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陈剑洪,男,1983年3月生,福建莆田人。2006年获得同济大学材料科学与工程学士学位,2010年与2015年分别获得德累斯顿工业大学材料科学工学硕士及博士学位。近年来主要从事高分子材料在流变场下的结晶机理,在变形过程中的结构演变和皮克林乳液的流变学研究。在同步辐射X射线散射及聚合物体系的流变学分析方面具有较丰富的经验。已在国外学术期刊Polymer和Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects上发表SCI论文6篇。目前正主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项。 近年来承担的主要科研项目: [1]国家自然科学基金项目:流动场与可自组装成核剂协同调控聚乳酸复合材料结晶行为的研究(批准号:51603176);2017. 01~ 2019.12,主持。



[1]. 绿色高分子材料的设计、制备及应用 [2]. 聚合物材料的流动诱导结晶机理研究 [3]. 聚合物材料的高温变形机理研究


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[1]Chen, J.*; Schneider, K.; Gao, S.; Vogel, R; Heinrich, G., In-situ synchrotron X-ray studies of crystallization of β-nucleated iPP subjected to a wide range of shear rates and shear temperatures. Polymer 2015, 76, 182-190 [2]Chen, J.; Schneider, K.*; Kretzschmar, B.; Heinrich, G., Nucleation and growth behavior of β-nucleated iPP during shear induced crystallization investigated by in-situ synchrotron WAXS and SAXS. Polymer 2014, 55 (21), 5477-5487 [3]Chen, J.; Vogel, R.; Werner, S.; Heinrich, G.; Clausse, D.; Dutschk, V.*, Influence of the particle type on the rheological behavior of Pickering emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2011, 382 (1–3), 238-245 [4]Dutschk, V.*; Chen, J.; Petzold, G.; Vogel, R.; Clausse, D.; Ravera, F.; Liggieri, L., The role of emulsifier in stabilization of emulsions containing colloidal alumina particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2012, 413 (0), 239-247 [5]Zhang, X.; Schneider, K.; Liu, G.; Chen, J.; Brüning, K.; Wang, D.*; Stamm, M.*, Structure variation of tensile-deformed amorphous poly(l-lactic acid): Effects of deformation rate and strain. Polymer 2011, 52 (18), 4141-4149 [6]Zhang, X.; Schneider, K.; Liu, G.; Chen, J.; Brüning, K.; Wang*, D.; Stamm, M.*, Deformation-mediated superstructures and cavitation of poly (l-lactide): In-situ small-angle X-ray scattering study. Polymer 2012, 53 (2), 648-656
