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邱亦睿, 1973年5月出生,台湾花莲县人,厦门理工学院教授,台湾科技大学机械博士,台湾大学机械系及土木系博士后。2021年度福建省B类高层次人才。2018年度福建省引进高层次创业创新人才(台湾人才项目)。2013年度浙江省钱江人才。中国振动工程学会转子动力学专业委员会委员。第十四届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师。2022年度厦门市B类高层次人才。2017年度厦门市台湾特聘专家。厦门市“海纳百川”人才计划, 第三批金鹭英才。IJCST等,SCI多个期刊编委。义守大学等,台湾多所高校博士研究生导师。厦门市中等法院, 知识产权法庭, 知识产权审判咨询专家。主持各级别基金项目26项。国内外期刊发表论文103篇,47篇被SCI收录。论文被引657次,H-index为14。授权专利35件,发明专利授权3件。指导学生获国家奖学金及挑战杯科技作品竞赛全国三等奖等共60项。指导学生获国家级创业实践项目等立项24项。指导研究生升学攻读西安交通大学等985或211博士班5人,大专任教3人。目前台湾科研团队成员 7人 (邱亦睿、杨嘉豪、简賸瑞、郝晋辉、陈睿腾、施宜佳、赖钰匀),教授 3人,副教授 3人,博士1人。团队成员的研究领域跨越振动学、转子动力学、数字孪生技术、深度学习、汽车多体动力学、材料微结构与力学特性分析、老人辅助器具、半导体晶圆设备、太阳能混合动力车、心理文化学及形态发生学。欢迎想奋斗三年、逆天改命的同学加入本实验室。 学习经历: 2003-2007年,台湾科技大学,机械工程研究所,博士。 1996-1998年,中兴大学,农业机械工程所,硕士。 1992-1996年,中兴大学,农业机械工程学系,本科/学士。 学术成就: 主要学术奖励: [1] 福建省B类高层次人才, 2021。 [2] 福建省引进高层次创业创新人才(台湾人才项目), 2018。 [3] 浙江省钱江人才, 2013。 [4] 厦门市B类高层次人才, 2022。 [5] 厦门市台湾特聘专家, 2017。 [6] 厦门市“海纳百川”人才计划, 第三批金鹭英才, 2017。 [7] 第十四届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师, 2015。 [8] 第十二届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖, 2016。 [9] 厦门理工学院“鹭江学者”, 2021。 [10] 台湾科技大学机械系杰出校友, 2019。 主持科研项目: 1. 科研-纵向 [1] 融合深度学习与数字孪生技术的航空发动机转子系统振动现象研究及故障检测技术开发, 2024, 福建省闽台合作引智专项计划。闽财指 [2024] 710号。(省部级:经费8万)。 [2] 裂纹对双转子系统结构及热弹耦合非线性振动现象研究及故障检测技术开发, 2021, 福建省产业技术开发与应用计划, 对外合作项目。(省重点:经费15万, 编号:2021I0024 )。 [3] 福建省引进高层次创业创新人才(台湾人才项目), 科研启动项目,2018, 团闽委联 [2018] 8号。 (省重大:经费50万 ) 。 [4] 基于裂纹对轴-柔性多圆盘-叶片系统耦合动态现象研究 , 2016, 福建省自然基金面上项目。(省部级:经费4万, 编号:2016J01039 )。 [5] 基于裂纹对多圆盘转子系统耦合振动特性研究, 2014, 浙江省自然基金面上项目。(省部级:经费8万, 编号:LY14A020001)。 [6] 基于发动机转子系统设计及振动特性技术研究, 2013, 钱江人才计划项目。(省重点:经费10万, 编号:2013R10075)。 [7] 基于动力学与磁性质之高磁异向纳米复合薄膜关键技术开发, 2017, 厦门市科技计划对台合作项目。(市重点:经费15万, 编号: 3502Z20173037 )。 [8] 转子具有覆环叶片系统的振动响应分析, 2012, 宁波市自然基金。(市厅级:经费4万, 编号:2012A610077)。 [9] 失调拉筋叶片转子系统的自由振动及稳定性研究, 2011, 浙江省教育厅科研计划。(市厅级:经费1万, 编号:Y201119372)。 [10] 基于动力学之高磁异向纳米复合薄膜研究, 2016, 校高层次人才科技类项目。(校级:经费10万, 编号:YKJ15027R)。 [11] 基于裂纹对热-流-轴-圆盘-叶片-及覆环转子系统多场耦合动态现象研究, 2018, 科研攀登计划。(校级:经费4万, 编号:XPDKT18016) 。 [12] 多圆盘转子系统耦合振动分析, 2010, 校人才引进计划。(校级:经费5万) 。 [13] 失调与失序叶片对转子系统耦合振动研究, 2014, 校科研基金。(校级:经费0.6万, 编号:XYL14022)。 [14] 具失调拉筋叶片转子系统的振动特性研究, 2011, 校科研基金。(校级:经费1.2万, 编号:xkl11067)。 [15] 齿轮机构的运动特分析与功能导向概念设计与应用, 2009, 台湾“科技部”研究计划。(经费台币75万, 博士后项目)。 [16] 叶片具失调/失序/裂缝对转子耦合振动与稳定性之影响, 2007, 台湾“科技部”研究计划。(经费台币57万, 博士论文题目)。 2. 科研-横向 [1] 小型搬运式叉车关键技术开发, 2024, 厦门心默缘商贸有限公司。 (经费5万, 编号:ZK-HX24095)。 [2] 基于裂纹对轴-圆盘-叶片及覆环转子系统耦合振动特性研究, 2019, 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室开放基金。(经费6万, 编号:SV2019-KF-22)。 [3] 太阳能辅能智能老年代步车, 2020, 凡港(厦门)科技有限公司。(经费1万, 编号:HX200912)。 [4] 基于石墨烯之纳米复合薄膜研究, 2018, 厦门奈福电子有限公司。(经费1万, 编号:HX18081)。 [5] 基于裂纹对挠性多圆盘转子系统耦合振动特性研究, 2015, 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室开放基金。(经费10万, 编号:HX15002)。 [6] 先进纳米科学技术项目, 2008, 台积电合作计划项目。(经费台币80万, 博士后项目, 编号:97-S-A60)。 3. 教研: [1] 探索硕士生“考博读博”培育人才新模式研究, 2024, 教育教学改革研究项目(研究生教育类)。(校级:经费0.5万, 编号: YJ202421)。 [2] 基于挑战杯对开展产学研合作的理论与实践, 2017, 学校教研基金。(校级:经费0.5万, 编号: JGY201607)。 [3] 车辆工程专业人才培养方案研究, 2014, 学校教研基金。(校级:经费1万)。 [4] 《车辆工程专业导论》教育研究, 2014, 学校教研基金。(校级:经费1万)。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. SCI收录: [1] Y.J. Chiu, Y. Wu, D.Z. Chen and C.H. Hao. Research on improving human exoskeleton tracking performance based on machine vision. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2025, Major Revision. [2] Y.J. Chiu, Y.X. Gu, S.R. Jian, D. Chen and C.H. Yang. Numerical investigation of thermo-elastically coupled vibration in a rapidly rotating rigid-disk rotor system with blade crack. