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彭思远,男,博士,厦门理工学院讲师。2021年12月毕业于华南理工大学材料加工工程专业,获工学博士学位。2018-2020年获国家留学基金委博士生联合培养资助项目,赴美国马萨诸塞州立大学-阿姆斯特分校(Umass-Amherst)进行访学。2022年2月进入厦门理工学院材料科学与工程学院工作。 近年来主要从事3D打印技术和粉末冶金技术研究,在高熵合金、高强韧铝基合金、非晶合金等有较深入的研究。目前已在《Scripta Materialia》、《Nano Research》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》等期刊发表SCI论文12篇,已获授权专利4项。 近年来获授权专利情况: [1]国家发明专利:一种铁基非晶合金条带及其在印染污水降解处理中的应用[P].广东,授权号:CN108220824B, 2021-05-14. [2]国家发明专利:一种Al-Ni-Co-Sm系铝基非晶合金薄带及其制备方法[P].广东省,授权号:CN107236912B, 2019-08-20. [3]国家发明专利:一种铝合金条带及其在印染污水处理中的应用[P].广东省,授权号: CN107988529B, 2018-05-04. [4]国家发明专利:一种非晶合金带材及其制备方法与在染料废水处理中的应用[P],广东省,授权号: CN107988568B, 2019-10-18.



[1]墨水直写技术(DIW)和SLM-3D打印技术制备高熵合金的组织-性能-强化机制研究 [2]高强韧铝基合金、非晶合金的组织-性能-强化机制研究 [3]相图及热力学计算


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Jie Ren, Yin Zhang, Dexin Zhao, Yan Chen, Shuai Guan, Yanfang Liu, Liang Liu,Siyuan Peng, Fanyue Kong, Jonathan D. Poplawsky, Guanhui Gao, Thomas Voisin, Ke An, Y. Morris Wang, Kelvin Y. Xie, Ting Zhu*, Wen Chen*. Strong yet ductile nanolamellar high-entropy alloys by additive manufacturing[J].Nature (revised manuscript), 2022.IF=49.9 [2] John J. Bowen, Shahryar Mooraj, Jacob A. Goodman,Siyuan Peng, Dayton P. Street, Benito Roman-Manso, Emily C. Davidson, Kara L. Martin, Lisa M. Rueschhoff, Scott N. Schiffres, Wen Chen*, Jennifer A. Lewis*, Matthew B. Dickerson*. Hierarchically Porous Ceramics via Direct Writing of Preceramic Polymer-Triblock Copolymer Inks[J].Materials Today (revised manuscript), 2022.IF=31.0 [3]Siyuan Peng, Shahryar Mooraj, Rui Feng, Liang Liu, Jie Ren, Yanfang Liu, Fanyue Kong,Zhiyu Xiao, Cheng Zhu, PeterK.Liaw, Wen Chen*. Additive manufacturing of three-dimensional (3D)-architected CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy with great energy absorption[J].Scripta Materialia, 190, 46-51, 2021. [4]Siyuan Peng, Bo Cui, Tungwai Leo Ngai, Yanfang Liu, Zhiyu Xiao, Wen Chen. Lamellar-structured Al-based Alloys with High Strength and Plasticity[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds865, pp. 158927, 2021. [5] W Zhang, L Liu,S Peng, J Ren, F Wu, J Shang, M Chen, Y Zhang, Z Zhao et. al. The tensile property and notch sensitivity of AlCoCrFeNi2.1high entropy alloy with a novel “steel-frame” eutectic microstructure[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2021. [6] Mooraj Shahryar, Zhen Qi, Cheng Zhu, Jie Ren,Siyuan Peng, Liang Liu, Shengbiao Zhang et al. 3D printing of metal-based materials for renewable energy applications[J].Nano Research 1-28,2020. [7] Mooraj Shahryar, Samuel Welborn, Shuyang Jiang,Siyuan Peng, Jintao Fu, Sarah Baker, Eric B. Duoss, Cheng Zhu, Eric Detsi, Wen Chen. Three-dimensional hierarchical nanoporous copper via direct ink writing and dealloying[J].Scripta Materialia 177 : 146-150, 2020. [8] Ji Li.,Siyuan Peng, Z. G. Zheng, J. L. Zuo, D. C. Zeng, Z. G. Qiu, M. Xiao, J. W. Chen, H. Y. Yu., The degradation performance of the Fe78Si13B9 and (FeCoNi)78Si13B9 high-entropy amorphous alloy ribbons[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds 815, 152347, 2020. [9] Ji Li, Chen, J.W., Zheng, Z.G., Qiu, Z.G.,Peng, S.Y.,Zhou, S.H., Zeng, D.C. Excellent degradation performance of the Fe78Si11B9P2 metallic glass in azo dye treatment[J].Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, p.109546. 2020. [10]Siyuan Peng, Zhiyu Xiao, Tungwai Leo Ngai, Zhongqiang Liu, Weiwen Zhang. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic analysis of glass forming ability of the Al–Co–Sm ternary system[J].Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 65-71. 2018. [11] Siyuan Peng, Zhongxi Zhu, Wenbo Ma, Qilin Xu, Meiliang Chen, Fucheng Yin. The 600 °C and 800 °C isothermal sections of the Zn–V–Sb system[J].International Journal of Materials Research, 107(1): 21-27, 2016. [12] Siyuan Peng, Meiliang Chen, Zhongxi Zhu, Wenbo Ma, Xinming Wang, Fucheng Yin. Experimental investigation of the Zn–Co–Sb system at 450 °C[J].International Journal of Materials Research, 107(4): 340-347, 2016. [13] Zeyu Dai, Zhongxi Zhu, Wenbo Ma,Siyuan Peng, Fucheng Yin. The Zn-Rich Corner of the Zn–Al–V–Sb Quaternary System at 450 and 600 °C[J].Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 37(5): 574-580, 2016. [14] Zhongxi Zhu,Siyuan Peng, Wei Zhu, Qilin Xu, Meiliang Chen, Fucheng Yin. Experimental investigation of the Zn–V–Sb system at 450 °C[J].Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 36: 120-126, 2015.
