V1.0,2020SR0232071,原始取得,全部权利,2019.05.02 [5] 张德健,林巧莺,SWAT模型分解-并行模拟-合并路由演算软件,V1.0,2020SR0242246,原始取得,全部权利,2019.02.14 承担项目: [1] 福建省科技面上项目,2021J011189,融合分布式共享内存和图形计算的水文模型集成模拟研究,2021/08-2024/07,7万元,在研,主持 [2] 福建省科技面上项目,2018J01481,气流域水文过程对未来气候响应不确定性分析的关键技术研究,2018/04-2021/04,8万元,结项,主持 [3] 厦门市科技计划产学研项目,3502Z20183056,大数据与分布式水文模型驱动的洪水模拟预报云平台,2018/07-2021/07,10万元,结项,主持




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[1] Zhang DJ#, Lin BQ#, Wu JF, and Lin QY*. GP-SWAT (v1.0): a two-level graph-based parallel simulation tool for the SWAT model, Geosci. Model Dev., 2021, 14, 5915-5925. [2] Lin QY#, Zhang DJ#*. A scalable distributed parallel simulation tool for the SWAT model. Environmental Modelling & Software 2021. 144:105133. [3] Zhang DJ, Chen XW*, Yao HX, et al. Improved calibration scheme of SWAT by separating wet and dry seasons. Ecological Modelling, 2015 (301): 54-61. [4] Zhang DJ, Yao HX, James A, et al. Modifying SWAT-CS for simulating chloride dynamics in a Boreal Shield headwater catchment in south-central Ontario, Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 717: 137213. [5] Zhang DJ, Fu WJ, Lin QY, et al. WOF-SWAT: A Web-Based Open-Source Framework for Investigating the Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities Through Online Simulation and Visualization of SWAT Models. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8(368). [6] Zhang DJ, Lin QY, Chen XW*, et al. Improved Curve Number Estimation in SWAT by Reflecting the Effect of Rainfall Intensity on Runoff Generation. Water, 2019.1.17, 11(163). [7] Zhang DJ, Lin QY*, He YR, et al. Accelerating SWAT simulations using an in-memory NoSQL database. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2021, 37(2): 142-152. [8] He YR, Zhang DJ*, Fang YH. Development of a mobile post-disaster management system using free and open source technologies, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017, 25: 101~110. [9] Zhang DJ, Chen XW*, Yao HX, et al. Moving SWAT model calibration and uncertainty analysis to an enterprise Hadoop-based cloud. Environmental Modelling and Software,2016, 84: 140-148. [10] Zhang DJ, Chen XW*, Yao HX, et al. SWAT-CSemn: Enhancing SWAT nitrate module for a Canadian shield catchment. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 550: 598-610. [11] Zhang DJ, Chen XW*, Yao HX. Development of a Prototype Web-Based Decision Support System for Watershed Management. Water, 2015 (7): 780-793. [12] Lin BQ#; Zhang DJ#; Chen XW*; Yao HX. Threshold of watershed partition in SWAT based on separating hillslope and channel sediment simulations, Ecological Indicators, 2021, 121(2021): 107111. [13] Lin Q., Lin B., Zhang DJ*, Wu J. Web-based prototype system for flood simulation and forecasting based on the HEC-HMS model. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2022,158, 105541.