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2025, 39(4) [3] Y.J. Chiu, Y. Yuan and S.R. Jian. Design of and research on the robot arm recovery grasping system based on machine vision. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences. 2024, 36, 102014: 1-21. (中科院2区) [4] Y.J. Chiu*, Y.Z. Zhao, D. Chen and C.H. Yang. Analytical, numerical, and experimental methods to study thermo-elastic coupling inherent and vibration characteristics of a flexible rotor system. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2024, 30(14) : 2919-2938. (高质量T1期刊) [5] Z.X. Zhang, C.H. Hsu, Y.J. Chiu, S.Y. Lien and W.Z. Zhu. Cu-doped lithium oxide films with high mobility and bandgap prepared by pulsed direct-current sputtering. Vacuum. 2024, 222, 112960: 1-11. (中科院2区) [6] Q. Wu, H.C. Zhang and Y.J. Chiu*. Application of asymmetric proximal support vector regression based on multitask learning in stock market. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023, 227, 120208: 1-19. (中科院1区, Top期刊, 高质量T1期刊) [7] B. Li, Y.J. Chiu*, C.E. Weng, Y.C. Hu, B.R. Zhang, J.M. Yi and S.R. Jian. Optimization and design of driverless vehicle software system based on image recognition. Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2023, 44(2): 165-178. [8] G.B. Sun, S. Zhou, Y.J. Chiu* and Z.R. Lv. Simulation optimal and design of 3-kW DC-DC converter for pure electric. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 15(9): 1-24. [9] Y.J. Chiu*, B. Li, S.Y. Lien, D. Chen, J.M. Yi and Y.H. Shih. Maximum power exploitation of PV system under fast-varying solar irradiation and local shading with improved CVT algorithm. International Journal of Photoenergy. 2022, 2064216: 1-17. [10] Y.J. Chiu*, B. Li, S.R. Jian, S.Y. Lien and J.M. Yi. Improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for photovoltaic system under local shading. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. 2022, 45(7): 632-643. [11] Y.Z. Zhao, Y.J. Chiu*, C.H. Yang and G.F. Yu, Research on heat-elastic coupled vibration in a rotating rigid disk rotor system. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2022, 36(4): 1667-1678. [12] S.C. Chu, J. S. Pan and Y.J. Chiu. Multi-group discrete symbiotic organisms search applied in traveling salesman problems. Soft Computing. 2022: 4363-4373. [13] S.Y. Lien, C.H. Hsu, Y.J. Chiu and W.Z. Zhu. Effect of water flow rate on properties of zinc oxide thin films prepared using spatial atomic layer deposition. Thin Solid Films. 2022, 751: 139229. [14] F.B. Ren, C.H. Hsu, Y.J. Chiu, S.Y. Lien and W.Z. Zhu. Deposition mechanism and properties of plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposited gallium nitride films with different substrate temperatures. Molecules. 2022, 27, 8123: 1-18. [15] Y.J. Chiu*, Y.Z. Zhao, X.Y. Li , C.H. Yang, G.F. Yu, and C.W. Ye. Nonlinear and linear phenomenon investigation of coupled vibration of a multi-disc rotor based on multi-mistuned blade length or multi-disordered straggle angle blades. Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2021, 42(3): 263-273. [16] G.B. Sun, Y.J. Chiu*, Transmission ratio optimization of two-speed gearbox in battery electric passenger vehicles. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2021, 13(6): 1-13. [17] G.F. Yu and Y.J. Chiu*. Contact pressure of high-voltage DC power relay change and life prediction and structure optimization. