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乔东旭,男,黑龙江大庆人,生于1992年12月,博士,厦门理工学院讲师。2021年12月毕业于大连理工大学,获得材料加工工程工学博士学位。主要从事新型材料-高熵合金/陶瓷的成分设计、结构表征、性能测试及机理等方面的研究工作。 近年来主要从事难熔高熵合金材料研究,在高温结构材料,轻质高强合金、高温力学性能上有较深入的研究。作为主要研究人员参与多个国家自然科学基金项目课题的研究。目前在《Materials Characterization》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》等期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,第一作者5篇。



[1].难熔高熵合金成分设计及性能研究 [2].高温合金的变形机制研究 [3].高熵陶瓷复合刀具


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]D.X. Qiao, Y.P. Lu*, Z.Y. Tang, X.S. Fan, T.M. Wang, T.J. Li, P.K. Liaw. The superior hydrogen-generation performance of multi-component Al alloys by the hydrolysis reaction[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 3527-3537. [2] D.X. Qiao, H. Jiang, W.N. Jiao, Y.P. Lu*, Z.Q. Cao, T.J. Li. A novel series of refractory high-entropy alloys Ti2ZrHf0.5VNbx with high specific yield strength and good ductility [J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2019, 32: 925-931. [3] D.X. Qiao, H. Liang, S.Y. Wu, J.Y. He*, Z.Q. Cao, Y.P. Lu*, T.J. Li. The mechanical and oxidation properties of novel B2-ordered Ti2ZrHf0.5VNb0.5Alx refractory high-entropy alloys[J]. Materials Characterization, 2021:111287. [4] S.Y. Wu, D.X. Qiao (共同一作), H.L. Zhao, J. Wang, Y.P. Lu*. A novel NbTaW0.5(Mo2C)x refractory high-entropy alloy with excellent mechanical properties [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 889:161800. [5]D.X. Qiao,H. Jiang, X.X. Chang,Y.P. Lu*, T.J. Li. Microstructure and mechanical properties of VTaTiMoAlx refractory high entropy alloys[J]. Materials Science Forum, 2017, 898: 638-642. (EI) [7] H. Liang,D.X. Qiao, J.W. Miao, Z.Q. Cao*, H. Jiang, T.M. Wang*. Anomalous microstructure and tribological evaluation of AlCrFeNiW0.2Ti0.5 high-entropy alloy coating manufactured by laser cladding in seawater[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 85: 224-234. [8] S.Y. Wu,D.X. Qiao, H.T. Zhang, J.W. Miao, H.L. Zhao, J. Wang, Y.P. Lu*, T.M. Wang, T.J. Li. Microstructure and mechanical properties of CxHf0.25NbTaW0.5 refractory high-entropy alloys at room and high temperatures[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 97:229-238. [9] Z. Li,D.X. Qiao, Y. Xu, E.Z. Zhou, C.T. Yang, X.Y. Yuan, Y.P. Lu*, J.D. Gu, S. Wolfgang, D.K. Xu*, F.H. Wang. Cu-bearing high-entropy alloys with excellent antiviral properties[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 84: 59-64. [10] L. Jiang*,D.X. Qiao, Z.Q. Cao, C.Y. Lu, M. Song, L.M. Wang. Tunable mechanical property and strain hardening behavior of a single-phase CoFeNi2V0.5Mo0.2 high entropy alloy[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 776: 139027. [11] H.W. Yao,D.X. Qiao, J.W. Miao, J. Wang, E.Y. Guo, Y.P. Lu*. Criteria for laves-phase formation in refractory high-entropy alloys[J]. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2021. [12] E.Z. Zhou,D.X. Qiao, Y. Yang, D.K. Xu*, Y.P. Lu*, J.J. Wang, J.A. Smith, H.B. Li, H.L. Zhao, P.K. Liaw, F.H. Wang. A novel Cu-bearing high-entropy alloy with significant antibacterial behavior against corrosive marine biofilms[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 46:201-210. [13] H. Jiang,D.X. Qiao, W.N. Jiao, K.M. Han*, Y.P. Lu*, P.K. Liaw. Tensile deformation behavior and mechanical properties of a bulk cast Al0.9CoFeNi2 eutectic high-entropy alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 61: 119-124. [14] H. Jiang,D.X. Qiao, Y.P. Lu*, Z. Ren, Z.Q. Cao, T.M. Wang, T.J. Li. Direct solidification of bulk ultrafine-microstructure eutectic high-entropy alloys with outstanding thermal stability[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2019, 165:145-149. [15] B.K. Zhao, Q.H. Zhang, X.Q. Fu,D.X. Qiao, L. Zhang, X. Chen, L. Gu, Y.P. Lu*, Q. Yu*. Brittle-to-ductile transition in Ti–Pt intermetallic compounds[J]. Science Bulletin, 2021,66: 2281-2287.
