近年来主要从事高导热功能陶瓷制备、碳量子点合成与应用、难熔金属及其高温防护涂层制备与评价等领域的研究工作。先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目、福建省重大产学研项目等国家级、省部级和企业委托等科研课题20余项。获省自然科学二等奖1项,其它奖励2项;以第一或通讯作者在《Carbon》、《Nanoscale》和《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,出版专著1部;授权国家发明专利15项。
[1]. 福建省自然科学基金项目:高氮掺杂碳量子荧光探针的宏量制备与汞离子可视化识别检测研究/ 2020J01288,起止时间:2020.11-2023.10,主 持
[2]. 校人才科研项目(YKJ19018R),高氮掺杂碳量子点的汞离子识别检测、吸附去除及其机理研究,2019.12-2022.12,主持
[3]. 福建省中青年科研项目(JAT170402):纳米La2O3均匀掺杂的超细晶钼合金的制备及其强韧化机制,2017.06-2020.05,主持
[4]. 福建省教育厅科研项目(JB10145):钼表面原位合成抗高温氧化的MoSi2/Si3N4涂层的研究, 2010.06-2012.06,主持
[5]. 福建省教育厅科研项目(JB13149):抗高温氧化的Mo-Si-N-Al涂层钼材料的制备与性能研究, 2013.06-2015.06,主持
[6]. 国家重点研发项目(2017YFB0305600):大尺寸高纯稀有金属制品制备技术,2017.07-2021.06,校内排名第二
[7]. 国家自然科学基金(51371155):钼基体高温抗氧化Mo-W-Si-N复合涂层中的钨合金化作用, 2014.01-2017.12,排名第二
[8]. 福建省产业技术联合创新专项:特种钨钼制品功能化表面涂层技术开发,2016.01-2017.12,排名第二
[9]. 福建省科技计划重点项目(2014H0046):钼合金高温抗氧化涂层材料的研发,2014.11-2017.7,排名第二
[1]. 国家发明专利:一种碳量子点荧光发射波长的调控方法及碳量子点(ZL 201810617381.6),2021.01. 排名第一
[2]. 国家发明专利:一种碳化钼纳米片及其制备方法和应用(ZL201811009185.7),2021.05. 排名第一
[3]. 国家发明专利:一种大尺寸类石墨烯及其制备方法(ZL
201910145993.4),2020.05. 排名第一
[4]. 国家发明专利:一种纳米La2O3均匀掺杂纳米钼复合粉末及其制备方法(ZL 201610816583.4),2019.3. 排名第一
[5]. 国家发明专利:一种二维纳米二硫化钼及其制备方法(ZL
201611049885.X),2018.11. 排名第一
[6]. 国家发明专利:纤维状五氧化二铌的制备方法及其制备的纤维状五氧化二铌(ZL201510458281.X),2017.3. 排名第一
[1]. 高导热功能陶瓷的制备与性能评价
[2]. 碳量子点的合成理论、制备与应用技术研究
[3]. 难熔金属的制备与强韧化机制研究
[4]. 新型高温防护涂层的制备与性能评价
[1]. Gu Siyong, et al. Amino-functionalization on graphene oxide sheets using an atomic layer amidation technique[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020,8(2):700-705. (SCI, IF 7.059)
[2]. Gu Siyong, et al. Non-enzymatic electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide on highly amidized graphene quantum dot electrodes[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020,528:146936. (SCI, IF 6.182)
[3]. Gu Siyong, et al. Improved lithium storage capacity and high rate capability of nitrogen-doped graphite-like electrode materials prepared from thermal pyrolysis of graphene quantum dots[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2020,354:136642. (SCI, IF 6.215)
[4]. Gu Siyong, et al. Fluorescence of functionalized graphene quantum dots prepared from infrared-assisted pyrolysis of citric acid and urea[J]. Journal of Luminescence, 2020,217:116774. (SCI, IF 3.28)
[5]. Gu Siyong, et al. Thermal Transport on Composite Thin Films Using Graphene Nanodots and Polymeric Binder[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2020,693:137704. (SCI, IF 2.03)
[6]. Gu Siyong, et al. Sulfur and nitrogen co-doped graphene quantum dots as a fluorescent quenching probe for highly sensitive detection toward mercury ions[J]. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019,2(2):790-798. (SCI, IF 8.758)
[7]. Gu Siyong, et al. Microwave Growth and Tunable Photoluminescence of Nitrogen-doped Graphene and Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019(7):5468-5476. (SCI, IF 7.059)
[8]. Gu Siyong, et al. Tailoring Fluorescence Emissions, Quantum Yields, and White Light Emitting from Nitrogen-doped Graphene and Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots[J]. Nanoscale, 2019,11(35):16553-16561. (SCI, IF 6.895)
[9]. Gu Siyong, et al. Preparation of MgCo2O4/graphite composites as cathode materials for magnesium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2019, 23:1399-1407. (SCI, IF 2.646)
[10]. Gu Siyong, et al. Functionalization of activated carbons with magnetic Iron oxide nanoparticles for removal of copper ions from aqueous solution[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019,277:499-505. (SCI, IF 5.065)
[11]. Gu Siyong, et al. Synthesis of MgCo2O4-coated Li4Ti5O12 composite anodes using co-precipitation method for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2019: 23:3197-3207. (SCI, IF 2.646)
[12]. Gu Siyong, et al. Tuning oxidation level, electrical conductance and band gap structure on graphene sheets by cyclic atomic layer reduction technique[J]. Carbon, 2018,137:234-241. (SCI, IF 8.821)
[13]. Gu Siyong, et al. Atomic Layer Oxidation on Graphene Sheets for Tuning Their Oxidation Levels, Electrical Conductivities, and Band Gaps[J]. Nanoscale, 2018,33(10):15521-15528. (SCI, IF 6.895)
[14]. Gu Siyong, et al. Optimization of graphene quantum dots by chemical exfoliation from graphite powders and carbon nanotubes[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018,215:104-111. (SCI, IF 3.408)
[15]. Gu Siyong, et al. Preparation of Mo nanopowders through hydrogen reduction of a combustion synthesized foam-like MoO2 precursor[J]. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2018,76:90-98. (SCI, IF 3.407)
[16]. Gu Siyong, et al. Fabrication of La2O3 Uniformly Doped Mo Nanopowders by Solution Combustion Synthesis Followed by Reduction under Hydrogen[J]. Materials, 2018,11(12):2385. (SCI, IF 3.057)
[17]. Gu Siyong, et al. Amino-functionalization of graphene nanosheets by electrochemical exfoliation technique[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2018,87:99-106. (SCI, IF 2.65)
[18]. Gu Siyong, et al. Facile solution combustion synthesis of MoO2 nanoparticles as efficient photocatalysts[J]. Crystengcomm, 2017,19:6516-6526. (SCI, IF 3.117)