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2021, 13(2): 1-15. [18] C.L. Chen and Y.J. Chiu. A traceable online will system based on blockchain and smart contract technology. Symmetry-Basel. 2021, 13: 466. [19] Y.J. Chiu*, X.Y. Li, G.F. Yu, C.H. Yang, J.S. Pan and C.L. Chen. Research on effect of rings on coupling vibration in a rigid-disk rotor. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2020, 34(2): 521-530. [20] H. Zhang, Y.J. Chiu* and J.L. Fan. A novel relative homogeneity thresholding method with optimization strategy. Neural Computing & Applications. 2020, 32(12): 8431-8449. (中科院2区) [21] C.L. Chen and Y.J. Chiu. An IoT-based traceable drug anti-counterfeiting management system. IEEE Access. 2020, 224532. (中科院2区) [22] S.C. Chu, J. S. Pan and Y.J. Chiu. Improved binary symbiotic organism search algorithm with transfer functions for feature selection. IEEE Access. 2020, 225730. (中科院2区) [23] C.L. Chen and Y.J. Chiu. A traceable and privacy-preserving authentication for UAV ad-hoc communication. Electronics. 2020, 9(1): 62. [24] S.T. Zhou, M. Du, P.F. Sun, Y.J. Chiu and J.W. Fan. Experimental and theoretical analysis of High-Speed Radical Tire Standing Waves. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2020, 42(2):200. [25] Y.J. Chiu, S.R. Jian. The indentation-induced pop-in and fracture behaviors of GaP(100) single-crystal. Micromachines. 2019, 10: 752. [26] P.F Sun, H.W. Huang, S.T. Zhou, Y.J. Chiu, M. Du and D. H. Zhao. Experiment and analysis of cord stress on high-speed radial tire standing wave. Shock and Vibration. 2019, 3607670: 1-9. [27] G.F. Yu, Y.J. Chiu*, C.H. Yang, J. Sheng and X.Y. Li. Exploration of coupled-vibration phenomena in multi-disc rotor with blades with multi-cracks. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2019, 11(4): 1-22. [28] C.L. Chen and Y.J. Chiu. An internet-of-thing-based sensing rural medical care system. Sensors and Materials. 2019, 31(3): 1037-1063. [29] Y.J. Chiu, S.R. Jian. Localized deformation and fracture behaviors in InP single crystals by indentation. Micromachines. 2018, 9: 611. [30] Y.J. Chiu, G.J. Chen and S.R. Jian. Cr additive effects on the nanostructure, magnetic properties, and ordering kinetics of FePtCu thin films. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2018, 350: 913-917. (中科院1区, Top期刊) [31] Y.J. Chiu and S.R. Jian. Characteristics of Iron-Palladium alloy thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Results in Physics. 2018, 9: 17-22. [32] J. Sheng and Y.J. Chiu. Determination of a coupling equation for milling parameters based on optimal cutting temperature. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018, 98(1-4): 129-141. [33] Y.J. Chiu*, X.Y. Li, Y.C. Chen, S.R. Jian, C.H. Yang and I.H. Lin. Three methods for studying coupled vibration in a multi flexible disk rotor system. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2017, 31(11): 5219-5229. [34] S.T. Zhou, Y.J. Chiu* and I.H. Lin. The parameters optimizing design of double suspension arm torsion bar by random vibration analyzing method. Shock and Vibration. 2017, 813576: 1-9. [35] Y.J. Chiu, S.R. Jian, C.H. Yang and G.F. Yu. Based on lacing wires influence of coupling vibration of a multi flexible disks turbine rotor system by two methods. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2017, 19(2): 1314-1331. [36] Y.J. Chiu, C.Y. Yen, M.S. Chiang and S.R. Jian. Mechanical properties and fracture toughness of AlN thin films deposited using helicon sputtering. