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Qualifications Ph.D Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, UK ("The Metabolism of Dimethylsulfide in the Bacteria") B.Sc Biochemistry, King's College London, UK Professional membership Fellow, Linnean Society of London (FLS) Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society (FRMS) Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Member, Society for General Microbiology Member, Society for Applied Microbiology


My current research programme spans physiology, ecology, biochemistry, taxonomy and environmental process, including soil and freshwater geochemistry. My main thrusts of work concern the microbial transformations of metals, metalloids and sulfur in a range of environments. Active research projects can be split into pure and applied aspects though other smaller projects are on-going. My past interests in "one carbon" or "C1" metabolism and that of methylated sulfur compounds has largely come to a natural close now and my interests instead focus primarily on inorganic ions found in the environment and the minerals from which they derive.


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Boden R, Hutt LP, Huntemann M, Clum A, Pillay M, Palaniappan K, Varghese N, Mikhailova N, Stamatis D & Reddy T 2016 'Permanent draft genome of Thermithiobacillus tepidarius DSM 3134T, a moderately thermophilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic member of the Acidithiobacillia' Standards in Genomic Sciences 11, (1) , DOI PEARL Boden R 2012 'Emended description of the genus Methylophaga Janvier et al. 1985' International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62, (7) 1644-1646 Antony CP, Doronina NV, Boden R, Trotsenko YA, Shouche YS & Murrell JC 2012 'Methylophaga lonarensis sp. nov., a novel moderately haloalkaliphilic methylotroph isolated from the soda lake sediments of a meteorite impact crater' International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Boden R, Cleland D, Green PN, Katayama Y, Uchino Y, Murrell JC & Kelly DP 2012 'Phylogenetic assessment of culture collection strains of Thiobacillus thioparus, and definative 16S rRNA gene sequences for T. thioparus, T. denitrificans and Halothiobacillus neapolitanus' Archives of Microbiology 194, 187-195 Boden R, Murrell JC & Schäfer H 2011 'Dimethylsulfide is an energy source for the heterotrophic marine bacterium Sagittula stellata' FEMS Microbiology Letters 322, 188-193 Hung W-L, Wade W, Boden R, Kelly DP & Wood AP 2011 'Facultative methylotrophs from the human oral cavity and methylotrophy in strains of Gordonia, Leifsonia and Microbacterium' Archives of Microbiology 193, 407-417 Boden R, Borodina E, Wood AP, Kelly DP, Murrell JC & Schäfer H 2011 'Purification and characterization of dimethylsulfide monooxygenase from Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans' Journal of Bacteriology 193, (5) 1250-1258 , DOI Boden R & Murrell JC 2011 'Response to mercury (II) ions in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath)' FEMS Microbiology Letters Boden R, Ferriera S, Johnson J, Kelly DP & Murrell JC 2011 'The draft genome of the chemolithoheterotrophic halophilic methylotroph Methylophaga thiooxydans DMS010' Journal of Bacteriology 193, 3154-3155 Antony CP, Kumaresan D, Ferrando F, Boden R, Moussard H, Scavino AF, Shouche Y & Murrell JC 2010 'Active methylotrophs in the sediments of Lonar Lake, a saline and alkaline ecosystem formed by meteor impact' ISME Journal 4, 1470-1480
