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钟海长 男,1979年1月生。2011年12月博士毕业于华南理工大学,获博士学位 工作单位:2012年— 厦门理工学院,材料科学与工程学院 项目经历:参与国家重点基础研发计划(973计划)项目-新型高容量储氢材料的关键基础科学问题研究(2010CB631302)、国家自然科学基金重点项目(50631020)等和广东省科技攻关项目重点项目等多个项目。近年来,主持完成福建省自然科学基金面上项目、福建省教育厅青年重点科技项目等多个项目。在《Scripta Materialia》,《Journal of Physics and Chemistry C》,《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》, 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》,《Transaction Nonferrous Metals. Society of China》等国内外权威期刊公开发SCI论文二十多篇 发明专利: [1] 王辉,钟海长,欧阳柳章,曾美琴,朱敏,一种镁铟固溶体及其制备方法,2012.5,中国, ZL 2010 1 0522419. 5。 [2]钟海长,姜春海,曹春燕,朱君秋,一种镁基复合储氢材料及其制备方法,申请号:201610531544X。备方法,申请号:201510768203.X。 [3] 钟海长,徐敬博,杜子宇,一种铁氧化物@碳纳米复合材料及其制备方法和应用,申请号:201910924391.9。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] H.C. Zhong, H.J Lin, X.J. Lu, C.Y. Cao, C. Chen, J.J. Sun. New mechanism and improved kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption of Mg(In) solid solution alloy milling with CeF3 [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44:23996-24004. [2] H.C. Zhong*, J.B. Xu. Tuning the de/hydriding thermodynamics and kinetics of Mg by mechanical alloying with Sn and Zn [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44:2926-2933. [3] H.C. Zhong*, J.B. Xu, C.H. Jiang, X.J. Lu. Microstructure and remarkably improved hydrogen storage properties of Mg2Ni alloys doped with metal elements of Al, Mn and Ti [J]. Transaction Nonferrous Metals. Society of China, 2018, 28: 2470−2477. [4] H.C. Zhong*, H. Wang, and .LZ. Ouyang. Improving the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 by reversibly forming Mg-Al solid solution alloys [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 3320-3326. [5] H. Wang, H.C. Zhong, L.Z. Ouyang, J.W. Liu, D.L. Sun, Q.A. Zhang, M. Zhu. Fully Reversible De/hydriding of Mg Base Solid Solutions With Reduced Reaction Enthalpy and Enhanced Kinetics [J]. J. Phys. Chem C, 2014, 118(23):12087-12096. [6] H.C. Zhong, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, D.L. Sun, and M. Zhu*. Altered desorption enthalpy of MgH2 by reversible formation of Mg(In) solid solution [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2011, 65: 285-287. [7] H.C. Zhong, H. Wang, L.Z. Ouyang, and M. Zhu*. Microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Sn nanocomposite by ball milling [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011, 509: 4268-4272. [8] W. He*, H.C. Zhong, H.R. Liu, J.L. Zhang, L.M. Zeng. Crystal structure and electrical resistivity of NdCo2Al8 [J]. Journal of Alloys Compounds, 2009, 46: 76-79. [9] J.L. Huang, H.C. Zhong, X.W. Xia, W. He*, J.M. Zhu, J.Q. Deng, Y.H. Zhuang. Phase equilibrium of the Gd-Fe-Co system at 873 K [J]. Journal of Alloys Compounds, 2009: 471: 74-77. [11]X.J. Lu*, A. Xie, Y. Zhang, H.C. Zhong, X.C. Xu, H.Z. Liu, Q.S. Xie, Three dimensional graphene encapsulated ZnO-ZnFe2O4 composite hollow microspheres with enhanced lithium storage performance [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 249: 79-88. [12] X.J. Lu*, A. Xie, C.H. Jiang, M. Lu, Y. Zhang, H.C. Zhong, SX. Zhuang, Synthesis of well-dispersed ZnO–Co–C composite hollow microspheres as advanced anode materials for lithium ion batteries [J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7:4269-4277. [13]X.J. Lu*, C.H. Jiang, Y.L. Hu, H.C. Zhong, Y. Zhao, X.C. Xu, H.Z. Liu, Preparation of hierarchically porous carbon spheres by hydrothermal carbonization process for high-performance electrochemical capacitors [J]. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2018, 48: 233-241.