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2017, 9(4): 559-563 [37] S.T. Zhou, Y.J. Chiu, G.F. Yu, C.H. Yang, H.W. Huang and S.R. Jian. An assumed mode method and finite element method investigation of the coupled vibration in a flexible-disk rotor system with lacing wires. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2017, 31(2): 577-586. [38] Y.J. Chiu and S.R. Jian. Nanoindentation Study of FePt Thin Films Deposited by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2016, 8(3): 260-265. [39] W.F. Peng, S.H. Zheng, Y.J. Chiu, X.D. Shu and L.H. Zhan. Multi-wedge Cross Wedge Rolling Process of 42CrMo4 Large and Long Hollow Shaft. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2016, 45(4): 836-842. [40] H. B. Huang, Y. J. Chiu and X. X. Jin. Three-dimensional global pattern prediction for tyre treads wear. Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2015, 229(2): 197-213. [41] Y.J. Chiu* and C.H. Yang. The coupled vibration in a rotating multi-disk rotor system with grouped blades. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2014, 28(5): 1653-1662. [42] H. B. Huang, Y. J. Chiu and X. X. Jin. Numerical calculation of irregular tire wear caused by tread self-excited vibration and sensitivity analysis. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2013, 27(7): 1923-1931. [43] Y.J. Chiu and D.Z. Chen. The coupled vibration in a rotating multi-disk rotor system. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2011, 53(1): 1-10. (中科院1区, Top期刊, 高质量T1期刊) [44] Y.J. Chiu and S.C. Huang. The influence of a mistuned blade’s staggle angle on the vibration and stability of a shaft-disk-blade assembly. Shock and Vibration. 2008, 15(1): 3-17. [45] Y.J. Chiu and S.C. Huang. The influence of a cracked blade on rotor’s free vibration. ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2008, 130(5): 054502. (高质量T1期刊) [46] Y.J. Chiu and S.C. Huang. The influence on coupling vibration of a rotor system due to a mistuned blade length. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2007, 49(4): 522-532. (中科院1区, Top期刊, 高质量T1期刊) [47] Y.J. Chiu, Y. Kang, C.P. Chiang, C.C. Wang and T.W. Lin. The minimization method of measuring errors for balancing asymmetrical rotors. JSME International Journal, Series C, 2003, 46(3): 1017-1025. [48] Y.J. Chiu*, T.Y. Xue, H.P. Shang, K.L. Yu, D.Z. Chen and M.H. Huang. Research on the Evolution Mechanism and Application of Chinese Culture's Influence on the United States, Russia, Germany, India, and Japan Based on Multisource Heterogeneous Spatiotemporal Trajectory Data. Science. 2025, submitted. (Top 2 期刊) [49] Y.J. Chiu, Y.H. Yao and S.R. Jian. Unveiling the deformation behaviors of LuVO4 single crystal by using nanoindentation and finite element analysis. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2025, submitted. (中科院2区, Top期刊) [50] Y.J. Chiu, S.H. Li and S.R. Jian. Finite element simulation and experiment of microstructure effects on indentation failure mechanism of AlN thin film/Si (111) substrate coating. Acta Materialia. 2025, submitted. (中科院1区, Top期刊, 高质量T1期刊) [51] Y.J. Chiu, T.Y. Xue and S.R. Jian. Design of Recycling and Grasping System Based on Machine Vision in Special Situations. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences. 2025, submitted. (中科院2区) [52] Y.J. Chiu, S.H. Li, Y.X. Gu, C.H. Yang and S.R. Jian. The influence of blade cracks on the thermoelastic coupled vibration of flexible disk rotor systems with wavelet packet decomposition technique. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2025, submitted. (中科院1区, Top期刊, 高质量T1期刊) [53] Y.J. Chiu, W.B. Hong and S.R. Jian. Optimal vehicle allocation for an Automated Materials Handling System using four algorithms compares and improved. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2025, submitted. (中科院1区, Top期刊, 高质量T1期刊) 2. EI等正刊收录: [1] J.T. Chen, T.Y. Xue, K.L. Yu, Y.M. Chang and Y.J. Chiu. Integrating machine learning and morphogenetic methods to evaluate constructivist educational theory: A case study of Chinese teacher trainees. Journal of Network Intelligence. 2025, 10(4): 1-33. (EI) [2] Y.X. Gu, Y.J. Chiu* and Y.J. Shih. Application of convolutional block attention module in marine biodiversity research using convolutional blocks:A deep learning method for pike genus recognition. Journal of Network Intelligence. 2024, 9(4): 2438-2458. (EI) [3] Y.J. Chiu*, W.Z. Wang, Y.C Hu, S.Y. Lien and B.R. Zhang. Maximum power development under varying solar radiation based on hysteresis-loop comparison of selected duty-cycle perturbation algorithms on a mobility scooter. Journal of Network Intelligence. 2023, 8(4): 1540-1556. (EI) [4] G.B. Sun, S. Zhou and Y.J. Chiu*. Motor torque control strategy of pure electric bus based on fuzzy reasoning. Journal of Network Intelligence. 2023, 8(1): 235-256. (EI) [5] G.B. Sun, Y.J. Chiu*, G.W. Lu and M. Xiong. The study of dynamic programming with fuzzy logic energy design and simulation of gear shift for electric vehicles. Journal of Network Intelligence. 2019, 4(3): 88-99. (EI) [6] G.B. Sun, Y.J. Chiu*, J.H. Cao and Y. Wang. A dynamic programming based fuzzy logic energy management strategy for series-parallel hybrid electric vehicles. Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. 2019, 10(2): 422-433. (Scopus) [7] K.K. Sun, Y.J. Chiu*, Y.C. Chen and Y.X. Wang. A 2D-3D non-contact anthropometric method for daily dressing state — takes young Asian women as example. Journal of Measurements in Engineering. 2017, 5(3): 161-175. (ESCI) [8] S.C. Huang and Y.J. Chiu. Shaft-torsion and blade-bending coupling vibrations in a rotor system with grouped blades. Journal of System Design and Dynamics. 2007, 1(4): 748-759. (JSME) [9] S.C. Huang, Y.J. Chiu and Y.J. Lu. Damping property and vibration analysis of blades with viscoelastic layers. Journal of System Design and Dynamics. 2007, 1(2): 340-351. (JSME) 3. EI会议 [1] T.Y. Xue and Y.J. Chiu. Characters pose detection and tracking based on deep learning, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2025, Accept. [2] K. Li and Y.J. Chiu. Design and analysis of intelligent wheelchair structure with climbing and obstacle crossing function. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2025, Accept. [3] Y.H. Yao and Y.J. Chiu. Design of lifting equipment of wafer unmanned track carrier. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2025, Accept. [4] W.B. Hong, Y.J. Chiu and J.Y. Yang. Analysis of double column stacker structure. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2025, Accept. [5] Y.X. Gu, Y.J. Chiu and M. Li. Mechanism design of short distance food transmission robot. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2025, Accept. [6] Y.Y. Yuan,, Y.J. Chiu and W.Q. Yang. Resource recovery vehicle picking up resource recovery bin robot arm structure design. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2023, 347: 203-217. [7] Y. Wu, Y.J. Chiu and T.H. Deng. Design of intelligent baby walker. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2023, 347: 239-249. [8] W.Z. Wang, Y.J. Chiu and L.J. Zhan. Design analysis and optimization of the anti-collision structure of the four-wheel electric scooter. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022, 277: 19-27. [9] B. Li, J.M. Yi, Y.J. Chiu and Z.Z. Xie. Design and optimization of electric vehicle seat. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022, 277: 29-38. [10] B. Li, Y.J. Chiu, J.M. Yi and C.Y. Qiu. Design and optimization of spring in damping system of new energy electric vehicle. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022, 277: 39-48. [11] W.Z. Wang, Y.J. Chiu and Z.P. Gan. Simulation analysis and optimization of body structure and strength of the four-wheel low-speed electric vehicle. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022, 277: 49-58. [12] Y.Z. Zhao and Y.J. Chiu. Design and Optimization of the Seat of the Elderly Scooter Based on Solar Energy. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022, 268: 211-219. [13] Y.Z. Zhao, Y.J. Chiu and S.H. Zhao. Design and Optimization of the Seat of New Energy Electric Vehicle. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2022, 268: 327-337. [14] Q.C Li and Y.J. Chiu. Research and Simulation Analysis of Brake Energy Recovery Control Strategy for Pure Electric Vehicles. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020, 1107: 103-110. [15] Q.C Li, Y.J. Chiu, G.W. Weng and H.D. Huang. Structure design and analysis of elderly electric vehicle based on solar energy. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020, 1107: 117-124. [16] P.F. Peng, Y.J. Chiu and X.Y. Li. Research on coupling vibration of disc crack and shaft crack of rotor system based on finite element method. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020, 1107: 111-116. [17] G.W. Weng, Y.J. Chiu, Q.C Li and W.J. Liu. Structural design and analysis of ring steering wheel for old-age walking vehicle. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020, 1107: 125-133 [18] S.W. Zheng, Y.J. Chiu and X.D. Chen. Design and analysis of solar balance car. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2019, 891: 248-255. [19] X.Y. Li, Y.J. Chiu and H. Mu. Design and analysis of greenhouse automated guided vehicle. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2019, 891: 256-263. [20] X.Y. Li and Y.J. Chiu. Design and analysis of tool wear detection mechanism. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019, 542: 872-849. [21] Q. Pan, Y.J. Chiu and Q.Q. Feng. Design and simulate of golf putter. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 574: 27-31. [22] C. Zhu, Y.J. Chiu and Q. Pan. The Study of Localization Phenomenon of Three Automobiles. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 574: 243-246. [23] L.L. Lu, Y.J. Chiu, C.H. Yang and L.M. Chang. The Dynamic Analysis of the Twin-lift Lattice Crane Truss. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 419: 38-42. [24] Z.M. Feng, Y.J. Chiu and H.H. Chen. Design and simulate of golf wood club. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 419: 438-441 [25] J.J. Mo, Y.J. Chiu and D.Z. Chen. Design of wearable lower limb rehabilitation device. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 721: 661-665. [26] Y.J. Chiu, C.H. Yang, L.M. Chang and K.S. Leong. The study of HEPA/ULPA filters efficiency certification with properties of semiconductor materials in semiconductor industry. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 643: 120-124. [27] L.L. Lu, Y.J. Chiu, L.M. Chang and C.H. Yang. The static design and dynamic analysis of the lattice crane truss. ASCE, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. 2012, 755-762. [28] X.W. Zhang, Y.J. Chiu and C.H. Yang. Design and experiment of ultrasonic cleaning for crops. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 201-202: 697-700. [29] Y.J. Chiu and C.H. Yang. The dynamic analysis of the tennis racket with the ball impact in the different area. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 201-202:701-706. [30] X. Chen, Y.J. Chiu and D.Z. Chen. Design of wearable upper limb orthosis for training and rehabilitation without actuator. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 201-202: 864-870. [31] Y.J. Chiu, K.S. Leong and L.M. Chang. CPC and SMPS systems of monitoring airborne nanoparticles-theory and experiment. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 101-102: 60-66. [32] Y.J. Chiu, D.Z. Chen and C.H. Yang, The influence on coupling vibration of a rotor system with grouped blades due to a mistuned lacing wire. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 101-102: 1119-1125. 4.CPCI收录: [1] X.Y. Li, Y.J. Chiu, K.K. Sun and D. Su. The design of solar bike. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2017, 156: 78-84 [2] X.Y. Li, Y.J. Chiu, K.K. Sun and Z.L. Sun. Structure design of pure electric car. Advances in Computer Science Research. 2017, 73: 250-256. [3] X.Y. Li, Y.J. Chiu, K.K. Sun and D. S. Lin. Vibration analysis of turbine rotor system, Advances in Computer Science Research. 2017, 73: 818-822. [4] K.K. Sun and Y.J. Chiu, The study of non-contact anthropometry technique and method in natural wearing state. Advances in Computer Science Research. 2017, 61: 292-298. [5] K.K. Sun, Y.J. Chiu, C.H. Yang and Y.X. Wang. The Effect of Three Kinds of Motion Mode on Cardio Respiratory System. Advances in Engineering Research. 2016, 687-690. [6] D.S. Lin and Y.J. Chiu. The Study of Vibration Phenomenon of Hard-Disk Disk. Advances in Computer Science Research. 2016, 378-382. [7] Z.M. Feng and Y.J. Chiu. Research of the development of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance in China: based on the empirical of H7N9 avian influenza. DEStech Publications, ICIEMS proceeding. 2013, 448-453. [8] T.R. Shi, Y.J. Chiu, L.Y. Chen, J.K. Du and Z.M. Feng. Design and simulate of golf iron club. International Conference on Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation Engineering. 2014, 192-195. 5. 学报: [1] 康喜军, 田牧纯一, 久保明彦, 邱亦睿。 金刚石砂轮的ECD修锐和整形研磨及其对硬脆材料的加工。 金刚石与磨料磨具工程。 2021, 41(3): 12-18。 [2] 杨嘉豪, 邱亦睿, 林宝城。 轴弯与圆盘失衡于转子系统之动态特性分析。 北台湾学报。 2009, 32: 33-50。 [3] 杨嘉豪, 林宝城, 邱亦睿。 网球拍振动特性分析。 北台湾学报。 2008, 31: 75-87。 [4] 杨嘉豪, 邱亦睿, 林宝城, 林高安。人体运动模式对生理之影响。北台湾学报。2007, 30: 229-246。 [5] 邱亦睿, 杨嘉豪, 林宝城。 起重机伸臂结构之动态分析。 北台湾学报。2007, 30: 1-16。 [6] 杨嘉豪, 林宝城, 邱亦睿, 高敏淇。 人体不同高度着地时肢段之振动响应分析。 北体学报。 2007, 15: 105-116。 [7] 邱亦睿, 杨嘉豪。 起重机伸臂格子桁架(I)-静态性能设计。 光武学报, 2004, 27: 33-44。


[1] 中国振动工程学会转子动力学专业委员会, 委员。 [2] 厦门市中等法院, 知识产权法庭, 知识产权审判咨询专家。 [3] IJCST等,SCI多个期刊编委。 [4] 义守大学等,台湾多所高校博士研究生导师。
